Trump’s Lawyer Spars With E. Jean Carroll Over Rape Accusation
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Lou Bricano
2023-04-28 03:35:58 UTC
Joseph Tacopina asked Ms. Carroll to retell her story in minute detail, probing
for inconsistencies. His aggressive questioning irritated the judge.

By Benjamin Weiser, Lola Fadulu, Hurubie Meko and Kate Christobek

April 27, 2023 | Updated 8:41 p.m. ET

In a Manhattan courtroom on Thursday, a lawyer for former President Donald J.
Trump asked E. Jean Carroll, the writer who has accused Mr. Trump of raping her
nearly three decades ago, whether she had screamed for help.

“I’m not a screamer,” Ms. Carroll responded, adding that she was in a panic
during the encounter in a dressing room. “I was fighting,” she said. “You can’t
beat up on me for not screaming.”

Mr. Trump’s lawyer, Joseph Tacopina, said he was not doing that, but Ms.
Carroll, her voice rising, said from the witness stand that women often keep
silent about an attack because they fear being asked what they could have done
to stop it. “They are always asked, ‘Why didn’t you scream?’” Ms. Carroll said.

“I’m telling you, he raped me, whether I screamed or not,” she declared.

The highly charged exchange came as Ms. Carroll underwent hours of
cross-examination by Mr. Tacopina, who made it clear he was seeking to undermine
her testimony about what she says was a vicious attack by Mr. Trump after they
ran into each other at the Bergdorf Goodman store on Fifth Avenue in the mid-1990s.
During the cross-examination on Thursday, tensions ebbed and flowed. Ms.
Carroll’s interactions with Mr. Tacopina were curt but civil, with occasional
flashes of irritation and anger.

When Mr. Tacopina used the word “supposedly” to describe her accusation at one
point, it drew a firm rebuke.

“Not supposedly. I was raped,” Ms. Carroll said.

“That’s your version, right, Ms. Carroll, that you were raped?” Mr. Tacopina

“Those are the facts,” she said.

At times during the cross-examination, Mr. Tacopina’s approach led to
admonishments from the judge, Lewis A. Kaplan of Federal District Court. “Come
on, Mr. Tacopina,” the judge said at one point, later repeating that the
lawyer’s questions were “argumentative.”

Another time Judge Kaplan told Mr. Tacopina, “You get to make a closing argument
in this case, counselor, and this isn’t the time for it.”


Carroll is telling the truth. The lying asshole *rapist* Trump raped her.
Klaus Schadenfreude
2023-04-28 09:38:29 UTC
On Thu, 27 Apr 2023 20:35:58 -0700, admitted pedophile and meth addict
Post by Lou Bricano
Carroll is telling the truth. The lying asshole *rapist* Trump raped her.

No, the old hag is making shit up. Trump never raped the old frump.

And even if he did, the cunt waited too long to report it.
