Trump Flees To Europe? (Trump Rape Trial ...
(too old to reply)
bruce bowser
2023-04-28 23:08:43 UTC
"The former US president Donald Trump is to visit Ireland ... It has been indicated the resort expects the 76-year-old to land at Shannon Airport on May 3 for a stay. The last time the former president visited Ireland in 2019 he was still in office."

Donald Trump To Follow in Joe Biden’s Footsteps and Visit Ireland
Independent.co.uk - Apr 22, 2023
-- https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/donald-trump-ireland-visit-biden-b2324764.html
2023-04-29 04:53:48 UTC
Post by bruce bowser
"The former US president Donald Trump is to visit Ireland ... It has been indicated the resort expects the 76-year-old to land at Shannon Airport on May 3 for a stay. The last time the former president visited Ireland in 2019 he was still in office."
Donald Trump To Follow in Joe Biden’s Footsteps and Visit Ireland
Independent.co.uk - Apr 22, 2023
-- https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/donald-trump-ireland-visit-biden-b2324764.html
Biden thought he was in China and was disappointed in not getting a
bribe check.
