We Declare All The Beaches In The World Naked Optional!
(too old to reply)
2023-06-05 20:00:04 UTC
The beaches of the world, as of right, belong to all earthlings. As of right, it
is their freedom to do and be whatever they want on them. All sex, all activities
that do not disrupt others' freedoms are hereby seized from all the nations of the
world, and declared as legal! The beaches are not the product of anyone's labor
or capital, but are God's own creations, here millions of years before the human
race was born, the heritage, and inheritance of all humans of the world!

"Do unto others," not "do what thou wilt."

"Do unto others," not "restrict what thou wilt."
2023-06-05 21:44:40 UTC
STOP WITH THE DIATRIBE rec.nude <***@rec.nude.com> AND PUT SOME

#338 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR 6 JUNE 2023 as [#6, #30, #2, #300] /
[#30, #2, #6, #300] /
#378 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR 6 JUNE 2023 as [#6, #30, #2, #300,
#600] /
#742 as [#30, #2, #300, #400, #10] / [#400, #30, #2, #10, #300] = lâbash
(H3847): {UMBRA: #332 % #41 = #4} 1) to dress, wear, clothe, put on
clothing, be clothed; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to put on clothes, be clothed,
wear; 1a2) to put on, be clothed with (fig.); 1b) (Pual) to be fully
clothed; 1c) (Hiphil) to clothe, array with, dress;


#651 as [#40, #400, #200, #10, #1] = Mysía (G3465): {UMBRA: #651 % #41 =
#36} 0) Mysia = 'land of *beach* trees'; 1) a province of Asia Minor on
the shore of the Aegean Sea, between Lydia and Popontis; it included the
cities of Pergamos, Troas, and Assos;

"After they were COME-G2064: to Mysia-G3465, they ASSAYED-G3985: to go
into Bithynia: but the Spirit suffered them not." [Acts 16:7]

#262 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR 6 JUNE 2023 as [#5, #30, #9, #8, #10,
#200] /
#465 as [#5, #30, #9, #70, #50, #300, #1] = érchomai (G2064): {UMBRA:
#826 % #41 = #6} 1) to come; 1a) of persons; 1a1) to come from one place
to another, and used both of *persons* *arriving* *and* *of* *those*
*returning*; 1a2) to appear, make one's appearance, come before the
public; 1b) metaph.; 1b1) to come into being, arise, come forth, show
itself, find place or influence; 1b2) be established, become known, to
come (fall) into or unto; 1c) to go, to follow one;

#324 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR 6 JUNE 2023 as [#80, #5, #10, #100,
#1, #7, #70, #40, #1, #10] /
#452 as [#5, #80, #5, #10, #100, #1, #200, #1, #50] = peirázō (G3985):
{UMBRA: #1003 % #41 = #19} 1) to try whether a thing can be done; 1a) to
attempt, endeavour; 2) to try, make trial of, test: for the purpose of
ascertaining his quantity, or what he thinks, or how he will behave
himself; 2a) in a good sense; 2b) in a bad sense, to test one
maliciously, craftily to put to the proof his feelings or judgments; 2c)
to try or test one's faith, virtue, character, by enticement to sin;
2c1) to solicit to sin, to tempt; i) of the temptations of the devil;
2c2) after the OT usage; i) of God: to inflict evils upon one in order
to prove his character and the steadfastness of his faith; ii) men are
said to tempt God by exhibitions of distrust, as though they wished to
try whether he is not justly distrusted; iii) by *impious* *or* *wicked*
*conduct* to test God's justice and patience, and to challenge him, as
it were to give proof of his perfections.;


The beaches of the world, {@1: Sup: 10 - DEFECTIVENESS, DISTORTION:
HSIEN (#10); Ego: 4 - BARRIER: HSIEN (#4)}

as of right, {@2: Sup: 62 - DOUBT: YI (#72); Ego: 76 - AGGRAVATION: CHU

belong to all earthlings. {@3: Sup: 43 - ENCOUNTERS: YU (#115 - I AM NOT
A SLAYER OF MEN {%5}); Ego: 3 - MIRED: HSIEN (#83)}

As of right, {@4: Sup: 14 - PENETRATION: JUI (#129); Ego: 76 -

it is their freedom to do and be whatever they want on them. {@5: Sup:
44 - STOVE: TSAO (#173 - I AM NOT GIVEN TO UNNATURAL LUST {%27}); Ego: 7

All sex, {@6: Sup: 24 - JOY: LE (#197 - I AM NOT NOISY IN MY SPEECH
{%33}); Ego: 37 - PURITY: TS'UI (#203)}

all activities that do not disrupt others' freedoms are hereby seized
from all the nations of the world, {@7: Sup: 8 - OPPOSITION: KAN (#205);
Ego: 11 - DIVERGENCE: CH'A (#214)}

and declared as legal! {@8: Sup: 70 - SEVERANCE: KE (#275); Ego: 47 -
PATTERN: WEN (#261)}

The beaches are not the product of anyone's labor or capital, {@9: Sup:
19 - FOLLOWING: TS'UNG (#294); Ego: 41 - RESPONSE: YING (#302)}

but are God's own creations, {@10: Sup: 46 - ENLARGEMENT: K'UO (#340);
Ego: 34 - KINSHIP: CH'IN (#336)}

here millions of years before the human race was born, {@11: Sup: 67 -
DARKENING: HUI (#407); Ego: 2 - FULL CIRCLE: CHOU (#338)}

the heritage, {@12: Sup: 45 - GREATNESS: TA (#452); Ego: 52 - MEASURE:
TU (#390)}

and inheritance of all humans of the world! {@13: Sup: 77 - COMPLIANCE:
HSUN (#529); Ego: 49 - FLIGHT: T'AO (#439)}

"Do unto others," {@14: Sup: 7 - ASCENT: SHANG (#536); Ego: 3 - MIRED:
HSIEN (#442)}

not "do what thou wilt." {@15: Sup: 68 - DIMMING: MENG (#604); Ego: 41 -

"Do unto others," {@16: Sup: 79 - DIFFICULTIES: NAN (#683); Ego: 3 -
MIRED: HSIEN (#486)}

not "restrict what thou wilt." {@17: Sup: 59 - MASSING: CHU (#742); Ego:
26 - ENDEAVOUR: WU (#512)}

The beaches of the world, as of right, belong to all earthlings.  As of
right, it is their freedom to do and be whatever they want on them.  All
sex, all activities that do not disrupt others' freedoms are hereby
seized from all the nations of the world, and declared as legal!  The
beaches are not the product of anyone's labor or capital, but are God's
own creations, here millions of years before the human race was born,
the heritage, and inheritance of all humans of the world!
"Do unto others," not "do what thou wilt."
"Do unto others," not "restrict what thou wilt."
Check out our SAVVY module prototype that facilitates a movable /
resizable DIALOG and complex dropdown MENU interface deploying the third
party d3 library.


<http://www.grapple369.com/Savvy/Savvy.zip> (Download resources)
2023-06-05 23:29:50 UTC
The principles of the contrariness between Isfet and Ma'at are
exemplified in a popular tale from the Middle Kingdom, called The
Moaning of the Bedouin:

Those who destroy the lie promote Ma'at;
those who promote the good will erase the evil.
As fulness casts out appetite,
as *clothes* cover the nude and
as heaven clears up after a storm.

In the eyes of the Egyptians, the world was always ambiguous; the
actions and judgments of a king were thought to simplify these
principles in order to keep Ma'at by separating Order from Chaos or Good
from Evil.


    #338 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR 6 JUNE 2023 as [#6, #30, #2, #300] /
[#30, #2, #6, #300] /
    #378 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR 6 JUNE 2023 as [#6, #30, #2, #300,
#600] /
#742 as [#30, #2, #300, #400, #10] / [#400, #30, #2, #10, #300] = lâbash
(H3847): {UMBRA: #332 % #41 = #4} 1) to dress, wear, clothe, put on
clothing, be clothed; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to put on clothes, be clothed,
wear; 1a2) to put on, be clothed with (fig.); 1b) (Pual) to be fully
clothed; 1c) (Hiphil) to clothe, array with, dress;
#651 as [#40, #400, #200, #10, #1] = Mysía (G3465): {UMBRA: #651 % #41 =
#36} 0) Mysia = 'land of *beach* trees'; 1) a province of Asia Minor on
the shore of the Aegean Sea, between Lydia and Popontis; it included the
cities of Pergamos, Troas, and Assos;
"After they were COME-G2064: to Mysia-G3465, they ASSAYED-G3985: to go
into Bithynia: but the Spirit suffered them not." [Acts 16:7]
    #262 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR 6 JUNE 2023 as [#5, #30, #9, #8, #10,
#200] /
#826 % #41 = #6} 1) to come; 1a) of persons; 1a1) to come from one place
to another, and used both of *persons* *arriving* *and* *of* *those*
*returning*; 1a2) to appear, make one's appearance, come before the
public; 1b) metaph.; 1b1) to come into being, arise, come forth, show
itself, find place or influence; 1b2) be established, become known, to
come (fall) into or unto; 1c) to go, to follow one;
    #324 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR 6 JUNE 2023 as [#80, #5, #10, #100,
#1, #7, #70, #40, #1, #10] /
{UMBRA: #1003 % #41 = #19} 1) to try whether a thing can be done; 1a) to
attempt, endeavour; 2) to try, make trial of, test: for the purpose of
ascertaining his quantity, or what he thinks, or how he will behave
himself; 2a) in a good sense; 2b) in a bad sense, to test one
maliciously, craftily to put to the proof his feelings or judgments; 2c)
to try or test one's faith, virtue, character, by enticement to sin;
2c1) to solicit to sin, to tempt; i) of the temptations of the devil;
2c2) after the OT usage; i) of God: to inflict evils upon one in order
to prove his character and the steadfastness of his faith; ii) men are
said to tempt God by exhibitions of distrust, as though they wished to
try whether he is not justly distrusted; iii) by *impious* *or* *wicked*
*conduct* to test God's justice and patience, and to challenge him, as
it were to give proof of his perfections.;
HSIEN (#10); Ego: 4 - BARRIER: HSIEN (#4)}
A SLAYER OF MEN {%5}); Ego: 3 - MIRED: HSIEN (#83)}
44 - STOVE: TSAO (#173 - I AM NOT GIVEN TO UNNATURAL LUST {%27}); Ego: 7
{%33}); Ego: 37 - PURITY: TS'UI (#203)}
all activities that do not disrupt others' freedoms are hereby seized
Ego: 11 - DIVERGENCE: CH'A (#214)}
PATTERN: WEN (#261)}
19 - FOLLOWING: TS'UNG (#294); Ego: 41 - RESPONSE: YING (#302)}
Ego: 34 - KINSHIP: CH'IN (#336)}
DARKENING: HUI (#407); Ego: 2 - FULL CIRCLE: CHOU (#338)}
TU (#390)}
HSUN (#529); Ego: 49 - FLIGHT: T'AO (#439)}
HSIEN (#442)}
MIRED: HSIEN (#486)}
26 - ENDEAVOUR: WU (#512)}
The beaches of the world, as of right, belong to all earthlings.  As
of right, it is their freedom to do and be whatever they want on
them.  All sex, all activities that do not disrupt others' freedoms
are hereby seized from all the nations of the world, and declared as
legal!  The beaches are not the product of anyone's labor or capital,
but are God's own creations, here millions of years before the human
race was born, the heritage, and inheritance of all humans of the world!
"Do unto others," not "do what thou wilt."
"Do unto others," not "restrict what thou wilt."
Check out our SAVVY module prototype that facilitates a movable /
resizable DIALOG and complex dropdown MENU interface deploying the third
party d3 library.


<http://www.grapple369.com/Savvy/Savvy.zip> (Download resources)