N.D. church tour group sheltering in Bethlehem while Israel-Hamas conflict rages
(too old to reply)
D. Ray
2023-10-14 00:24:17 UTC

Father Phillip Ackerman, a priest from Fargo, ND and his Church group after
being made to leave Israel under orders of the U.S. embassy found safety in
Palestine but now their ability to make it home is in question.

On Sunday October 8th, due to faulty Israeli intelligence, checkpoints from
Bethlehem in the West Bank five miles north to Jerusalem were briefly
opened. Determined to complete their 10 day pilgrimage and perhaps
emboldened by events from the previous day, Father Phil, two other local
priests, and about 85 parishioners made their way through to the Church of
the Holy Sepulchre to see the tomb where Jesus was buried and then to walk
the path Jesus took with the cross.

Around noon a curfew was issued for all U.S. citizens forcing the Church
group away from safe passage to an airport to make it home.

Whether through negligence or a conspiracy to yet again use American
citizens as cannon fodder the U.S. and Israel continue to prove their
intelligence and ability even willingness to manage the safety of our
citizens is non-existent. The days are over of our ND representatives like
Drew Wrigley acting like Whites don’t exist, or Kevin Cramer with his
statement about Biden and Iran, ignoring the plight of the Palestinian



Whites and Palestinians will no longer be led off the demographic cliff by
Zionists who hate us… At least not without a paraglider.

The NJP demands the safe return of the Fargo Church group and all U.S.
citizens. We demand our leaders work with the Palestinian Authority to
bring an end to this war and work towards a free Palestine.

Father Phil in his interview on a local radio show asked if people would
contact North Dakota Senators. Please, respectfully call and demand they do
whatever it takes to work with the Palestinians to bring our people home

Full interview:

Senator Kevin Cramer (202) 224-2043

Senator John Hoeven (202) 224-2551

UPDATE: The group is now in Jordan. ⅓ of the 80+ member group have secured
plane tickets home. Please continue contacting North Dakota representatives
respectfully requesting more be done.

Thank you to the people of Palestine for keeping our people safe.
2023-10-14 00:31:06 UTC
Post by D. Ray
Father Phillip Ackerman, a priest from Fargo, ND and his Church group
after being made to leave Israel under orders of the U.S. embassy found
safety in Palestine but now their ability to make it home is in question.
Poor sandnigger. Afraid to fight for your people.
D. Ray
2023-10-14 00:43:39 UTC
Post by D. Ray
Father Phillip Ackerman, a priest from Fargo, ND and his Church group after
being made to leave Israel under orders of the U.S. embassy found safety in
Palestine but now their ability to make it home is in question.
On Sunday October 8th, due to faulty Israeli intelligence, checkpoints from
Bethlehem in the West Bank five miles north to Jerusalem were briefly
opened. Determined to complete their 10 day pilgrimage and perhaps
emboldened by events from the previous day, Father Phil, two other local
priests, and about 85 parishioners made their way through to the Church of
the Holy Sepulchre to see the tomb where Jesus was buried and then to walk
the path Jesus took with the cross.
Around noon a curfew was issued for all U.S. citizens forcing the Church
group away from safe passage to an airport to make it home.
Whether through negligence or a conspiracy to yet again use American
citizens as cannon fodder the U.S. and Israel continue to prove their
intelligence and ability even willingness to manage the safety of our
citizens is non-existent. The days are over of our ND representatives like
Drew Wrigley acting like Whites don’t exist, or Kevin Cramer with his
statement about Biden and Iran, ignoring the plight of the Palestinian
Whites and Palestinians will no longer be led off the demographic cliff by
Zionists who hate us… At least not without a paraglider.
The NJP demands the safe return of the Fargo Church group and all U.S.
citizens. We demand our leaders work with the Palestinian Authority to
bring an end to this war and work towards a free Palestine.
Father Phil in his interview on a local radio show asked if people would
contact North Dakota Senators. Please, respectfully call and demand they do
whatever it takes to work with the Palestinians to bring our people home
Senator Kevin Cramer (202) 224-2043
Senator John Hoeven (202) 224-2551
UPDATE: The group is now in Jordan. ⅓ of the 80+ member group have secured
plane tickets home. Please continue contacting North Dakota representatives
respectfully requesting more be done.
Thank you to the people of Palestine for keeping our people safe.
^ An amazing story, a church group from Fargo was visiting the holy sites
when the fighting broke out. They were immediately ejected by Israel from
Jerusalem to Bethlehem, which is Palestinian territory. There they were
protected and kept safe by the Palestinian people until they could evacuate
to Jordan and ultimately fly home. At no point was their plight ever
mentioned by national press or national politicians. Because their story
does not fit with the lunatic levels of genocidal rhetoric coming out of
Washington and the US media today. Nor did the US government particularly
care to help them because they are not Jewish.
