US Military Defector Was A Trump Supporter Fleeing To Asylum In North Korea
(too old to reply)
Bill Walters
2023-09-11 00:29:17 UTC
Trump-Kim 'Love Letters' Reveal Friendship, Flattery
September 10, 2020 9:05 AM

William Gallo

FILE - North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un (L) and U.S. President Donald
Trump shake hands during a meeting on the south side of the Military
Demarcation Line that divides North and South Korea, in the Demilitarized
zone (DMZ) of Panmunjom, June 30, 2019. FILE - North Korea's leader Kim
Jong Un (L) and U.S. President Donald Trump shake hands during a meeting
on the south side of the Military Demarcation Line that divides North and
South Korea, in the Demilitarized zone (DMZ) of Panmunjom, June 30, 2019.

Veteran Washington Post journalist Bob Woodward’s new book, Rage, is
shining more light on the unlikely relationship between U.S. President
Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

The book won’t be released until next week, but several U.S. media outlets
on Wednesday published excerpts, including portions of personal letters
that Trump and Kim exchanged over the past two years.

In the letters, the young North Korean leader showers Trump with
extravagant praise, repeatedly addressing him as “Your Excellency” and
hailing their “deep and special friendship,” even as the wider U.S.-North
Korea nuclear talks were breaking down.

"Even now I cannot forget that moment of history when I firmly held Your
Excellency's hand at the beautiful and sacred location as the whole world
watched," Kim told Trump after their first meeting in Singapore in June
2018. It was one of two Kim letters published by the U.S.-based cable news
network CNN.

Following their second summit in Vietnam, Kim told Trump “every minute we
shared 103 days ago in Hanoi was also a moment of glory that remains a
precious memory,” according to CNN, which says it obtained transcripts of
the two letters.

Trump often returned the praise. After their Singapore meeting, Trump
described Kim as “far beyond smart,” according to the Post. The paper said
Trump boasted to Woodward that Kim “tells me everything,” including a
graphic description of how he killed his uncle, Jang Song Thaek. The
powerful Jang was executed in late 2013 for treason.

Those comments mirror an interview Trump gave to VOA immediately after his
Singapore summit, when Trump said Kim was “smart, loves his people, [and]
he loves his country.”

Excessive praise?

For the book, Woodward says he obtained access to 25 Trump-Kim letters,
although it’s not clear how much of the correspondence will be included.

So far, the excerpts contained no huge surprises about the Trump-Kim
relationship, parts of which Trump has already made public. However,
analysts say the correspondence reveals important insights about each
man’s personality and negotiating style.

“It’s interesting to see how you can see Kim’s personality refracted
through these letters,” said Jung Pak, a former CIA analyst who now works
at the Washington-based Brookings Institution.

“Surrounded by sycophants his entire life and as an observer and student
of excessive displays of admiration that enveloped his father and
grandfather, Kim Jong Un almost certainly understands how to weaponize
praise and prey on one’s insecurities and desire for greatness,” said Pak,
who recently wrote the book Becoming Kim Jong Un.

Unlikely friendship

Trump and Kim didn’t always get along. In 2017, the two regularly
exchanged insults, with Trump calling Kim “Little Rocket Man” and Kim
slamming Trump as a “mentally deranged U.S. dotard.” At one point, Trump
threatened to "totally destroy" North Korea.

The tensions dissipated after Trump, a former real estate developer and
reality television host who often claims an unmatched deal-making ability,
became the first sitting U.S. president to meet a North Korean leader.
Trump later claimed the two “fell in love.” FILE - In this photo taken
June 12, 2018, and released by North Korea's official Korean Central News
Agency (KCNA), North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un (R) walks with U.S.
President Donald Trump (L) during a break in talks at their summit in
Singapore. FILE - In this photo taken June 12, 2018, and released by North
Korea's official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), North Korea's leader
Kim Jong Un (R) walks with U.S. President Donald Trump (L) during a break
in talks at their summit in Singapore.

The relationship has held firm, even after North Korea last year resumed
short-range ballistic missile tests and walked away from nuclear

If he wins reelection in November, Trump has said he will reach a deal
“very quickly” with Kim. Trump’s opponent, former Vice President Joe
Biden, has said he will not continue Trump’s personal outreach to Kim,
signaling a return to a more traditional U.S. posture.

Impact on future talks

Some now fear the publication of the private Trump-Kim letters risks
offending North Korean sensitivities and upsetting future talks.

“That’s privileged diplomatic communication,” said Mark P. Barry, a
veteran Korea observer and associate editor of the International Journal
on World Peace.

The matter is also tricky, Barry said, because Kim’s words are typically
treated with the utmost respect in authoritarian North Korea.

“The worst that could happen is that internally Kim could appear to be a
supplicant to Trump,” he says.

North Korea has not responded to the release of the correspondence, but
Pyongyang may not be too surprised, since Trump previously tweeted out one
of Kim’s letters in July 2018.

“It won’t affect Kim Jong Un’s attitude that much," Lee Sang-sin of the
Korean Institute for National Unification, said. "Kim understood the
possibility of leaking," he said.

Kathryn Botto, a research analyst in the Asia Program at the Carnegie
Endowment for International Peace, said she wouldn’t be surprised if Kim
cited the release of the letters as a reason for refusing to hold talks.

“More evidence of disrespect from the U.S. or something like that,” she
said of a possible North Korean response.

“But in reality [Kim’s] willingness to hold future talks is based on the
potential of securing sanctions relief or other changes in the U.S.
negotiating position, and of course this doesn't change that."

Cracks emerge?

North Korea has for months boycotted the talks, which began to break down
after the February 2019 summit in Hanoi ended without a deal. Trump and
Kim met once more in June 2019 at the demilitarized zone separating the
two Koreas, briefly raising hopes the negotiations could be revived.

A month after the DMZ meeting, though, Kim wrote to Trump “with a new
tone,” apparently upset that the U.S.-South Korea joint military exercises
had not been fully stopped, CNN reports.

"I am clearly offended and I do not want to hide this feeling from you,”
Kim told Trump. “I am really, very offended.”
Mitchell Holman
2023-09-11 01:50:12 UTC
Post by Bill Walters
Trump-Kim 'Love Letters' Reveal Friendship, Flattery
September 10, 2020 9:05 AM
William Gallo
FILE - North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un (L) and U.S. President Donald
Trump shake hands during a meeting on the south side of the Military
Demarcation Line that divides North and South Korea, in the
Demilitarized zone (DMZ) of Panmunjom, June 30, 2019. FILE - North
Korea's leader Kim Jong Un (L) and U.S. President Donald Trump shake
hands during a meeting on the south side of the Military Demarcation
Line that divides North and South Korea, in the Demilitarized zone
(DMZ) of Panmunjom, June 30, 2019. Share
Veteran Washington Post journalist Bob Woodward’s new book, Rage, is
shining more light on the unlikely relationship between U.S. President
Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
The book won’t be released until next week, but several U.S. media
outlets on Wednesday published excerpts, including portions of
personal letters that Trump and Kim exchanged over the past two years.
In the letters, the young North Korean leader showers Trump with
extravagant praise, repeatedly addressing him as “Your Excellency” and
hailing their “deep and special friendship,” even as the wider
U.S.-North Korea nuclear talks were breaking down.
"Even now I cannot forget that moment of history when I firmly held
Your Excellency's hand at the beautiful and sacred location as the
whole world watched," Kim told Trump after their first meeting in
Singapore in June 2018. It was one of two Kim letters published by the
U.S.-based cable news network CNN.
Following their second summit in Vietnam, Kim told Trump “every minute
we shared 103 days ago in Hanoi was also a moment of glory that
remains a precious memory,” according to CNN, which says it obtained
transcripts of the two letters.
Trump often returned the praise.
Can you imagine the rightwing
shitstorm if Clinton or Obama had
bragged about their "love" for a
communist dictator?

Esp one that continued to
threaten America with nuclear

North Korea reportedly threatens new round
of the Korean War to end US
June 23, 2020

North Korea unveils massive nuclear-
capable missile with US reach
October 12, 2020

North Korea signals end of nuclear-test
suspension, promises 'new' weapon
Jan 1 2020

North Korea's Latest Nuclear Test Was
More Powerful Than We Thought
JUN 5, 2019

New North Korea submarine capable of
firing ballistic missiles
3 Nov, 2020

Trump is letting Kim Jong Un do almost
anything he wants. Missile tests. Building
provocative submarines. It’s all good.
Jul 26, 2019
Kill the Progs
2023-09-11 02:12:00 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Bill Walters
Trump-Kim 'Love Letters' Reveal Friendship, Flattery
September 10, 2020 9:05 AM
William Gallo
FILE - North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un (L) and U.S. President Donald
Trump shake hands during a meeting on the south side of the Military
Demarcation Line that divides North and South Korea, in the
Demilitarized zone (DMZ) of Panmunjom, June 30, 2019. FILE - North
Korea's leader Kim Jong Un (L) and U.S. President Donald Trump shake
hands during a meeting on the south side of the Military Demarcation
Line that divides North and South Korea, in the Demilitarized zone
(DMZ) of Panmunjom, June 30, 2019. Share
Veteran Washington Post journalist Bob Woodward’s new book, Rage, is
shining more light on the unlikely relationship between U.S. President
Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
The book won’t be released until next week, but several U.S. media
outlets on Wednesday published excerpts, including portions of
personal letters that Trump and Kim exchanged over the past two years.
In the letters, the young North Korean leader showers Trump with
extravagant praise, repeatedly addressing him as “Your Excellency” and
hailing their “deep and special friendship,” even as the wider
U.S.-North Korea nuclear talks were breaking down.
"Even now I cannot forget that moment of history when I firmly held
Your Excellency's hand at the beautiful and sacred location as the
whole world watched," Kim told Trump after their first meeting in
Singapore in June 2018. It was one of two Kim letters published by the
U.S.-based cable news network CNN.
Following their second summit in Vietnam, Kim told Trump “every minute
we shared 103 days ago in Hanoi was also a moment of glory that
remains a precious memory,” according to CNN, which says it obtained
transcripts of the two letters.
Trump often returned the praise.
Can you imagine the rightwing
shitstorm if Clinton or Obama had
bragged about their "love" for a
communist dictator?
Esp one that continued to
threaten America with nuclear
North Korea reportedly threatens new round
of the Korean War to end US
June 23, 2020
North Korea unveils massive nuclear-
capable missile with US reach
October 12, 2020
North Korea signals end of nuclear-test
suspension, promises 'new' weapon
Jan 1 2020
North Korea's Latest Nuclear Test Was
More Powerful Than We Thought
JUN 5, 2019
New North Korea submarine capable of
firing ballistic missiles
3 Nov, 2020
Trump is letting Kim Jong Un do almost
anything he wants. Missile tests. Building
provocative submarines. It’s all good.
Jul 26, 2019
Under Trump, North Korea would have reunified with the South, on
the South's terms.


Aren't you faggots glad you stole the election?
Mitchell Holman
2023-09-11 02:24:29 UTC
Post by Kill the Progs
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Bill Walters
Trump-Kim 'Love Letters' Reveal Friendship, Flattery
September 10, 2020 9:05 AM
William Gallo
FILE - North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un (L) and U.S. President
Donald Trump shake hands during a meeting on the south side of the
Military Demarcation Line that divides North and South Korea, in the
Demilitarized zone (DMZ) of Panmunjom, June 30, 2019. FILE - North
Korea's leader Kim Jong Un (L) and U.S. President Donald Trump shake
hands during a meeting on the south side of the Military Demarcation
Line that divides North and South Korea, in the Demilitarized zone
(DMZ) of Panmunjom, June 30, 2019. Share
Veteran Washington Post journalist Bob Woodward’s new book, Rage,
is shining more light on the unlikely relationship between U.S.
President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
The book won’t be released until next week, but several U.S. media
outlets on Wednesday published excerpts, including portions of
personal letters that Trump and Kim exchanged over the past two years.
In the letters, the young North Korean leader showers Trump with
extravagant praise, repeatedly addressing him as “Your
Excellency” and hailing their “deep and special friendship,”
even as the wider U.S.-North Korea nuclear talks were breaking down.
"Even now I cannot forget that moment of history when I firmly held
Your Excellency's hand at the beautiful and sacred location as the
whole world watched," Kim told Trump after their first meeting in
Singapore in June 2018. It was one of two Kim letters published by
the U.S.-based cable news network CNN.
Following their second summit in Vietnam, Kim told Trump “every
minute we shared 103 days ago in Hanoi was also a moment of glory
that remains a precious memory,” according to CNN, which says it
obtained transcripts of the two letters.
Trump often returned the praise.
Can you imagine the rightwing
shitstorm if Clinton or Obama had
bragged about their "love" for a
communist dictator?
Esp one that continued to
threaten America with nuclear
North Korea reportedly threatens new round
of the Korean War to end US
June 23, 2020
North Korea unveils massive nuclear-
capable missile with US reach
October 12, 2020
North Korea signals end of nuclear-test
suspension, promises 'new' weapon
Jan 1 2020
North Korea's Latest Nuclear Test Was
More Powerful Than We Thought
JUN 5, 2019
New North Korea submarine capable of
firing ballistic missiles
3 Nov, 2020
Trump is letting Kim Jong Un do almost
anything he wants. Missile tests. Building
provocative submarines. It’s all good.
Jul 26, 2019
Under Trump
....all of the above N Korea threats
to America happened.
Governor Swill
2023-09-11 10:57:52 UTC
Post by Kill the Progs
Under Trump, North Korea would have reunified with the South, on
the South's terms.
*laughs and points*

Exactly who do you expect is going to believe that lie?

"He's an IT guy and a computer guy but he's not a cyber guy." - Stupid
things Mike Lindell says.

Dead Nazi Series: Nazi spy execution - https://tinyurl.com/ytbrkmnh

GO TRUMP! Go farther! Farther! I can still hear you!

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.
Kill the Progs
2023-09-12 02:12:00 UTC
Post by Governor Swill
Post by Kill the Progs
Under Trump, North Korea would have reunified with the South, on
the South's terms.
*laughs and points*
Exactly who do you expect is going to believe that lie?
Anyone who isn't a State Department faggot.

How's your Greatest Ukrainian Counter Offensive going? LOL!
2023-09-12 05:06:22 UTC
Post by Kill the Progs
Post by Governor Swill
Post by Kill the Progs
Under Trump, North Korea would have reunified with the South, on
the South's terms.
*laughs and points*
Exactly who do you expect is going to believe that lie?
Anyone who isn't a State Department faggot.
How's your Greatest Ukrainian Counter Offensive going? LOL!
Yeah, Slops? Why ain't you out on the front lines in Ukraine, soaking up
bullets to protect the Ukrainian soldiers? typical chicken shit big
mouth paper asshole Hero! Lets see you put some skin in the game.Your
pretty damned quick to volunteer American military and American
taxpayers to a job you haven't got the guts to stand up to your own.
When America was founded, the founding fathers put their lives and
fortunes on the line. All you have done is blow hot air and bellow how
America should put its ass on the line for a mess created without good
reason. There are waaaay to many of you useless blood suckers in our
beautiful America.

2023-09-11 14:30:35 UTC
Post by Bill Walters
Trump-Kim 'Love Letters' Reveal Friendship, Flattery
September 10, 2020 9:05 AM
William Gallo
FILE - North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un (L) and U.S. President Donald
Trump shake hands during a meeting on the south side of the Military
Demarcation Line that divides North and South Korea, in the Demilitarized
zone (DMZ) of Panmunjom, June 30, 2019. FILE - North Korea's leader Kim
Jong Un (L) and U.S. President Donald Trump shake hands during a meeting
on the south side of the Military Demarcation Line that divides North and
South Korea, in the Demilitarized zone (DMZ) of Panmunjom, June 30, 2019.
Veteran Washington Post journalist Bob Woodward’s new book, Rage, is
shining more light on the unlikely relationship between U.S. President
Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
The book won’t be released until next week, but several U.S. media outlets
on Wednesday published excerpts, including portions of personal letters
that Trump and Kim exchanged over the past two years.
In the letters, the young North Korean leader showers Trump with
extravagant praise, repeatedly addressing him as “Your Excellency” and
hailing their “deep and special friendship,” even as the wider U.S.-North
Korea nuclear talks were breaking down.
"Even now I cannot forget that moment of history when I firmly held Your
Excellency's hand at the beautiful and sacred location as the whole world
watched," Kim told Trump after their first meeting in Singapore in June
2018. It was one of two Kim letters published by the U.S.-based cable news
network CNN.
Following their second summit in Vietnam, Kim told Trump “every minute we
shared 103 days ago in Hanoi was also a moment of glory that remains a
precious memory,” according to CNN, which says it obtained transcripts of
the two letters.
Trump often returned the praise. After their Singapore meeting, Trump
described Kim as “far beyond smart,” according to the Post. The paper said
Trump boasted to Woodward that Kim “tells me everything,” including a
graphic description of how he killed his uncle, Jang Song Thaek. The
powerful Jang was executed in late 2013 for treason.
Those comments mirror an interview Trump gave to VOA immediately after his
Singapore summit, when Trump said Kim was “smart, loves his people, [and]
he loves his country.”
Excessive praise?
For the book, Woodward says he obtained access to 25 Trump-Kim letters,
although it’s not clear how much of the correspondence will be included.
So far, the excerpts contained no huge surprises about the Trump-Kim
relationship, parts of which Trump has already made public. However,
analysts say the correspondence reveals important insights about each
man’s personality and negotiating style.
“It’s interesting to see how you can see Kim’s personality refracted
through these letters,” said Jung Pak, a former CIA analyst who now works
at the Washington-based Brookings Institution.
“Surrounded by sycophants his entire life and as an observer and student
of excessive displays of admiration that enveloped his father and
grandfather, Kim Jong Un almost certainly understands how to weaponize
praise and prey on one’s insecurities and desire for greatness,” said Pak,
who recently wrote the book Becoming Kim Jong Un.
Unlikely friendship
Trump and Kim didn’t always get along. In 2017, the two regularly
exchanged insults, with Trump calling Kim “Little Rocket Man” and Kim
slamming Trump as a “mentally deranged U.S. dotard.” At one point, Trump
threatened to "totally destroy" North Korea.
The tensions dissipated after Trump, a former real estate developer and
reality television host who often claims an unmatched deal-making ability,
became the first sitting U.S. president to meet a North Korean leader.
Trump later claimed the two “fell in love.” FILE - In this photo taken
June 12, 2018, and released by North Korea's official Korean Central News
Agency (KCNA), North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un (R) walks with U.S.
President Donald Trump (L) during a break in talks at their summit in
Singapore. FILE - In this photo taken June 12, 2018, and released by North
Korea's official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), North Korea's leader
Kim Jong Un (R) walks with U.S. President Donald Trump (L) during a break
in talks at their summit in Singapore.
The relationship has held firm, even after North Korea last year resumed
short-range ballistic missile tests and walked away from nuclear
If he wins reelection in November, Trump has said he will reach a deal
“very quickly” with Kim. Trump’s opponent, former Vice President Joe
Biden, has said he will not continue Trump’s personal outreach to Kim,
signaling a return to a more traditional U.S. posture.
Impact on future talks
Some now fear the publication of the private Trump-Kim letters risks
offending North Korean sensitivities and upsetting future talks.
“That’s privileged diplomatic communication,” said Mark P. Barry, a
veteran Korea observer and associate editor of the International Journal
on World Peace.
The matter is also tricky, Barry said, because Kim’s words are typically
treated with the utmost respect in authoritarian North Korea.
“The worst that could happen is that internally Kim could appear to be a
supplicant to Trump,” he says.
North Korea has not responded to the release of the correspondence, but
Pyongyang may not be too surprised, since Trump previously tweeted out one
of Kim’s letters in July 2018.
“It won’t affect Kim Jong Un’s attitude that much," Lee Sang-sin of the
Korean Institute for National Unification, said. "Kim understood the
possibility of leaking," he said.
Kathryn Botto, a research analyst in the Asia Program at the Carnegie
Endowment for International Peace, said she wouldn’t be surprised if Kim
cited the release of the letters as a reason for refusing to hold talks.
“More evidence of disrespect from the U.S. or something like that,” she
said of a possible North Korean response.
“But in reality [Kim’s] willingness to hold future talks is based on the
potential of securing sanctions relief or other changes in the U.S.
negotiating position, and of course this doesn't change that."
Cracks emerge?
North Korea has for months boycotted the talks, which began to break down
after the February 2019 summit in Hanoi ended without a deal. Trump and
Kim met once more in June 2019 at the demilitarized zone separating the
two Koreas, briefly raising hopes the negotiations could be revived.
A month after the DMZ meeting, though, Kim wrote to Trump “with a new
tone,” apparently upset that the U.S.-South Korea joint military exercises
had not been fully stopped, CNN reports.
"I am clearly offended and I do not want to hide this feeling from you,”
Kim told Trump. “I am really, very offended.”
piss away your life nymy