[Karma is a Bitch!] Judge Rules Rightwing Icon Alex Jones Can't Use Bankruptcy Protection To Avoid Paying Sandy Hook Families
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J. Hammersmith
2023-10-22 01:07:57 UTC
Judge rules Alex Jones can’t use bankruptcy protection to avoid paying Sandy
Hook families

HOUSTON (AP) — A Texas judge has ruled that Infowars host Alex Jones cannot
use bankruptcy protection to avoid paying more than $1.1 billion to families
who sued over his conspiracy theories that the Sandy Hook school massacre was
a hoax.

The decision is another significant defeat for Jones in the wake of juries in
Texas and Connecticut punishing him over spreading falsehoods about the
nation’s deadliest school shooting. U.S. District Judge Christopher Lopez of
Houston issued the ruling Thursday.

Jones filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection last year and more recent
financial documents submitted by his attorneys put his personal net worth
around $14 million. But Lopez ruled that those protections do not apply over
findings of “willful and malicious” conduct.

An attorney for Jones did not immediately return a message seeking comment

On his Infowars website, Jones posted a video saying the judge’s ruling will
have little practical effect because he is over $1 million in debt personally
and has little to pay the Sandy Hook families. He also said he continues to
appeal the verdicts.

“It’s all academic. I don’t have a million dollars,” he said. “My company has
a few million, but that’s just to pay the bills and my product in the future.
So we are literally on empty. So this idea that ... we’re going to take your
money away doesn’t exist because the money doesn’t exist. It’s all political.

“At the end of the day, they won’t take my free speech away,” he said. “I’m
still going to be on the air one way or another.”
April Cool
2023-10-22 02:13:46 UTC
Judge rules Alex Jones canít use bankruptcy protection to avoid paying Sandy
Hook families
HOUSTON (AP) ó A Texas judge has ruled that Infowars host Alex Jones cannot
use bankruptcy protection to avoid paying more than $1.1 billion to families
who sued over his conspiracy theories that the Sandy Hook school massacre was
a hoax.
The decision is another significant defeat for Jones in the wake of juries in
Texas and Connecticut punishing him over spreading falsehoods about the
nationís deadliest school shooting. U.S. District Judge Christopher Lopez of
Houston issued the ruling Thursday.
Jones filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection last year and more recent
financial documents submitted by his attorneys put his personal net worth
around $14 million. But Lopez ruled that those protections do not apply over
findings of ìwillful and maliciousî conduct.
An attorney for Jones did not immediately return a message seeking comment
On his Infowars website, Jones posted a video saying the judgeís ruling will
have little practical effect because he is over $1 million in debt personally
and has little to pay the Sandy Hook families. He also said he continues to
appeal the verdicts.
ìItís all academic. I donít have a million dollars,î he said. ìMy company has
a few million, but thatís just to pay the bills and my product in the future.
So we are literally on empty.
He'd just said that his company (i.e., him) had a few million dollars
"to pay bills." He's lying about not having the money to pay at least
part of these judgments.
So this idea that ... weíre going to take your
money away doesnít exist because the money doesnít exist. Itís all political.
ìAt the end of the day, they wonít take my free speech away,î he said. ìIím
still going to be on the air one way or another.î
Nobody has ever tried to deprive this bozo of speaking freely. Pick a
streetcorner and have at it, fool.
