Red State Conservatives Are Dying Thanks To The People They Vote For
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Red State - Death
2023-10-09 14:47:09 UTC
Red state conservatives are dying thanks to the people they vote for
Sunday, October 08, 2023 at 12:00:12p EDST

Republicans aren’t just at war with each other in the U.S. House of
Representatives: They’ve been quietly at war with their own constituents
for decades. The Washington Post has a lengthy case study of what this has
meant for one state taken over by Republicans: Ohio. One study the Post
cites estimates that roughly “1 in 5 Ohioans will die before they turn
65…. a similar life expectancy to residents of Slovakia and Ecuador,
relatively poor countries.”

The Post looks at Ashtabula County, Ohio, and compares it with its
neighbor across the Pennsylvania border, Erie County, and the next county
over, Chautauqua in New York state. The three counties have all
experienced the same economic woes over the past several decades, as
industrial jobs disappeared and wages fell. “But Ashtabula residents are
much more likely to die young, especially from smoking, diabetes-related
complications or motor vehicle accidents, than people living in its sister
counties in Pennsylvania and New York, states that have adopted more
stringent public health measures,” the Post found.

The primary difference: Democratic versus Republican lawmakers and
leaders. Democratic states have enacted legislation to protect public
health—including measures like seat-belt laws, high tobacco taxes, and
more generous Medicaid and safety net benefits. Ohio and other Republican
states have not. The Post cites a study by Ellen Meara, a health economics
and policy professor at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, in
which she looked at geographic disparities in premature mortality over
recent decades. It’s not just geography, she told the Post. It’s politics.

Meara’s paper doesn’t explicitly say that. Instead, she and her fellow
authors say that “health disparities across states may arise from long-run
changes in state policies or health ‘investments,’” including things like
“anti-smoking policies, expansions of Medicaid, income support, and norms
around health behaviors.” In other words, the kinds of investments blue
states—like California, Pennsylvania, and New York—have made.

Three decades ago, California and Ohio had comparable health outcomes,
ranking in the middle of all the states. Since then, the more proactive
and progressive California has seen its premature-death rate fall
significantly. Ohio has not. “By 2017, California had the nation’s second-
lowest mortality rates, falling behind only Minnesota; Ohio ranked 41st,”
the Post’s analysis found.

While Ohio is the specific case study for the Post, they found the divide
has increased nationwide.

Today, people in the South and Midwest, regions largely controlled by
Republican state legislators, have increasingly higher chances of dying
prematurely compared with those in the more Democratic Northeast and West,
according to The Post’s analysis of death rates.

Those disparities are bound to increase over the coming years. Some of
these studies are still looking at pre-COVID-19 statistics. As Charles
Gaba has been chronicling for the past few years, the death rate from
COVID-19 is higher in Republican-leaning areas. Republicans have made the
COVID-19 pandemic a political fight, like in Florida where the actual
person in charge of public health calls the vaccine “anti-human” and is
urging Floridians to avoid the newest vaccines.

Studies are soon also going to have to account for states that have banned
abortion and criminalized reproductive health care. A study last year from
the Commonwealth Fund determined that “maternal death rates were 62
percent higher in 2020 in abortion-restriction states than in abortion-
access states (28.8 vs. 17.8 per 100,000 births).”

One of the factors behind that is on full display in parts of Idaho, where
there are no practicing OB-GYN physicians any more—they’ve left the state
over fear of prosecution. That makes giving birth a lot more dangerous.
Making it even worse, the state is now going to prosecute emergency room
doctors who provide abortions to stabilize a patient’s health.

Gun safety legislation—or the absence of it—is another key difference
contributing to higher premature-death rates in red states. In 2021, the
states with the lowest rate of gun deaths were Hawaii, Massachusetts, New
Jersey, Rhode Island, and New York. Mississippi, Louisiana, Wyoming,
Missouri, and Alabama had the highest gun-death rates.

In all of these states, the so-called “party of life” has consistently
proven that what it’s really about is actively enabling premature death.
They’ve proven that by refusing to save lives by expanding Medicaid, by
warring against basic science, by keeping people hungry and vulnerable,
and by criminalizing doctors. All in the name of so-called “family
values,” “freedom,” and the “sanctity of life.”

2023-10-09 15:47:49 UTC
Post by Red State - Death
Red state conservatives are dying thanks to the people they vote for
Sunday, October 08, 2023 at 12:00:12p EDST

5* 6* *7
4* *8
3* *9
2* *10
1* | *stuporous
0* -*- *catatonic
* |\ *comatose
* \ *clinical death
* \ *biological death
* _\/ *demonic apparition
* * *damned for all eternity
