All The Nazis Support Trump!
(too old to reply)
2023-11-01 20:38:40 UTC
Disturbing. Jewish Homes In Paris Are Being Marked With Stars of David
Disturbing? This is pure evil, total devilishness
WTF is happening?????? How are we here in 2023. (Democrats!)
Is this a footage Germany of 1938?
This is getting serious. And it's happening all over the world.
Trump's "very fine people" at work.
All the nazis support trump.

How Trump Brought Nazis Into Republican Politics
Portrait of Jonathan Chait By Jonathan Chait, who’s been a New York
political columnist since 2011.
Photo: Samuel Corum/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

Yesterday, President Trump retweeted a video of a man on a New York subway
platform shoving and injuring a white woman. In normal times, it would
have been unfathomable to determine why the president of the United States
would take an interest in this case. The assault took place a year ago,
and the perpetrator was arrested in short order.

But the actual source of Trump’s interest is perfectly obvious. The
perpetrator was Black, and the victim white. The video was shared, and
seems to have come to Trump’s attention, by an account called “I’m With
Groyper.” For those unfamiliar, “Groypers” are a white-supremacist sect
who criticize other far-right groups for failing to be explicitly “pro-

Trump has a way of wearing down journalists by violating norms so often
and so shamelessly that it ceases to be newsworthy. During the 2016
campaign, when he shared a white-supremacist image using a Jewish star to
depict Hillary Clinton as being bought and controlled by the Jews, it
caused enough of a controversy that Trump’s campaign was forced to insist
it had somehow mistaken the image for a sheriff star.
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But Trump has retweeted enough decontextualized, random videos of nonwhite
people attacking white people — indeed, he shared the same 2019 subway
attack clip in June — that it has lost its shock value. But it is this
very banality that makes Trump’s behavior so significant. The president is
in the habit of promoting a wide array of his supporters, and we all have
grown accustomed to the fact that some of those supporters are, well,

Last week, Mary Ann Mendoza was removed at the last minute from the
Republican National Convention after a reporter discovered she had
promoted anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. Perhaps Mendoza was confused as
to why it was acceptable to promote racist theories that smear a
population of recent immigrants as inherently criminal yet unacceptable to
promote racist theories that target a population of early-20th-century
immigrants as inherently criminal. Or maybe she failed to understand why
the president is allowed to endorse Nazi propaganda but she is not.

Perhaps even more confusing is the fate of Marjorie Taylor Greene, a
Republican nominee for Congress in Georgia, and an avid proponent of
QAnon. In addition to evangelizing for the notorious conspiracy theory
that is advocated publicly by ten fellow Republican congressional
nominees, Taylor Greene has promoted racist and anti-Semitic videos and
other social-media content.

Last week, Media Matters found that she has promoted a far-right video
that “features anti-Muslim propaganda, quotes an anti-Semitic Holocaust
denier saying that ‘Zionist supremacists have schemed to promote
immigration and miscegenation’ and, as one reporter wrote, ‘implies that
Jews are at the heart of a project to destroy Europe as we know it.’” The
next day, she attended Trump’s RNC acceptance speech at the White House

Is Trump a Nazi? Not exactly. He does embrace a certain fascist aesthetic
elevating strength over all other values. He reportedly asked for his
inauguration to include a military parade — “I want tanks and choppers.
Make it look like North Korea” — citing the world’s most totalitarian
state as his visual model. He often speaks as though he’s Dwight Schrute
being tricked into reading bits from a Mussolini speech:

But Trump’s evocation of racist tropes is not Nazism, exactly. It is
better described as Nazi-adjacent. He has activated and energized open
white supremacists, who for the first time in decades have been given a
president who reflects their values closely enough to inspire open
defense. If you peruse Nazi propaganda sites, they contain defenses of
Trump on such matters like the Russia scandal, and — when excised of
references to Jews — read pretty much the same as the polemics found in
normal conservative publications like the Federalist, Breitbart, and so

Where Nazis were once treated by both parties as an unambiguous source of
pure evil, now they inhabit a gray area on the fringe of the Republican
coalition. His now-infamous description of “Unite the Right” Nazi
protesters as “very fine people” was not a flub or a one-off. Trump would
never come out and praise Hitler, but he will stoke their race-war dreams.
They are marginal members of the coalition, to be handled delicately.

Many Trump critics have reacted to this development with pure hysteria,
which is a perfectly understandable response, given the history. We should
be careful not to overstate the situation. The United States is not headed
into world war and industrialized murder factories. But Trump has changed
the orientation of the political landscape in ways that include creating a
new opening for the far right.

He is calling armed men into the streets. There are pickup trucks bearing
Trump fans itching for blood. One of his delusional idolaters brought a
rifle to Kenosha and blundered into a bloodbath. The question now is,
having come this far in four years of Trump, what would lie ahead if we
have four more?

2023-11-02 01:05:00 UTC
Post by ELON X.
Disturbing. Jewish Homes In Paris Are Being Marked With Stars of David
Disturbing? This is pure evil, total devilishness
WTF is happening?????? How are we here in 2023. (Democrats!)
Is this a footage Germany of 1938?
This is getting serious. And it's happening all over the world.
Trump's "very fine people" at work.
All the nazis support trump.
(Bullshit flushed.)


"During their time speaking with reporters, one of the attendees
of the rally named Christopher Pohlhaus strangely exclaimed his
support for Ukraine."

"Pohlhaus also voiced support for President Joe Biden."
2023-11-02 03:08:06 UTC
All the real NAZIs support AOC/Omar and friends.
2023-11-06 08:30:42 UTC
Post by ELON X.
All the nazis support trump.

5* 6* *7
4* *8
3* *9
2* *10
1* | *stuporous
0* -*- *catatonic
* |\ *comatose
* \ *clinical death
* \ *biological death
* _\/ *demonic apparition
* * *damned for all eternity
