(too old to reply)
Jimmy Chinda
2023-04-28 17:08:54 UTC
This bullshit about "personal pronouns" is bizarre to the point of absurdity.
If I'm talking directly *to* a tranny, all of the pronouns I'm going to use are
un-gendered: you, your and yours. When trannies stridently and shrilly demand
that we use gendered pronouns of the wrong gender, what they're demanding is
that we use those pronouns when talking *about* them — about the trannies — to
someone else. But they are in no position to dictate what pronouns I use in
talking about them to someone else. Certainly the state can't do that — that's
compelling speech, which violates the first amendment.
Governor Swill
2023-04-28 22:29:17 UTC
Post by Jimmy Chinda
This bullshit about "personal pronouns" is bizarre to the point of absurdity.
If I'm talking directly *to* a tranny, all of the pronouns I'm going to use are
un-gendered: you, your and yours. When trannies stridently and shrilly demand
that we use gendered pronouns of the wrong gender, what they're demanding is
that we use those pronouns when talking *about* them — about the trannies — to
someone else. But they are in no position to dictate what pronouns I use in
talking about them to someone else. Certainly the state can't do that — that's
compelling speech, which violates the first amendment.
If you look or are dressed as a female, I'm going to call you "she".
If you look or are dressed as a male, I'm going to call you "he".
If you don't look like either, I'll just pick one randomly. Deal with it.

If you don't like it, go change your clothes.

Writing for the majority in Heller, Justice Scalia noted: "Like most rights, the right secured by
the Second Amendment is not unlimited. [It is] not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever
in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose." - Justice Antonin Scalia

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