Homosexual Veneral Disease & Dementia Are Cutting Through Trumps Core Base Like A Hot Knife Through Butter
(too old to reply)
2021-01-28 00:35:20 UTC
But why should I care? I'm busy ordering the rent boys for the big white
pride rally next Saturday. How many do you think we'll need? Last year we
were swapping them out too often during beer orgy night. I've never been to
one, but they say that at the RNC in Cleveland last year, they took the
number of delegates and doubled it to get a round number. Then we need to
think about preferences. Some like it black, some like them yellow, some
like them latin and others like them plain vanilla. You know, the closer
they are to a young Richard Spencer, the better. Anyway, let us know
because we need to get our order in by Tuesday or the price goes up. Note
that this one is not BYOB (Bring Your Own Boy). Order early and you will
get this years discount for Evangelicals again. That's always popular.

Sieg Heil!
Wilson Woods
2023-05-30 05:54:12 UTC
Marijuana smokers are the largest group of incestuous vermin.
Sarah Barrass and Brandon Machin murdered their two sons and
tried to kill their four other children in Sheffield

Neighbours of a killer incestuous couple have told how they
first suspected they were in a sexual relationship when one of
the children called their uncle "dad".

Sarah Barrass, 35, and 39-year-old Brandon Machin, from
Sheffield, were sentenced to 35-years in jail after murdering
their two teenage sons and plotting to kill four other children.

Barrass and half-brother Machin, the father to all six of her
children, plotted together to kill the youngsters in May,
fearing they would be taken into care.

Now neighbours have revealed they long suspected the pair were
in an incestuous relationship.

"She had two more children and yet there was no sign of a father
and no explanation for how the little ones came to be conceived.

"The only man who was ever seen at the house was her brother,"
one told the MailOnline.

They said: "My suspicions really started when I would watch him
leave the house and shout goodbye, he'd see them in the morning.

"Then after the younger children were born and could talk they'd
slip up and call him 'Dad'.

"I heard it once when the children were leaving the house to go
somewhere and I heard a little voice call 'bye Mum, bye Dad.'
One of the older children shushed the young one and said not to
say that."

It was later revealed in court the devious pair worked together
to strangle their two eldest children, Tristan, 13, and Blake
Barrass, 14, before ensuring their certain deaths by placing bin
bags over their heads.

A court heard on Tuesday how two of the children they had
plotted to murder were under the age of three.

Prosecutors told how the surviving children have said they
wanted their parents to go to prison for "300 years" and one
feared they might "become a murderer".

A packed public gallery also heard how two of the children are
"emotionally broken" by what happened and "repeatedly ask why
and how".

A day before murdering Tristan and Blake on May 24, the sick
pair had also forced the two teenagers, as well as two more of
their children, to take tablets gathered from around the family
home in Sheffield.

Barrass and Machin both expected the mixture, which included
prescribed ADHD medication, to end the lives of all four of them.

But when that failed, they killed Tristan and Blake before
attempting to drown another child in the bath.

Sentencing the two to life jail-terms with a minimum term of 35
years, Mr Justice James Goss told Barrass: "You considered your
love for them and fear of being parted from them entitled you to
take their lives as well as your own."

The pair had both admitted murdering Tristan and Blake, plotting
to murder all six of the children and five counts of attempted
murder, two of which were against the teenagers who died.

Prosecuting the case, Kama Melly QC told Sheffield Crown Court
that, to the outside world, it appeared that Barrass and her
children lived relatively ordinary lives.

"The picture of the Sarah Barrass household prior to the events
in 2019 was, to the outside world, a household of a loving
single mum with six children, heavily supported by her brother
Brandon Machin," she said.

"In fact, unbeknown to everyone but the defendants, Brandon
Machin was in a sexual relationship with his half-sister, Sarah
Barrass, and he was the father of all six children.

"The children believed and even told officers at the scene their
father was dead, having died in the Second World War."

She said it was "clear the relationship between the two
defendants was of a consensual sexual relationship", adding that
friends and relatives described Machin as a "pushover" and said
Barrass "definitely wore the trousers".

The judge also said the pregnancies of the six children had all
been planned.

The prosecutor told how the mother-of-six was heard repeatedly
making remarks such as "I gave you life, I can take it away" to
the children.

The court heard how Barrass had sought help from the local
authority with the youngsters, texting a friend that she had
loved her children "too much to kill them".

The message read: "I've thought of every possible solution to
this mess. Mass murder, putting them all in care, checking in to
the local nut house.

"I love my kids too much to kill them, I can't put them into
care for the same reason."

Miss Melly said that, on May 24, Barrass had strangled Tristan
by wrapping her dressing gown cord around his neck and pulling
on it for around three minutes, while Machin strangled Blake
with his hands.

Following the murders and the attempted murder of the younger
child who was placed in a bath, the mother took the surviving
children, who are all under the age of 13, to the bedroom and
phoned the police.

A case review into the deaths of the two boys by People Services
at Sheffield City Council is now due to take place.

