Radical left trashed San Francisco. Can city leaders fix it?
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Ryan Newman
2023-06-27 00:42:14 UTC
I recommend they exterminate the entire city and burn it down. San
Francisco is the end result of faggots, left-wing liberalism,
Democrats and unions.
San Francisco has been in rapid decline since the Black Lives Matter
movement held the city hostage in 2020. Now, we’re watching the city die
in real time. Without quick and substantive measures to reverse course,
one of the nation’s leading cities will become a cautionary tale against
embracing the radical left’s agenda.

Bustling with tourists and locals enjoying the city’s shopping district
and high-end hotels, Union Square was considered the heart of the City by
the Bay — at least until 2020. That was when, coinciding with the COVID-19
pandemic, city leaders opted to hand over power to the radical left in the
aftermath of the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

There’s been a mass exodus of the Union Square neighborhood's top
retailers since, like Saks off 5th and Nordstrom, driven by the city’s
culture of lawlessness. Homeless addicts commit petty crimes to help feed
their drug habit. Opportunistic criminals exploit lax approaches to crime.


The Westfield mall has emerged as the epitome of San Francisco’s
struggles. Aside from frequent theft, security guards have been stabbed,
and a homeless person allegedly sexually assaulted a customer while hiding
out in a mall bathroom.

Claire’s jewelry complained of rampant shoplifting before closing. Staff
with Ted Baker clothing reported violent homeless people continue to roam
the mall. They were once forced to lock their doors after someone
threatened "to bring a gun to shoot everyone, and telling our team that
they will wait for them and rape them on their way home."

Westfield handed the mall to lenders as its retail shops abandoned them
and city leaders failed to deliver on promises "to find solutions to the
key issues and lack of enforcement against rampant criminal activity."

Whole Foods closed its flagship store in the Mid-Market neighborhood. The
store suffered frequent theft and angry homeless people. The death of a
30-year-old man from a fentanyl and methamphetamine overdose in the
store’s bathroom likely made the decision to close easier.

As I say in my forthcoming book "What’s Killing America: Inside the
Radical Left’s Tragic Destruction of Our Cities," San Francisco’s death
spiral can be directly attributed to radical left policies and approaches
implemented after the famously far-left city embraced the BLM movement.

San Francisco defunded police, diverting $120 million to fund Black
community initiatives. It was meant as "a gesture of reparations for
decades of city policymaking that have created or exacerbated deep
inequities for San Francisco’s African American residents."

George Soros-wannabe District Attorney Chesa Boudin ended gang
enhancements, falsely characterizing them as "infused with racism" because
they’re often used against Latino and black defendants. But both
demographics, according to the state of California, make up the vast
majority of gang members.

Boudin also pushed too many criminals into diversion programs, rather than
jail where they belonged. With 33% of cases headed to diversion in 2021
(versus the average 11% from 2011-2019, before he took office), prolific
offenders had little fear of punishment. Even if they were prosecuted,
Boudin’s office only had a 33% conviction rate in 2021 (versus a 61%
average from 2011-2019).

San Francisco crime skyrocketed almost immediately, with a 20% year-over-
year increase in homicides in 2020 and then 17% in 2021, compared to 2020.
Burglaries shot up an astonishing 47% in 2020 compared to three previous

Homelessness worsened with police unable to arrest drug dealers or users,
who wouldn’t be prosecuted anyway. It attracted out of town addicts who
knew they could get a quick high without much hassle. Soon, tourists
stopped coming and foot traffic from locals dwindled.

San Francisco voters finally realized their city veered too far to the
left. They pushed Mayor London Breed to refund law enforcement and
recalled Boudin from office in 2022. But by then, the culture of
lawlessness had taken hold. And some still pretend there isn’t a crisis.

Far-left columnists for the San Francisco Chronicle downplayed the closure
of Whole Foods, chastising political pundits for arguing it’s a "telltale
sign of the city’s apocalyptic doomscape."


They blamed the grocery store for being in the wrong neighborhood. They
even blamed shoplifting on the store, citing one worker who said the
liquor section shouldn’t have been by an exit.

One Los Angeles Times reporter even cast doubt that Union Square is dying,
framing the crisis mostly around "reductions in consumer spending," online
shopping, and national retailers changing business strategies. Little
focus was placed on crime, despite the reporter admitting the Bay Area has
the highest property crime rate in the state.

Still, the city is attempting to mitigate the threat and discomfort of
walking downtown with a police crackdown on drug dealing and public use,
but the radical left is trying to stymie progress.

Supervisor Dean Preston demanded the city "end punitive policies,
specifically arresting and incarcerating drug users" because he says it
will lead to more overdoses. One columnist condemned the strategy because
"arrests mean hundreds of lives will be altered forever — job prospects
permanently marred, housing opportunities permanently foreclosed and
distrust of governmental institutions permanently instilled."

It’s unclear how long city leaders can sustain pressure from the radical
left. But if San Francisco is to survive, leaders must ignore the very
radicals who brought the city to the brink. They must allow cops to do
their jobs, push the DA to follow through on charges, demand nonprofit
groups in the homeless industrial complex show meaningful results or lose
funding, and offer tax credits to keep retail afloat while the crime and
homelessness are contained.

Obama murders
2023-06-27 22:49:34 UTC
Obama had her dumb fat white ass killed as soon as he got what he
wanted. It certainly wasn't pussy because he prefers dicks.
The Hawaiian health official who verified the authenticity of President
Obama's birth certificate died in a small plane crash.

The plane, carrying a pilot and eight passengers, went down Wednesday in
the water a half mile off the Hawaiian island of Molokai, the Maui Fire
Department said. The lone fatality was Loretta Fuddy, who has served as
state health director since January 2011. Tom Matsuda, the interim
executive director of Hawaii's health insurance exchange, confirmed
Fuddy's death.

Fuddy, 65, made national news in April 2011 when she verified the
authenticity of certified copies of President Obama's birth certificate.
Obama had requested the release to curb claims by so-called "birthers"
that he was born in Kenya and not eligible to be president.

Makani Kai Air President Richard Schuman told Honolulu-based KITV that he
spoke with the pilot of the single-engine turboprop Cessna Grand Caravan
after the crash.

"What he reported is after takeoff ... there was catastrophic engine
failure," Schuman said. "He did the best he can to bring the aircraft down
safely and he got everybody out of the aircraft."

Schuman said the cause of the engine failure had not yet been determined.
The National Transportation Safety Board was investigating the crash; NTSB
spokesman Eric Weiss said that based on the location of the crash it was
unlikely the plane will be recovered.

"Our hearts are broken," Gov. Neil Abercrombie said in a statement.
"Loretta was deeply loved and respected. She was selfless, utterly
dedicated and committed to her colleagues in the Department of Health and
to the people of Hawaii. Her knowledge was vast; her counsel and advice
always given from her heart as much as from her storehouse of experience."

Matsuda, who worked with Fuddy to set up the state's Obamacare website,
Hawaii Health Connector, called her death "a terrible loss" for the state.

"I worked closely with Director Fuddy on the Affordable Care Act and came
to know and respect her as a passionate advocate for public health and a
warm, caring human being," Matsuda said.

The plane went down about a half-mile northwest of Kalaupapa peninsula,
which was home to a leper colony until 1969. A handful of patients still
live there. The state health director by law remains mayor of part of the
peninsula, and Fuddy was visiting the peninsula in that capacity, state
Health Department spokeswoman Janice Okubo said.

Okubo said the department's deputy director, Keith Yamamoto, also had been
booked on the flight.

Coast Guard Petty Officer Melissa McKenzie said a Coast Guard helicopter
got three passengers out of the water while Maui fire crews picked up five
people. One person swam ashore.

Coon capers
2023-06-27 23:24:44 UTC
The USA had no queer problems until Obama came along. Obama is
responsible for all the queer and coon problems.
PHOENIX – Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio on Thursday unveiled
preliminary results of an investigation, conducted by members of his
volunteer task force, into the authenticity of President Barack Obama's
birth certificate, a controversy that has been widely debunked but that
remains alive for the so-called birther movement.

At a news conference, Arpaio, whose office is facing a federal inquiry
involving alleged racial profiling, said the probe revealed that there was
probable cause to believe Obama's long-form birth certificate released by
the White House in April is a computer-generated forgery. He also said the
selective service card completed by Obama in 1980 in Hawaii also was most
likely a forgery.

"We don't know who the perpetrators are of these documents," Arpaio said,
although he said he doesn't think the president forged the documents.

On Thursday, Obama's campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt offered a light-hearted
dismissal of Arpaio's probe — he tweeted what he referred to as a "live
link" to the sheriff's news conference, but instead provided a link to a
snippet of the old conspiracy-theory based TV series, "The X-Files."

The sheriff said a forensic examination of the electronic document that
the White House provided last year proves that it was not simply scanned
to create a computer file but rather assembled from several pieces, East
Valley Tribune.com reported.

Arpaio's probe comes amid a federal grand jury investigation into the
sheriff's office on criminal abuse-of-power allegations since at least
December 2009, focusing on the sheriff's anti-public corruption squad.
Separately, the U.S. Justice Department has accused Arpaio's office of
racially profiling Latinos, basing immigration enforcement on racially
charged citizen complaints and punishing Hispanic jail inmates for
speaking Spanish. Arpaio denies the allegations and said the investigation
is politically motivated.

Earlier Thursday, the 79-year-old Republican sheriff defended his need to
spearhead the investigation into Obama's birth certificate by saying that
nearly 250 people connected to a conservative Arizona Tea Party group
requested one last summer.

"I'm not going after Obama," said Arpaio, who has criticized the
president's administration for cutting off his federal immigration powers
and conducting the civil rights investigation of his office. "I'm just
doing my job."

Speculation about Obama's birthplace has swirled among conservatives for
years. "Birthers" maintain that Obama is ineligible to hold the country's
highest elected office because, they contend, he was born in Kenya, his
father's homeland. Some contend Obama's birth certificate must be a fake.

Hawaii officials have repeatedly confirmed that Obama was born there,
meaning he's a native-born American, and Obama released a copy of his
long-form birth certificate in April. Courts also have rebuffed lawsuits
over the issue. Of late, the president's re-election campaign has poked
fun at it, selling coffee cups with a picture of the president's birth

Some critics suggest Arpaio's aim is to divert attention from his own
legal troubles while raising his political profile as he seeks a sixth
term this year. The sheriff vehemently denies such strategies are in play.

Critics also have sought Arpaio's resignation over allegations that more
than 400 sex-crimes cases over a three-year period ending in 2007 were
either inadequately investigated or weren't investigated at all by the
Sheriff's Office after the crimes were reported. The Sheriff's Office said
the backlog was cleared up after the problem was brought to Arpaio's

Arpaio has said he took deliberate steps to avoid the appearance that his
investigation is politically motivated. Instead of using taxpayer money,
the sheriff farmed it out to lawyers and retired police officers who are
volunteers in a posse that examines cold cases for him. Other posses
assist deputies in duties that include providing free police protection at
malls during the holiday season or transporting people to jail.

The sheriff remains popular among Republicans. GOP presidential candidates
have courted his endorsement throughout the primary season. At last week's
Republican presidential debate in Arizona, Arpaio won loud cheers. During
a question about Arizona's border woes, former Sen. Rick Santorum said the
government ought to give local police agencies the chance to enforce
immigration law as Arpaio has.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

kenyan queer obama
2023-06-27 23:39:48 UTC
Karma got her fat ass for forging Obama's birth certificate.
HONOLULU (AP) — Hawaii’s former health director who died after a plane she
was traveling in crashed into the ocean was wearing an infant life vest
and the pilot didn’t give a safety briefing before takeoff, according to
details in a National Transportation Safety Board report.

An autopsy determined Loretta Fuddy died of an irregular heartbeat from
hyperventilating after she exited the plane, which landed in choppy water
off the island of Molokai. The pilot and seven other passengers on the
2013 Makani Kai Air flight survived.

Pilot Clyde Kawasaki reported to the NTSB that he heard a loud bang,
followed by an immediate loss of engine power soon after the single-engine
Cessna took off from Molokai, headed for Honolulu. Bleeding badly from
hitting his head on the instrument panel, he started distributing life
vests and seat cushions to passengers to use as flotation devices. “He did
not take time to look for his own life vest as the airplane was filling
with water,” the report said. “After checking to see that the cabin was
empty, he exited through the door at the rear of the cabin.”

The plane sank after about 25 minutes.

The narrative released Wednesday is what the NTSB calls a “factual
report.” It’s considered the second phase of the investigation process.
The next step will be the determination of probable cause, which will be
included in a final report. It’s not clear when a final report will be
released__ possibly a few months, said agency spokesman Keith Holloway.

Investigators determined the 220-pound Fuddy was wearing a partially
inflated infant vest, the report said. A passenger who swam to shore also
had an infant vest.

“In the chaos of making sure everyone had a life vest, an infant life vest
was pulled,” said Makani Kai owner Richard Schuman. He disputed that
passengers weren’t given safety information.

Deputy Health Director Keith Yamamoto, who was traveling with Fuddy, told
the NTSB the pilot didn’t give a safety briefing before takeoff. A married
couple on the flight reported that the pilot asked them who had flown that
morning and said “you know the procedures.”

Kawasaki declined to comment, only saying he had heard about the report’s
details but hadn’t yet read it himself.

Fuddy and Yamamoto were on the flight after an annual visit to Kalaupapa,
where leprosy patients were exiled until 1969. The health department
oversees the settlement, though only a few former leprosy patients live

As the two of them drifted from the plane, Yamamoto noted Fuddy was “not
really saying anything but was breathing very hard and fast,” the report
said. Yamamoto later saw that her eyes were closed and she was no longer
breathing hard.

Fuddy gained attention after deciding to publicly release President Barack
Obama’s Hawaii birth certificate in 2011 to rebut claims he was not born
in the United States.

Lawsuits by Yamamoto and Fuddy’s family against the engine manufacturer
Pratt & Whitney Canada Corp and Makani Kai ended in favorable settlements,
said attorney Rick Fried who represented the plaintiffs. He said he can’t
disclose the amounts.

