Its not your mothers Girl Scouts any more....
(too old to reply)
Gunner Asch
2014-02-05 11:18:22 UTC

Millions more asked to 'just say no' to Girl Scout cookies
Buying 'serves only to facilitate a very liberal pro-abortion agenda'
Published: 1 day ago
Bob Unruh

An organization with millions of supporters that focuses on family and
biblical values has joined the boycott of Girl Scout cookies.

In a statement on its website, the American Family Association said,
“It’s hard to say no to those little girls in the green and brown
sashes, but buying Girl Scout cookies serves only to further
facilitate a very liberal pro-abortion agenda.”

WND reported the American Life League, the nation’s oldest Catholic
pro-life education and advocacy group, recently warned people away
from purchasing Girl Scout cookies.

“The Girl Scouts was once a trusted organization dedicated to
character building in young girls and women. Now, GSUSA is abusing
that trust,” said Judie Brown, president of ALL. “Most parents and
grandparents remain painfully unaware the GSUSA has introduced
so-called ‘family planning’ ideology in its curriculum and promotes
groups like Planned Parenthood to our daughters and granddaughters.”

The American Family Association, with its several million
constituents, said that as Girl Scouts USA begins its annual cookie
sale, it is asking people “to consider what the organization supports
with all that dough.”

AFA has built a reputation for mobilizing constituents to act on its
boycotts, and has special divisions called OneMillionMoms.com and
others that specifically work to influence corporate America.

It cited a recent report by Christy Volanski for LifeNews.com.

Volanski’s daughters, Sydney and Tess, who are former Girl Scouts,
created the website Speak Now Girl Scouts, which documents the links
between the scouting group and Planned Parenthood, the biggest
abortion provider in the nation.

She wrote that while Girl Scouts assures concerned members that the
national organization has no partnership with Planned Parenthood, it
“omits the fact that it allows every local Girl Scout council – the
arm of Girl Scouts that actually connects with girl members in their
local communities – to work with Planned Parenthood.”

She cited a statement from Girl Scouts spokeswoman Michelle Tompkins
affirming that the local connections are possible.

Volanski explained that Girl Scouts of Northern California “refers ‘at
risk’ girls to Planned Parenthood for help with family planning,” that
“Girl Scouts of San Diego featured a Planned Parenthood ‘Community
Engagement Manager’ as a speaker” and that “Girl Scouts of Western New
York works with Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion groups in
programs aimed at tween/teen girls to reduce teen pregnancy.”

Also, she explains, the group is part of several organizations,
including the coalition for Adolescent Girls and the World Association
of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, which advocate for abortion.

Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger also is cited as an
“eloquent woman” to young girls, she wrote.

“As Christy clearly outlines in her article, ‘GSUSA will try to assure
you that all the proceeds from cookie sales stay local to benefit
girls in their community.’ What they fail to mention is that GSUSA
makes millions of dollars each year through licensing fees paid by the
baker. It’s money like that that goes to promote the Girl Scout’s
partnership with Planned Parenthood,” AFA said.

“When they knock on your door, just say, ‘No, thank you.’ No
explanation is needed,” AFA wrote.

ALL leaders suggested one step further.

Executive Director Paul Rondeau told WND it’s important to start
informing family and friends who are inclined to purchase the cookies
that “at the end of the day, Girl Scout cookies are supporting this

“It’s not enough to not buy the cookies,” he said. “Somebody has to
know, up the line, why you’re not buying the cookies.”

WND has documented the links between the Girl Scouts and Planned

It was on NBC in 2004 when Kathy Cloning, CEO of the Girl Scouts,
admitted the group “partners with Planned Parenthood across the
country to bring information based sex education programs to girls.”

The STOPP program run by American Life League, which monitors Planned
Parenthood, earlier surveyed 350 councils to ask if they had any
involvement with the abortion provider. Eighty percent refused to
answer, 17 councils said they did and 49 said they don’t.

The Catholic group ALL said it “hopes that the cookie boycott will
raise awareness with parents and grandparents that Girl Scouts is no
longer the organization they grew up with and once trusted.”

“There are more wholesome ways to spend the cookie money,” the group’s
statement said.

Others are joining in the boycott.

Penny Nance, president Concerned Women for America, said her group
encourages women to “shop their values.”

Penny Nance

“The Girl Scouts of America went off track years ago and I turned in
my sash in response,” she said. “Their alliance with Planned
Parenthood and the left is not new. Of course we have members who are
leaders and choose to try to make the organization better from the
inside and we support them in that endeavor. However, I specially
chose to not allow my daughter to join. We encourage families of faith
to consider alternatives like Heritage Girls and others.”

Nance said the Girl Scouts “for a long time have been promoting an
agenda that is contrary to their founding principles as well as what
is best of girls’ well-being.”

Concerned Women for America’s Janice Shaw Crouse said Girl Scout
policy on sexual morality, “which focuses on self-discovery and
protection rather than sexual abstinence, is a major problem when STDs
are rampant among 15-25-year-olds and teen pregnancy while not
increasing remains too high.”

“The Girl Scouts formerly embraced the Judeo-Christian values that
Americans once grew up with – love of God, love of country, treating
others fairly and living wholesome lives. Now, Girl Scouts are more
focused on indoctrinating girls on the so-called women’s rights
agenda,” she said.

John Pisciotta, director of Pro-Life Waco, who is spearheading the
boycott effort,” said he’s “offended that the Girl Scouts honor
pro-abortion activists like Wendy Davis and Kathleen Sebelius and hold
them up as leaders to be emulated by our young women and girls.”

Davis, a Texas state lawmaker, filibustered new health regulations in
her state last year because they would disallow abortions on unborn
babies after 20 weeks. The regulations also would require abortionists
to be able to admit patients who have serious complications to

Rondeau said Sebelius, HHS secretary and former governor of Kansas,
“is so extreme in promoting abortion that her own bishop of the
Catholic church took the extraordinary measure of banning her from
receiving the church’s highest sacrament, Holy Communion.”

WND has reported on a variety of activities on the part of Girl Scouts
that conservatives and religious believers might find objectionable,
including when the organization was found touting a pro-abortion

Girl Scouts also marched in a homosexual promotion in San Francisco
and were found to be removing “God” from their “Girl Scout Promise.”

They also have incorporated stone labyrinths, global warming, yoga,
avatars, smudging incense, Zen gardens and lesbian role models into
their teachings.

In a lesson called “Amaze: The Twists and Turns of Getting Along,”
girls were taught that they should read Buddha and explore mazes and
stone or dirt labyrinths – symbols rooted in pagan mythology and
popular within the New Age movement as meditation tools.

They also were introduced to Polish poet Anna Swir, known for her
feminist and erotic poems, and Jane Addams, an ardent feminist and

WND also has reported on numerous “whistleblower” forums that strive
to expose the truth behind the Girl Scouts agenda.

One website documenting the perversion to which Girl Scouts are
exposed, SpeakNowGirlScouts.com, says: “This is not your mother’s Girl
Scouts any longer.”

This is what they are teaching their girls?


"Virtually all members of [radical] groups sincerely believe that
they are fighting the Establishment. In reality they are an indespensible ally
of the Establishment in fastening Socialism on all of us.
The naive radicals think that under Socialism the "people" will run everything.
Actually, it will be a clique of Insiders in total control, consolidating and
controlling all wealth. That is why these schoolboy Lenins and teenage Trotskys
are allowed to roam free and are practically never arrested or prosecuted.
They are protected. If the Establishment wanted the revolutionaries stopped,
how long do you think they would be tolerated?

Leon Trotsky

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2014-02-05 11:32:40 UTC
On Wed, 05 Feb 2014 03:18:22 -0800, Gunner Asch reposted mindless drivel
Post by Gunner Asch
She wrote that while Girl Scouts assures concerned members that the
national organization has no partnership with Planned Parenthood, it
“omits the fact that it allows every local Girl Scout council – the arm
of Girl Scouts that actually connects with girl members in their local
communities – to work with Planned Parenthood.”
In other words, this group of bigots wants to ensure young girls are
prevented from accessing any other form of sex education other than their

When I worked with teenage scouts, speakers from both side of the pro-
life/termination were always invited to speak. If parents didn't want
their child to hear any side, they didn't give permission for the night.
End of story.
Michael A. Terrell
2014-02-05 22:16:18 UTC
Post by Gunner Asch
Millions more asked to 'just say no' to Girl Scout cookies
Buying 'serves only to facilitate a very liberal pro-abortion agenda'
Published: 1 day ago
Bob Unruh
An organization with millions of supporters that focuses on family and
biblical values has joined the boycott of Girl Scout cookies.
In a statement on its website, the American Family Association said,
“It’s hard to say no to those little girls in the green and brown
sashes, but buying Girl Scout cookies serves only to further
facilitate a very liberal pro-abortion agenda.”
I have no trouble telling them that I can't eat their sugar laden
Steve from Colorado
2014-02-05 22:38:38 UTC
Post by Michael A. Terrell
Post by Gunner Asch
Millions more asked to 'just say no' to Girl Scout cookies
Buying 'serves only to facilitate a very liberal pro-abortion agenda'
Published: 1 day ago
Bob Unruh
An organization with millions of supporters that focuses on family and
biblical values has joined the boycott of Girl Scout cookies.
In a statement on its website, the American Family Association said,
“It’s hard to say no to those little girls in the green and brown
sashes, but buying Girl Scout cookies serves only to further
facilitate a very liberal pro-abortion agenda.”
I have no trouble telling them that I can't eat their sugar laden
Not to mention that it's usually their parents selling the cookies to
co-workers at the workplace, which often involves a subtle coercion if
you are a subordinate to the person selling the cookies.
It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education. Albert
Einstein http://globalgulag.us
Michael A. Terrell
2014-02-06 01:26:44 UTC
Post by Steve from Colorado
Post by Michael A. Terrell
I have no trouble telling them that I can't eat their sugar
laden junk.
Not to mention that it's usually their parents selling the cookies to
co-workers at the workplace, which often involves a subtle coercion
if you are a subordinate to the person selling the cookies.
I haven't been able to work in a long time, but I let it be known
that I didn't buy anything to eat from people where I worked. Tools,
electronics and a slant six engine? Yes. Candy or cookies? NO. They
also couldn't pressure me into donating to their favorite charities.
2014-02-06 03:14:52 UTC
Post by Steve from Colorado
Not to mention that it's usually their parents selling the cookies to
co-workers at the workplace, which often involves a subtle coercion if
you are a subordinate to the person selling the cookies.
Luckily the Vice President in charge of cookie sales at our place got canned
last summer. He wasn't pushy about it and I'd generally buy a couple of
boxes that I never ate. I remember schlocking ribbon candy as a Boy Scout
and it isn't a fond memory. Any help from friends and relatives was greatly
2014-02-06 03:00:32 UTC
Post by Gunner Asch
An organization with millions of supporters that focuses on family and
biblical values has joined the boycott of Girl Scout cookies.
Yeah, but those orange coconut chocolate stripey things are so good...

While loitering around the dentist's office last week I leafed through a
copy of Boy's Life. Much smaller format, and obviously current with the
technology, but I was surprised how little it has changed in 50 years or so.
Pedro is still there, along with the corny jokes 10 year olds find
hilarious. What amazed me was the illustrated Bible story. I'm glad to see
at least some people aren't bowing before the PC Police.
2014-02-07 03:14:28 UTC
Post by Gunner Asch
Millions more asked to 'just say no' to Girl Scout cookies
Buying 'serves only to facilitate a very liberal pro-abortion agenda'
Boy, there is Darwin in action. A self-correcting system if I ever saw
one. No more little girls to grow up to be scouts. No more GS
organization. No more agenda. Wonder if the system oscillates?
