Violent gang rape of minor leads to 11 illegals in border patrol custody
(too old to reply)
D. Ray
2023-10-17 16:03:38 UTC
Bemidji, Minnesota – A Mexican resident of Texas was charged following the
violent kidnapping and gang rape of multiple underage girls. According to
reports, the suspect was arrested alongside 11 illegal immigrants who were
placed into U.S. Border Patrol custody after an investigation.

Court documents revealed that 22-year-old Oscar Ernesto Luna was arrested
and charged with 1st-degree criminal sexual conduct concerning a brutal
gang rape of young girls in a small Minnesota town. If convicted, Luna—a
Mexican allegedly from Mission, Texas—could face up to 30 years in prison.

According to reports, Bemidji Police were first called to the Sanford
Bemidji Hospital at 2:15 a.m. on Saturday, September 23rd, after an
underage patient was believed to be the victim of a sexual assault. The
victim, an 11-year-old girl referred to in the documents as V.K., told
investigators that she had been taken to a home in Bemidji by her “auntie,”
a woman later identified as 24-year-old Verna Fairbanks.

V.K. would go on to testify that Fairbanks was intoxicated and “wanted to
go to a party.” The woman then arranged for her and VK to be driven to a
Bemidji home in separate vehicles, where a bag was placed over the young
girl’s head. Court records then assert that Fairbanks forced the young girl
to drink alcohol before being tied up with rope. The victim then claimed
she was forcibly placed in a room with two other young girls where up to
“four Mexican men,” including one nicknamed “Panda,” took turns raping

The document further stated that VK’s abuse was abhorrent and “included the
men penetrating her vagina with their hands and genitals, and the men did
not use a condom.” She was treated for bleeding at the hospital and
described her pain as 8/10 after the assault. Despite her alleged role in
facilitating the rape, Fairbanks was never charged, and police silence on
the issue indicates she may not even be a person of interest.

Medical professionals who treated VK identified “numerous abrasions” on the
victim’s body, including one on her wrist, which was left by the rope used
to tie her up. VK also asserted that rope had been placed around her neck,
a claim later reified by police who claimed they had photographs of the
marks left behind there.

Along with V.K., reports said that one of the girls was raped inside a
nearby closet, and another was left bloody and unconscious in the room.
V.K. claimed that one of the girls helped her escape the makeshift
pedophile den but was grabbed and thrown down the stairs for allowing VK to

According to the documents, Luna was identified as a primary suspect, and
law enforcement executed a search warrant later in the week. Bemidji Police
say during their search of the home, 11 individuals were identified and
placed into U.S Border Patrol custody. They were taken away to be processed
as illegal immigrants, although their role in the alleged rape is still
under investigation.

Luna had multiple active DUI warrants out for his arrest but denied having
any role in the sexual assault. He did admit to knowing Fairbanks, and
would have regular conversations with her via Facebook Messenger, per an
affidavit. His first appearance in court was on the 28th in Beltrami
County. In a request for comment with Valley News Live, Bemidji Police
Chief Mike Mastin said they are still looking for additional victims and

Since the arrests occurred, officials with Border Patrol confirmed two of
the illegal aliens were released, and the rest were transferred to
Immigration and Customs Enforcement/Enforcement and Removal Operations
(ICE/ERO). All 12 were men between the ages of 18 to 56.

“None of these individuals could be immediately identified as suspects in
this case,” the Bemidji Police Department told reporters with Valley News
Live. “Any involvement they may have in this case is still actively being

While Luna may be in custody, emotions ran hot in the town of Bemidji. On
social media, locals quickly aired their disgust at the alleged incident
and expressed concern that local law enforcement was slow to act and
hesitant to bring charges on Fairbanks, a woman who many believed was
complicit in the alleged rape herself.

“I hope they arrested Verna Fairbanks too. An 11-year-old girl! That poor
baby!” read one comment. “They need to put them predators under the jail!
idky they haven’t arrested VERNA FAIRBANKS when in the news articles said
she was the one that brought her there and forced her to get drunk…” Read

One user, however, believed the crime was just part and parcel of life in a
town he believes has “the highest serious crime rate in the state.”

“I keep trying to get more information about the Mexican rapists that
Bemidji police seem to be covering up for,” said Anthony M. Kotula of Grand
Rapids in a scathing post. “The so-called Aunt who set up this crime is
named Verna Fairbanks, and there is a report about it in the post.”

“Bemidji police chief has turned a blind eye to criminals before,” he
continued. “In 2020, I called Bemidji police to see how many people they
arrested for the attacks on police vehicles during a BLM-type protest.
Police Chief responded none….these damn illegal aliens had no business
being allowed in this area. Wonder what Bemidji’s Hispanic mayor has to say
about all of this?”

Kotula’s woes about Bemidji’s soaring crime rate are not unwarranted.
According to the civic data aggregator Neighborhood Scout, the chances that
residents will fall victim to an act of property crime are 1 in 13, while
in Minnesota, the average is 1 in 48. For more violent crimes, the chances
are 1 in 178 and 1 in 317, respectively. While Whites maintain a dominant
foothold in Bemidji, with demographics clocking in at 79.4% White,
Bemidji’s proximity to three major Indian reservations and an escalating
Black/Hispanic population regularly exposes the town to the after-effects
of unchecked diversity.

“Your(sic) not safe anywhere. Bemidji was getting pretty bad while I was
there, young indigenous teens going missing, murders, rapes, drugs,
probably sex trafficking, and who knows what else,” said Facebook user
Nichole Elizabeth in a comment. “I don’t know how anyone, let alone your
own family your supposed to trust, could lure you into something like that.
Who lured the other girls?”

According to federal statistics, the U.S. Border Patrol has seen a
nationwide surge in illegal immigration across the country, documenting
more than 1.8 million so-called “migrant encounters” between October 2022
and August. While the number may appear astronomical, a bombshell report by
the pro-White policy institute, White Papers, revealed that federal
authorities only encounter about 43% of all persons who illegally cross the
border in a given year. The lack of immigration enforcement has led to a
sharp uptick in violent, horrific crimes, and as it stands, Blacks and
so-called “Hispanics” are now responsible for 71.4% of all rapes, 76.5% of
all murders, and 72% of all aggravated assaults in the state of Texas.

Acts of brutal violence and sexual assault at the hands of illegal
immigrants, so-called “asylum seekers,” and foreign-born migrants are not
uncommon in modern America. In August, a newly sheltered Venezuelan migrant
living inside a New York hotel was arrested for the brutal rape of a woman
in front of a three-year-old child. Not long after that, a Black migrant
from the Congo was also arrested for the sexual assault and unlawful
detainment of a female employee. The back-to-back sexual assaults prompted
Democratic New York Governor Kathy Hochul to deploy the National Guard.

Have a story? Please forward any tips or leads to the editors at


Klaus Schadenfreude
2023-10-17 16:09:17 UTC
Bemidji, Minnesota – A Mexican resident of Texas was charged following the
violent kidnapping and gang rape of multiple underage girls.
When you fuck your sister that's rape too.
Nazi lie site not read
D. Ray
2023-11-07 15:30:25 UTC
The biggest legacy, by far, of the Biden administration will be the
complete opening of the flood gates to the third world for years in a
no-holds-barred effort to bring about the demographic minority status of
White America as fast as possible.

This phenomenon is so marked, even mainstream Zionist-globalist papers like
the WSJ are in awe of it.

The biggest legacy of the Republican Party, during this same period, will
be their almost total inaction in the face of it, because they also
secretly welcome the coming "multi-racial coalition" of GOP voters.