Democrat sex criminal Eric Bauman.
(too old to reply)
The Never Studied Science Party
2023-11-19 07:44:03 UTC
Bauman resigned in Nov. 2018 after multiple victims went public with
allegations of misconduct, including sexual harassment and

A 28-year-old man who worked as Bauman’s assistant for nearly two
years claimed that his boss performed “oral sex on him without his
consent” at least three times, according to the Los Angeles Times.
The lawsuit followed an earlier one filed by three former staffers
who alleged both sexual harassment and racial discrimination.

The party’s former communications director told the Wall Street
Journal that Bauman groped or harassed him on “nearly a daily
basis,” called him “baby” and demanded to be called “daddy.” Another
man claimed Bauman groped him at least twice, and yet another man
alleged that Bauman made unwanted sexual advances.
The Never Studied Science Party
2023-11-19 07:49:03 UTC
Bauman resigned in Nov. 2018 after multiple victims went public with
allegations of misconduct, including sexual harassment and

A 28-year-old man who worked as Bauman’s assistant for nearly two
years claimed that his boss performed “oral sex on him without his
consent” at least three times, according to the Los Angeles Times.
The lawsuit followed an earlier one filed by three former staffers
who alleged both sexual harassment and racial discrimination.

The party’s former communications director told the Wall Street
Journal that Bauman groped or harassed him on “nearly a daily
basis,” called him “baby” and demanded to be called “daddy.” Another
man claimed Bauman groped him at least twice, and yet another man
alleged that Bauman made unwanted sexual advances.
