DumbFuck Harris Dragged After Seemingly Not Knowing That Electric Vehicles Actually Run On Electricity
(too old to reply)
Coon Hangers
2024-08-07 04:43:23 UTC
At 78 Trump
is still more cognizant than 90% of Democrats.
Fred Barker
2024-08-07 04:49:19 UTC
Ever lynched a rightist? I prefer shooting them but some like to watch them
die slowly.

Most niggers don't have 1/34th of the criminal convictions Trump has.

But that's because most Trumpers and Trump himself are subhuman scum.

Even one of Trump's own tried to kill him.
Chips Loral
2024-08-07 14:59:11 UTC
Post by Fred Barker
Ever lynched a rightist? I prefer shooting them but some like to watch them
die slowly.
Stop by and let's chat.

( -_•)▄︻テحكـ━一💥
Dark Wing
2024-08-09 07:59:46 UTC
Post by Fred Barker
Ever lynched a
leftist? They aren't much of a challenge.
Governor Swill
2024-08-09 11:26:41 UTC
Post by Dark Wing
Post by Fred Barker
Ever lynched a
leftist? They aren't much of a challenge.
Trump seems to be having some trouble hanging Harris lately.



Governor Swill
2024-08-08 01:17:09 UTC
Post by Coon Hangers
At 78 Trump
is still more cognizant than 90% of Democrats.
I guess that's why he called Biden "Joe Bride". His stammerings and lost thoughts are
legion. His inability to give a straight answer to a straight question or even speak in
complete sentences is without peer.

Editorial cartoon
Lester Holt Is An Idiot
2024-08-09 08:03:59 UTC
Red states
won't starve like blue states.
Governor Swill
2024-08-09 11:25:50 UTC
On Fri, 9 Aug 2024 10:03:59 +0200, Lester Holt Is An Idiot
Post by Lester Holt Is An Idiot
Red states
won't starve like blue states.
They will if blue states stop sharing food with them.
