New Evidence Reveals Deep State Behind “Hispanic Nazi Mass Shooter” Conspiracy – Photos Came from Previously Unrelated NY Post Article – COMPLETE LIES!
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Dr. Jade Helm
2023-05-10 14:45:21 UTC
This should get paid trolls like Siri Cruise and Rudy's puppets all
excited. They'll immediately say the Gateway Pundit only tells lies
rather than question how a Mexican gang banger could be a white Nazi.


In a concerning move, the Deep State is building the narrative of
Hispanic shooter Garcia being a neo-Nazi white supremacist by leaking
details of an ongoing murder investigation to The New York Times,
Bellingcat and other media outlets.
Bellingcat is the notorious go-to website for the British intelligence
agencies. Bellingcat, and others, are sharing information and evidence
in real-time, evidence that has, in some cases, been redacted. Further,
several documents are placed on the floor with the same carpet
background in what looks to be the collection and cataloging of evidence.
Aric Toler from Bellingcat stated that, “It is unclear how the
investigators cited by The NY Times learned about this (the Russian)
account, but it is likely that they searched Garcia’s home computer or
phone and found this account.”
It is clear, however, from the grade of evidence that
WaPo/NYT/Bellingcat are getting near real-time access to highly
sensitive details about an active murder investigation and were provided
raw crime scene alleged evidence for the purpose of narrative engineering.

How do reporters have near real-time access to details of an on-going
murder investigation?
Is it a Deep State leak to manufacture and push the narrative they want?
We certainly have seen this before in recent history with the 51
experts signing the garbage Hunter Biden laptop letter and the entire
Trump-Russia narrative that was created by Democrats, the media, and
anti-Trump deep state liars.

Additionally, there are questions regarding the photos used by Toler and
the origin of the information.
The alleged shooter’s alleged profile claims that he was inspired by
Libs of TikTok. Between this and the Tim Pool references, this thing is
suspect. Where is his Twitter account? Why was he using a Russian social
media site to write was essentially a diary to zero followers?

XRVision reports that some of the images published by Toler, that
purport to show that Mauricio Garcia had a Nazi affiliation, have been
repurposed from a non-related May 6, 2022 New York Post article by
Hannah Sparks titled “Nazi-themed wedding celebrating Hitler’s reign,
vegetarianism condemned.”
Toler is also trying to link Garcia to TimCast and LibsofTikTok. The
account features photos of Lationos (sic) wearing/posing with Neo-Nazi
Additional questions have been raised about the genesis of Toler’s
You voted for student loan forgiveness. You got demographic replacement
and World War 3.

"Title 8, U.S.C. § 1324(a) defines several distinct offenses related to
aliens. Subsection 1324(a)(1)(i)-(v) prohibits alien smuggling, domestic
transportation of unauthorized aliens, concealing or harboring
unauthorized aliens, encouraging or inducing unauthorized aliens to
enter the United States, and engaging in a conspiracy or aiding and
abetting any of the preceding acts. Subsection 1324(a)(2) prohibits
bringing or attempting to bring unauthorized aliens to the United States
in any manner whatsoever, even at a designated port of entry. Subsection

“I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving
hysterical naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn
looking for an angry fix angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient
heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of the night.”

― Allen Ginsberg, Howl, Kaddish and Other Poems

2023-05-11 08:41:08 UTC
On Wed, 10 May 2023 08:45:21 -0600, "Dr. Jade Helm"
Post by Dr. Jade Helm
This should get paid trolls like Siri Cruise and Rudy's puppets all
excited. They'll immediately say the Gateway Pundit only tells lies
rather than question how a Mexican gang banger could be a white Nazi.
A large number of liberals think Latinos are white. Seriously.
Post by Dr. Jade Helm
In a concerning move, the Deep State is building the narrative of
Hispanic shooter Garcia being a neo-Nazi white supremacist by leaking
details of an ongoing murder investigation to The New York Times,
Bellingcat and other media outlets.
Bellingcat is the notorious go-to website for the British intelligence
agencies. Bellingcat, and others, are sharing information and evidence
in real-time, evidence that has, in some cases, been redacted. Further,
several documents are placed on the floor with the same carpet
background in what looks to be the collection and cataloging of evidence.
Aric Toler from Bellingcat stated that, “It is unclear how the
investigators cited by The NY Times learned about this (the Russian)
account, but it is likely that they searched Garcia’s home computer or
phone and found this account.”
A reasonable presumption.
Post by Dr. Jade Helm
It is clear, however, from the grade of evidence that
WaPo/NYT/Bellingcat are getting near real-time access to highly
sensitive details about an active murder investigation and were provided
raw crime scene alleged evidence for the purpose of narrative engineering.
How do reporters have near real-time access to details of an on-going
murder investigation?
Someone leaked the details.
Post by Dr. Jade Helm
Is it a Deep State leak to manufacture and push the narrative they want?
There would need to be a Deep State first.
Post by Dr. Jade Helm
We certainly have seen this before in recent history with the 51
experts signing the garbage Hunter Biden laptop letter and the entire
Trump-Russia narrative that was created by Democrats, the media, and
anti-Trump deep state liars.
They were liars, but with no Deep State, they cannot be Deep
State liars.
Post by Dr. Jade Helm
Additionally, there are questions regarding the photos used by Toler and
the origin of the information.
The alleged shooter’s alleged profile claims that he was inspired by
Libs of TikTok. Between this and the Tim Pool references, this thing is
suspect. Where is his Twitter account? Why was he using a Russian social
media site to write was essentially a diary to zero followers?
Not everyone has a Twitter account, so it's possible he doesn't.
I suppose a Russian social media site is as good as any other when no
one is reading what's posted.
Post by Dr. Jade Helm
XRVision reports that some of the images published by Toler, that
purport to show that Mauricio Garcia had a Nazi affiliation, have been
repurposed from a non-related May 6, 2022 New York Post article by
Hannah Sparks titled “Nazi-themed wedding celebrating Hitler’s reign,
vegetarianism condemned.”
If so, it will be real easy to prove.
Post by Dr. Jade Helm
Toler is also trying to link Garcia to TimCast and LibsofTikTok. The
account features photos of Lationos (sic) wearing/posing with Neo-Nazi
Additional questions have been raised about the genesis of Toler’s
If the pictures did come from a past NYP article, they will
destroy Toler's credibility. And that may be the intent. Proving the
pictures came from an article from 2022 will seriously damage his
credibility. The people who sent them to Toler may have had that
Strategic Writer.
Psychotronic World Dominator.
And FEMA camp activities director.
2023-05-11 14:15:28 UTC
Post by KWills
On Wed, 10 May 2023 08:45:21 -0600, "Dr. Jade Helm"
Post by Dr. Jade Helm
This should get paid trolls like Siri Cruise and Rudy's puppets all
excited. They'll immediately say the Gateway Pundit only tells lies
rather than question how a Mexican gang banger could be a white Nazi.
A large number of liberals think Latinos are white. Seriously.
According to libs there can be black white supremacists e.g. leader of
the Proud Boys.
