Say Ukraine Will Only Be In Military Alliance With Euro Powers, And Say Ukraine Will Be In EU, And In Free Association With Russia
(too old to reply)
Intelligent Party
2023-07-23 08:17:19 UTC
Say Ukraine will only be in military alliance only with Euro powers, and not with
countries across the ocean. And say Ukraine will be in EU, and in free
association with Russia.

It's likely Russians saying to have NATO in Ukraine, the resist and fight Russia,
because this allows Russia to fight Ukraine and annex it.

You don't win a war through defense alone. Ukraine is not far away from Russia
like Afghanistan, or Vietnam to the United States. It's like if the U.S. were
fighting Mexico, and Russia was going to stop the U.S. from annexing Baja. Russia
will just take more and more of Ukraine over time. The only other possibility is
if Russia were to implode. That is, to overthrow through civil war, and is this
really going to happen?
Peter Jason
2023-07-23 22:56:48 UTC
On Sun, 23 Jul 2023 01:17:19 -0700, Intelligent Party
Post by Intelligent Party
Say Ukraine will only be in military alliance only with Euro powers, and not with
countries across the ocean. And say Ukraine will be in EU, and in free
association with Russia.
It's likely Russians saying to have NATO in Ukraine, the resist and fight Russia,
because this allows Russia to fight Ukraine and annex it.
You don't win a war through defense alone. Ukraine is not far away from Russia
like Afghanistan, or Vietnam to the United States. It's like if the U.S. were
fighting Mexico, and Russia was going to stop the U.S. from annexing Baja. Russia
will just take more and more of Ukraine over time. The only other possibility is
if Russia were to implode. That is, to overthrow through civil war, and is this
really going to happen?
It's all so predictable. Donor fatigue will set in, (it's costing the
US and UK trillions), the "climate change" cult will grow and grow and
displace any concern over Russia, the Russians will get smarter, and
the Ukranian Oligarch what's-'is-name will be overthrown by some
well-paid Russian sympathizer.
Rod Speed
2023-07-24 18:16:37 UTC
Post by Peter Jason
On Sun, 23 Jul 2023 01:17:19 -0700, Intelligent Party
Post by Intelligent Party
Say Ukraine will only be in military alliance only with Euro powers, and not with
countries across the ocean. And say Ukraine will be in EU, and in free
association with Russia.
It's likely Russians saying to have NATO in Ukraine, the resist and fight Russia,
because this allows Russia to fight Ukraine and annex it.
You don't win a war through defense alone. Ukraine is not far away from Russia
like Afghanistan, or Vietnam to the United States. It's like if the U.S. were
fighting Mexico, and Russia was going to stop the U.S. from annexing Baja. Russia
will just take more and more of Ukraine over time.
Just like they did with Georgia eh ?
Post by Peter Jason
Post by Intelligent Party
The only other possibility is
if Russia were to implode.
Or they give up, just like they did with Georgia.
Post by Peter Jason
Post by Intelligent Party
That is, to overthrow through civil war, and is this
really going to happen?
It's all so predictable.
We'll see...
Post by Peter Jason
Donor fatigue will set in, (it's costing the US and UK trillions),
Not really. They are mostly sending obsolete
stuff that they are in the process of scrapping.
Post by Peter Jason
the "climate change" cult will grow and grow and
displace any concern over Russia,
Post by Peter Jason
the Russians will get smarter,
Just like they did in Georgia, eh ?
Post by Peter Jason
and the Ukranian Oligarch what's-'is-name
Just more of your mindless pig ignorant drivel
Post by Peter Jason
will be overthrown by some
well-paid Russian sympathizer.
Completely off with the fucking fairys, as always.
Peter Jason
2023-07-24 21:06:44 UTC
On Tue, 25 Jul 2023 04:16:37 +1000, "Rod Speed"
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Peter Jason
On Sun, 23 Jul 2023 01:17:19 -0700, Intelligent Party
Post by Intelligent Party
Say Ukraine will only be in military alliance only with Euro powers, and not with
countries across the ocean. And say Ukraine will be in EU, and in free
association with Russia.
It's likely Russians saying to have NATO in Ukraine, the resist and fight Russia,
because this allows Russia to fight Ukraine and annex it.
You don't win a war through defense alone. Ukraine is not far away from Russia
like Afghanistan, or Vietnam to the United States. It's like if the U.S. were
fighting Mexico, and Russia was going to stop the U.S. from annexing Baja. Russia
will just take more and more of Ukraine over time.
Just like they did with Georgia eh ?
The past does not predict the future. Ukraine is a better catch
anyway. Read the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk and then reply, chastened
and contrite.
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Peter Jason
Post by Intelligent Party
The only other possibility is
if Russia were to implode.
Or they give up, just like they did with Georgia.
Post by Peter Jason
Post by Intelligent Party
That is, to overthrow through civil war, and is this
really going to happen?
It's all so predictable.
We'll see...
Post by Peter Jason
Donor fatigue will set in, (it's costing the US and UK trillions),
Not really. They are mostly sending obsolete
stuff that they are in the process of scrapping.
Post by Peter Jason
the "climate change" cult will grow and grow and
displace any concern over Russia,
In the good old days mad scientists cooked up monsters, bombs and
noxious gases. These days they obsess over hot weather. Clearly
the universities are disgorging too many boffins. Publish or Perish?
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Peter Jason
the Russians will get smarter,
Just like they did in Georgia, eh ?
Post by Peter Jason
and the Ukranian Oligarch what's-'is-name
Just more of your mindless pig ignorant drivel
It is not drivel, ignorance, pig or otherwise.
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Peter Jason
will be overthrown by some
well-paid Russian sympathizer.
Completely off with the fucking fairys, as always.
How rude. I know nothing of fairies.
Rod Speed
2023-07-24 23:54:01 UTC
Post by Peter Jason
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Peter Jason
Post by Intelligent Party
Say Ukraine will only be in military alliance only with Euro powers, and not with
countries across the ocean. And say Ukraine will be in EU, and in free
association with Russia.
It's likely Russians saying to have NATO in Ukraine, the resist and fight Russia,
because this allows Russia to fight Ukraine and annex it.
You don't win a war through defense alone. Ukraine is not far away from Russia
like Afghanistan, or Vietnam to the United States. It's like if the U.S. were
fighting Mexico, and Russia was going to stop the U.S. from annexing
Baja. Russia will just take more and more of Ukraine over time.
Just like they did with Georgia eh ?
The past does not predict the future.
But in this case it does show what Russia is capable
of now even with countrys that border with it.
Post by Peter Jason
Ukraine is a better catch anyway.
Yes, but that isnt why Putin invaded.
Post by Peter Jason
Read the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
Ancient history and irrelevant to what Russia is capable of today.
Post by Peter Jason
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Peter Jason
Post by Intelligent Party
The only other possibility is
if Russia were to implode.
Or they give up, just like they did with Georgia.
Post by Peter Jason
Post by Intelligent Party
That is, to overthrow through civil war, and is this
really going to happen?
It's all so predictable.
We'll see...
Post by Peter Jason
Donor fatigue will set in, (it's costing the US and UK trillions),
Not really. They are mostly sending obsolete
stuff that they are in the process of scrapping.
Post by Peter Jason
the "climate change" cult will grow and grow and
displace any concern over Russia,
In the good old days mad scientists cooked up monsters, bombs and
noxious gases. These days they obsess over hot weather.
Fuck all of them do that.
Post by Peter Jason
the universities are disgorging too many boffins.
In fact fuck all climate scientists.
Post by Peter Jason
Publish or Perish?
Nope, dope.
Post by Peter Jason
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Peter Jason
the Russians will get smarter,
Just like they did in Georgia, eh ?
Post by Peter Jason
and the Ukranian Oligarch what's-'is-name
Just more of your mindless pig ignorant drivel
It is not drivel, ignorance, pig or otherwise.
It is all of those, as always from you.
Post by Peter Jason
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Peter Jason
will be overthrown by some
well-paid Russian sympathizer.
Completely off with the fucking fairys, as always.
How rude. I know nothing of fairies.
Then that shit came straight from your arse.

We can tell from the smell.
Commander Kinsey
2023-08-30 07:33:56 UTC
Post by Intelligent Party
Say Ukraine will only be in military alliance only with Euro powers, and not with
countries across the ocean. And say Ukraine will be in EU, and in free
association with Russia.
It's likely Russians saying to have NATO in Ukraine, the resist and fight Russia,
because this allows Russia to fight Ukraine and annex it.
You don't win a war through defense alone. Ukraine is not far away from Russia
like Afghanistan, or Vietnam to the United States. It's like if the U.S. were
fighting Mexico, and Russia was going to stop the U.S. from annexing Baja. Russia
will just take more and more of Ukraine over time. The only other possibility is
if Russia were to implode. That is, to overthrow through civil war, and is this
really going to happen?
Peter Jason
2023-08-31 21:13:38 UTC
On Wed, 30 Aug 2023 08:33:56 +0100, "Commander Kinsey"
Post by Intelligent Party
Say Ukraine will only be in military alliance only with Euro powers, and not with
countries across the ocean. And say Ukraine will be in EU, and in free
association with Russia.
It's likely Russians saying to have NATO in Ukraine, the resist and fight Russia,
because this allows Russia to fight Ukraine and annex it.
You don't win a war through defense alone. Ukraine is not far away from Russia
like Afghanistan, or Vietnam to the United States. It's like if the U.S. were
fighting Mexico, and Russia was going to stop the U.S. from annexing Baja. Russia
will just take more and more of Ukraine over time. The only other possibility is
if Russia were to implode. That is, to overthrow through civil war, and is this
really going to happen?
It's a brawl between two oligarchs. If the west could top the
Ukrainian one, peace would break out.
Rod Speed
2023-08-31 23:52:17 UTC
Post by Peter Jason
On Wed, 30 Aug 2023 08:33:56 +0100, "Commander Kinsey"
On Sun, 23 Jul 2023 09:17:19 +0100, Intelligent Party
Post by Intelligent Party
Say Ukraine will only be in military alliance only with Euro powers, and not with
countries across the ocean. And say Ukraine will be in EU, and in free
association with Russia.
It's likely Russians saying to have NATO in Ukraine, the resist and fight Russia,
because this allows Russia to fight Ukraine and annex it.
You don't win a war through defense alone. Ukraine is not far away from Russia
like Afghanistan, or Vietnam to the United States. It's like if the U.S. were
fighting Mexico, and Russia was going to stop the U.S. from annexing Baja. Russia
will just take more and more of Ukraine over time. The only other possibility is
if Russia were to implode. That is, to overthrow through civil war, and is this
really going to happen?
It's a brawl between two oligarchs.
Zalinskyy isnt an oligarch.
Post by Peter Jason
If the west could top the
Ukrainian one, peace would break out.
Even sillier and more pig ignorant than you usually manage and
that'ssaying something.
Peter Jason
2023-09-01 04:39:19 UTC
On Fri, 01 Sep 2023 09:52:17 +1000, "Rod Speed"
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Peter Jason
On Wed, 30 Aug 2023 08:33:56 +0100, "Commander Kinsey"
On Sun, 23 Jul 2023 09:17:19 +0100, Intelligent Party
Post by Intelligent Party
Say Ukraine will only be in military alliance only with Euro powers, and not with
countries across the ocean. And say Ukraine will be in EU, and in free
association with Russia.
It's likely Russians saying to have NATO in Ukraine, the resist and fight Russia,
because this allows Russia to fight Ukraine and annex it.
You don't win a war through defense alone. Ukraine is not far away from Russia
like Afghanistan, or Vietnam to the United States. It's like if the U.S. were
fighting Mexico, and Russia was going to stop the U.S. from annexing Baja. Russia
will just take more and more of Ukraine over time. The only other possibility is
if Russia were to implode. That is, to overthrow through civil war, and is this
really going to happen?
It's a brawl between two oligarchs.
Zalinskyy isnt an oligarch.
Yes, he was.
They're all the same.
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Peter Jason
If the west could top the
Ukrainian one, peace would break out.
Have you ever read a history book?
Have you ever read a book?
Wars are about leaders & personalities.
Post by Rod Speed
Even sillier and more pig ignorant than you usually manage and
that'ssaying something.
T'was a little boy who saw the naked emperor.
Rod Speed
2023-09-01 09:29:41 UTC
Post by Peter Jason
On Fri, 01 Sep 2023 09:52:17 +1000, "Rod Speed"
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Peter Jason
On Wed, 30 Aug 2023 08:33:56 +0100, "Commander Kinsey"
On Sun, 23 Jul 2023 09:17:19 +0100, Intelligent Party
Post by Intelligent Party
Say Ukraine will only be in military alliance only with Euro powers, and not with
countries across the ocean. And say Ukraine will be in EU, and in free
association with Russia.
It's likely Russians saying to have NATO in Ukraine, the resist and fight Russia,
because this allows Russia to fight Ukraine and annex it.
You don't win a war through defense alone. Ukraine is not far away from Russia
like Afghanistan, or Vietnam to the United States. It's like if the U.S. were
fighting Mexico, and Russia was going to stop the U.S. from annexing Baja. Russia
will just take more and more of Ukraine over time. The only other possibility is
if Russia were to implode. That is, to overthrow through civil war, and is this
really going to happen?
It's a brawl between two oligarchs.
Zalinskyy isnt an oligarch.
Yes, he was.
Bullshit he ever was. He was actually a stand up commedian, fuckeit.
Post by Peter Jason
They're all the same.
Even sillier and more pig ignorant than you usually manage and that's
saying something.
Post by Peter Jason
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Peter Jason
If the west could top the Ukrainian one, peace would break out.
Have you ever read a history book?
Yep, hundreds of them thanks.
Post by Peter Jason
Have you ever read a book?
Yep, thousands of them, thanks.
Post by Peter Jason
Wars are about leaders & personalities.
Even sillier and more pig ignorant than you usually manage and that's
saying something.
Post by Peter Jason
Post by Rod Speed
Even sillier and more pig ignorant than you usually manage and
that'ssaying something.
T'was a little boy who saw the naked emperor.
Even sillier and more pig ignorant than you usually manage and that's
saying something.
2023-09-01 13:05:28 UTC
Post by Peter Jason
On Fri, 01 Sep 2023 09:52:17 +1000, "Rod Speed"
Post by Peter Jason
Post by Rod Speed
Even sillier and more pig ignorant than you usually manage and
that'ssaying something.
T'was a little boy who saw the naked emperor.
So was this the start of Kiddy-fiddling?? ;-P
2023-09-02 00:56:20 UTC
Post by Daniel65
Post by Peter Jason
On Fri, 01 Sep 2023 09:52:17 +1000, "Rod Speed"
Post by Peter Jason
Post by Rod Speed
Even sillier and more pig ignorant than you usually manage and
that'ssaying something.
T'was a little boy who saw the naked emperor.
So was this the start of Kiddy-fiddling?? ;-P
LOL. Now Daniel, behave yourself! There are already enough logical
fallacies being put forward to pollute the thread without you adding more.
Peter Jason
2023-09-02 02:02:53 UTC
On Sat, 2 Sep 2023 10:56:20 +1000, Fran
Post by Fran
Post by Daniel65
Post by Peter Jason
On Fri, 01 Sep 2023 09:52:17 +1000, "Rod Speed"
Post by Peter Jason
Post by Rod Speed
Even sillier and more pig ignorant than you usually manage and
that'ssaying something.
T'was a little boy who saw the naked emperor.
So was this the start of Kiddy-fiddling?? ;-P
LOL. Now Daniel, behave yourself! There are already enough logical
fallacies being put forward to pollute the thread without you adding more.
Yes, we don't need his sort here!
2023-09-01 09:19:10 UTC
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Peter Jason
It's a brawl between two oligarchs.
Zalinskyy isnt an oligarch.
Yeah! I thought he had been a stage performer previously .... Comedian,
Rod Speed
2023-09-01 09:30:55 UTC
Post by Daniel65
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Peter Jason
It's a brawl between two oligarchs.
Zalinskyy isnt an oligarch.
Yeah! I thought he had been a stage performer previously .... Comedian,
Yep, right on both counts.
Peter Jason
2023-09-02 00:06:32 UTC
On Fri, 01 Sep 2023 19:30:55 +1000, "Rod Speed"
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Daniel65
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Peter Jason
It's a brawl between two oligarchs.
Zalinskyy isnt an oligarch.
Yeah! I thought he had been a stage performer previously .... Comedian,
Yep, right on both counts.
& Hitler was a painter. Amateurs running things? Well you know what
Rod Speed
2023-09-02 00:24:00 UTC
Post by Peter Jason
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Daniel65
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Peter Jason
It's a brawl between two oligarchs.
Zalinskyy isnt an oligarch.
Yeah! I thought he had been a stage performer previously .... Comedian,
Yep, right on both counts.
& Hitler was a painter.
He was also a soldier.
Post by Peter Jason
Amateurs running things?
Everyone has to be an amateur sometime.
Post by Peter Jason
Well you know what happens.
Everyone has to be an amateur sometime.
Peter Jason
2023-09-02 01:58:41 UTC
On Sat, 02 Sep 2023 10:24:00 +1000, "Rod Speed"
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Peter Jason
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Daniel65
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Peter Jason
It's a brawl between two oligarchs.
Zalinskyy isnt an oligarch.
Yeah! I thought he had been a stage performer previously .... Comedian,
Yep, right on both counts.
& Hitler was a painter.
He was also a soldier.
But no politician.
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Peter Jason
Amateurs running things?
Everyone has to be an amateur sometime.
You can't weasel out that easy.
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Peter Jason
Well you know what happens.
Everyone has to be an amateur sometime.
You can't weasel out like that. Napoleon was an amateur in his
Rod Speed
2023-09-02 02:14:39 UTC
Post by Peter Jason
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Peter Jason
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Daniel65
Post by Peter Jason
It's a brawl between two oligarchs.
Zelenskyy isnt an oligarch.
Yeah! I thought he had been a stage performer previously ....
Comedian, maybe!
Yep, right on both counts.
& Hitler was a painter.
He was also a soldier.
But no politician.
That is bullshit with his brown shirts.
Post by Peter Jason
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Peter Jason
Amateurs running things?
Zelenskyy has in fact been one of the more successful presidents.
Post by Peter Jason
Post by Rod Speed
Everyone has to be an amateur sometime.
You can't weasel out that easy.
Post by Peter Jason
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Peter Jason
Well you know what happens.
Everyone has to be an amateur sometime.
You can't weasel out like that.
Post by Peter Jason
Napoleon was an amateur in his cradle.
He was actually a soldier before he became a politicial and dictatorr.
just like Adolf.
2023-09-02 07:40:39 UTC
On Fri, 01 Sep 2023 09:52:17 +1000, "Rod Speed"
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Peter Jason
On Wed, 30 Aug 2023 08:33:56 +0100, "Commander Kinsey"
On Sun, 23 Jul 2023 09:17:19 +0100, Intelligent Party
Post by Intelligent Party
Say Ukraine will only be in military alliance only with Euro powers, and not with
countries across the ocean. And say Ukraine will be in EU, and in free
association with Russia.
It's likely Russians saying to have NATO in Ukraine, the resist and fight Russia,
because this allows Russia to fight Ukraine and annex it.
You don't win a war through defense alone. Ukraine is not far away from Russia
like Afghanistan, or Vietnam to the United States. It's like if the U.S. were
fighting Mexico, and Russia was going to stop the U.S. from annexing Baja. Russia
will just take more and more of Ukraine over time. The only other possibility is
if Russia were to implode. That is, to overthrow through civil war, and is this
really going to happen?
It's a brawl between two oligarchs.
Zalinskyy isnt an oligarch.
? You sure he was funded by Obama with US$5 billion in a "election for
peace". US$Trillions disappear to him since the "war" began
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Peter Jason
If the west could top the
Ukrainian one, peace would break out.
Russia paid the Ukraine a trillion plus a gas supply deal where they
got Russian gas at third discount to what Europe pay, to not become a
European Economic Community member
Post by Rod Speed
Even sillier and more pig ignorant than you usually manage and
that'ssaying something.
more correct than you ever will be
Threatening journalists with arrest seems unthinkable now – but that
was just one of the obstacles they faced at the start of WWI.
"Shortly, the public will be unable to reason or think for themselves.
They'll only be able to parrot the information they've been given on
the previous night's news."
Zbigniew Brzezinski 1972
Every British child had to state this hype in classroom to other
children before WWI began,
- To rip the map of every trace of Germany and of The Hun...
...we must exterminate that race, we must not leave a single one...
Heed not, their children's cries They slay all now, the woman too...
Or else some day they will rise which if they're dead, They cannot do.
Rod Speed
2023-09-02 10:52:16 UTC
Post by Peter Jason
On Fri, 01 Sep 2023 09:52:17 +1000, "Rod Speed"
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Peter Jason
On Wed, 30 Aug 2023 08:33:56 +0100, "Commander Kinsey"
On Sun, 23 Jul 2023 09:17:19 +0100, Intelligent Party
Post by Intelligent Party
Say Ukraine will only be in military alliance only with Euro powers, and not with
countries across the ocean. And say Ukraine will be in EU, and in free
association with Russia.
It's likely Russians saying to have NATO in Ukraine, the resist and fight Russia,
because this allows Russia to fight Ukraine and annex it.
You don't win a war through defense alone. Ukraine is not far away from Russia
like Afghanistan, or Vietnam to the United States. It's like if the U.S. were
fighting Mexico, and Russia was going to stop the U.S. from annexing Baja. Russia
will just take more and more of Ukraine over time. The only other possibility is
if Russia were to implode. That is, to overthrow through civil war, and is this
really going to happen?
It's a brawl between two oligarchs.
Zalinskyy isnt an oligarch.
? You sure
Post by Peter Jason
he was funded by Obama with US$5 billion in a "election for peace".
Just because some fuckwit claims something...
Post by Peter Jason
US$Trillions disappear to him since the "war" began
Just because some fuckwit claims something...
Post by Peter Jason
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Peter Jason
If the west could top the
Ukrainian one, peace would break out.
Russia paid the Ukraine a trillion plus a gas supply deal where they
got Russian gas at third discount to what Europe pay, to not become a
European Economic Community member
Just because some fuckwit claims something...
Post by Peter Jason
Post by Rod Speed
Even sillier and more pig ignorant than you usually manage and
that'ssaying something.
Commander Kinsey
2023-09-02 08:12:47 UTC
Post by Peter Jason
On Wed, 30 Aug 2023 08:33:56 +0100, "Commander Kinsey"
Post by Intelligent Party
Say Ukraine will only be in military alliance only with Euro powers, and not with
countries across the ocean. And say Ukraine will be in EU, and in free
association with Russia.
It's likely Russians saying to have NATO in Ukraine, the resist and fight Russia,
because this allows Russia to fight Ukraine and annex it.
You don't win a war through defense alone. Ukraine is not far away from Russia
like Afghanistan, or Vietnam to the United States. It's like if the U.S. were
fighting Mexico, and Russia was going to stop the U.S. from annexing Baja. Russia
will just take more and more of Ukraine over time. The only other possibility is
if Russia were to implode. That is, to overthrow through civil war, and is this
really going to happen?
It's a brawl between two oligarchs. If the west could top the
Ukrainian one, peace would break out.
He's only a comedian anyway.
Commander Kinsey
2023-08-30 07:34:05 UTC
Post by Intelligent Party
Say Ukraine will only be in military alliance only with Euro powers, and not with
countries across the ocean. And say Ukraine will be in EU, and in free
association with Russia.
It's likely Russians saying to have NATO in Ukraine, the resist and fight Russia,
because this allows Russia to fight Ukraine and annex it.
You don't win a war through defense alone. Ukraine is not far away from Russia
like Afghanistan, or Vietnam to the United States. It's like if the U.S. were
fighting Mexico, and Russia was going to stop the U.S. from annexing Baja. Russia
will just take more and more of Ukraine over time. The only other possibility is
if Russia were to implode. That is, to overthrow through civil war, and is this
really going to happen?
The Ukraine started the war. They mistreated Russian people living in the Ukraine,and they asked Russia for help. Don't believe propaganda from US and UK governments.
2023-08-30 12:54:27 UTC
On Sun, 23 Jul 2023 09:17:19 +0100, Intelligent Party
Post by Intelligent Party
Say Ukraine will only be in military alliance only with Euro
powers, and not with countries across the ocean. And say Ukraine
will be in EU, and in free association with Russia.
It's likely Russians saying to have NATO in Ukraine, the resist and
fight Russia, because this allows Russia to fight Ukraine and
annex it.
You don't win a war through defense alone. Ukraine is not far away
from Russia like Afghanistan, or Vietnam to the United States.
It's like if the U.S. were fighting Mexico, and Russia was going to
stop the U.S. from annexing Baja. Russia will just take more and
more of Ukraine over time. The only other possibility is if Russia
were to implode. That is, to overthrow through civil war, and is
this really going to happen?
The Ukraine started the war. They mistreated Russian people living
in the Ukraine,and they asked Russia for help. Don't believe
propaganda from US and UK governments.
If Ukraine mistreated Russians who lived in The Ukraine, those Russian
Citizens had the option to go back to Russian, didn't they??

If they were Ukraine Citizens of Russian Birth, why did they give up
their Russian Citizenship??

Or were they Russian born whilst that area was all tied up in the U.S.S.R.??

Or something else??
2023-08-30 22:45:36 UTC
On Wed, 30 Aug 2023 22:54:27 +1000, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
On Sun, 23 Jul 2023 09:17:19 +0100, Intelligent Party
Post by Intelligent Party
Say Ukraine will only be in military alliance only with Euro
powers, and not with countries across the ocean. And say Ukraine
will be in EU, and in free association with Russia.
It's likely Russians saying to have NATO in Ukraine, the resist and
fight Russia, because this allows Russia to fight Ukraine and
annex it.
You don't win a war through defense alone. Ukraine is not far away
from Russia like Afghanistan, or Vietnam to the United States.
It's like if the U.S. were fighting Mexico, and Russia was going to
stop the U.S. from annexing Baja. Russia will just take more and
more of Ukraine over time. The only other possibility is if Russia
were to implode. That is, to overthrow through civil war, and is
this really going to happen?
The Ukraine started the war. They mistreated Russian people living
in the Ukraine,and they asked Russia for help. Don't believe
propaganda from US and UK governments.
If Ukraine mistreated Russians who lived in The Ukraine, those Russian
Citizens had the option to go back to Russian, didn't they??
If they were Ukraine Citizens of Russian Birth, why did they give up
their Russian Citizenship??
Or were they Russian born whilst that area was all tied up in the U.S.S.R.??
Or something else??
If you want the truth it's all here!
Robert F Kennedy Jr.
Ep. 16 RFK Jr. explains Ukraine, bio-labs, and who killed his uncle

23:24 in video
The Crimean population is largely Russian and they welcome the
So, you know, again, I'm not make excuses for him, but I'm saying we
have to understand my uncle always said we have to understand the
position of our adversaries'
So, so then the Russians, as soon as we put in that government, the
first rule they passed is to make the Russian language essentially
illegal in Donbas and Luhansk, where 90% the population is Russian and
they and there's peaceful uprising which people begin dying, they turn
violent, now which side made them violent is a dispute, but it's not a
The Russian ethnic population in Ukraine are now being treated like
redheaded step children.
They're being slapped around, they're being abused, and they're not
being allowed to practice their culture, their language.
And so there is a vote where they vote 90 to 10 to join Russia, Russia
says, no, no, I don't want you let's sign an agreement that protects
The Crimean population is largely Russian and they welcome the
So, you know, again, I'm not make excuses for him, but I'm saying we
have to understand my uncle always said we have to understand the
position of our adversaries'
So, so then the Russians, as soon as we put in that government, the
first rule they passed is to make the Russian language essentially
illegal in Donbas and Luhansk, where 90% the population is Russian and
they and there's peaceful uprising which people begin dying, they turn
violent, now which side made them violent is a dispute, but it's not a
So, so then the Russians, as soon as we put in that government, the
first rule they passed is to make the Russian language essentially
illegal in Donbas and Luhansk, where 90% the population is Russian and
they and there's peaceful uprising which people begin dying, they turn
violent, now which side made them violent is a dispute, but it's not a
The Russian ethnic population in Ukraine are now being treated like
redheaded step children.
They're not you know, they're being slapped around, they're being
abused, and they're not being allowed to practice their culture, their
And so there is a vote where they vote 90 to 10 to join Russia, Russia
says, no, no, I don't want you let's sign an agreement that protects

So, so then the Russians, as soon as we put in that government, the
first rule they passed is to make the Russian language essentially
illegal in Donbas and Luhansk, where 90% the population is Russian and
they and there's peaceful uprising which people begin dying, they turn
violent, now which side made them violent is a dispute,b_ut it's not a
So they put together an agreement with France, Germany and Russia,
called the Minsk accords.
The Minsk accords leave Donbas and Luhansk as part of Ukraine, but
make them semi-autonomous.
So they can speak their own language.
And so the Russians are going to be protected from violence by the
The Russian parliament or the Ukrainian parliament won't ratify the
Minsk accords, but France agreed to it.
Germany agreed to it
Zelensky in 2019, Zelensky is a comedian and he's an actor.
And I'm not saying that a derogatory way because my wife is a comedian
and actor, but I'm saying it because here is a guy with no political
background who wins the election with 90% of the vote.
Why did he win the election.
He won the election because he ran on a peace platform.
He ran promising that he would sign the Minsk accords.
He gets into office, the minute he gets there, and he's told
everybody, I'm going to sign the Minsk accords and settle the peace
with Russia.
He, he suddenly pivots and the we don't know what happened, but the
rational assumption is that the US government told him he could not do
So that Victoria Nuland and Anthony Blinken and Avril Haines, who's
the DNI, Director of National Intelligence, oh you cannot have a peace
with Russia, plus people within, you know, ultra nationalists within
Ukraine told him, if you sign that, we're going to kill you
And a lot of people say anyway, if they threatened him with death, and
that is pretty well documented.
Then Russia invades, but Russia only invades.
And so we say, oh, look, you know, Putin is trying to take over
Europe, but they only send in 40,000 troops.
I think there's three and a half million people in Kiev.

there's more fact but you don't want the truth and "our" media don't
want you to know it.

Just follow the media you'll be right
like these people did for the clean shower rooms
Threatening journalists with arrest seems unthinkable now – but that
was just one of the obstacles they faced at the start of WWI.
"Shortly, the public will be unable to reason or think for themselves.
They'll only be able to parrot the information they've been given on
the previous night's news."
Zbigniew Brzezinski 1972
Every British child had to state this hype in classroom to other
children before WWI began,
Rod Speed
2023-08-31 01:01:14 UTC
Post by Petzl
On Wed, 30 Aug 2023 22:54:27 +1000, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
On Sun, 23 Jul 2023 09:17:19 +0100, Intelligent Party
Post by Intelligent Party
Say Ukraine will only be in military alliance only with Euro
powers, and not with countries across the ocean. And say Ukraine
will be in EU, and in free association with Russia.
It's likely Russians saying to have NATO in Ukraine, the resist and
fight Russia, because this allows Russia to fight Ukraine and
annex it.
You don't win a war through defense alone. Ukraine is not far away
from Russia like Afghanistan, or Vietnam to the United States.
It's like if the U.S. were fighting Mexico, and Russia was going to
stop the U.S. from annexing Baja. Russia will just take more and
more of Ukraine over time. The only other possibility is if Russia
were to implode. That is, to overthrow through civil war, and is
this really going to happen?
The Ukraine started the war. They mistreated Russian people living
in the Ukraine,and they asked Russia for help. Don't believe
propaganda from US and UK governments.
If Ukraine mistreated Russians who lived in The Ukraine, those Russian
Citizens had the option to go back to Russian, didn't they??
If they were Ukraine Citizens of Russian Birth, why did they give up
their Russian Citizenship??
Or were they Russian born whilst that area was all tied up in the U.S.S.R.??
Or something else??
If you want the truth it's all here!
Bullshit it is. That fool has never ever had a fucking clue about anything.
Post by Petzl
Robert F Kennedy Jr.
Ep. 16 RFK Jr. explains Ukraine, bio-labs, and who killed his uncle
23:24 in video
The Crimean population is largely Russian
2023-08-31 01:40:32 UTC
On Thu, 31 Aug 2023 11:01:14 +1000, "Rod Speed"
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Petzl
On Wed, 30 Aug 2023 22:54:27 +1000, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
On Sun, 23 Jul 2023 09:17:19 +0100, Intelligent Party
Post by Intelligent Party
Say Ukraine will only be in military alliance only with Euro
powers, and not with countries across the ocean. And say Ukraine
will be in EU, and in free association with Russia.
It's likely Russians saying to have NATO in Ukraine, the resist and
fight Russia, because this allows Russia to fight Ukraine and
annex it.
You don't win a war through defense alone. Ukraine is not far away
from Russia like Afghanistan, or Vietnam to the United States.
It's like if the U.S. were fighting Mexico, and Russia was going to
stop the U.S. from annexing Baja. Russia will just take more and
more of Ukraine over time. The only other possibility is if Russia
were to implode. That is, to overthrow through civil war, and is
this really going to happen?
The Ukraine started the war. They mistreated Russian people living
in the Ukraine,and they asked Russia for help. Don't believe
propaganda from US and UK governments.
If Ukraine mistreated Russians who lived in The Ukraine, those Russian
Citizens had the option to go back to Russian, didn't they??
If they were Ukraine Citizens of Russian Birth, why did they give up
their Russian Citizenship??
Or were they Russian born whilst that area was all tied up in the U.S.S.R.??
Or something else??
If you want the truth it's all here!
Bullshit it is. That fool has never ever had a fucking clue about anything.
"What is truth"?
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Petzl
Robert F Kennedy Jr.
Ep. 16 RFK Jr. explains Ukraine, bio-labs, and who killed his uncle
23:24 in video
The Crimean population is largely Russian
It was in 2013
82% Russian
10% Crimean Tatar
3% Russian and Ukrainian equally
3% Russian and another language equally
2% Ukrainian
Threatening journalists with arrest seems unthinkable now – but that
was just one of the obstacles they faced at the start of WWI.
"Shortly, the public will be unable to reason or think for themselves.
They'll only be able to parrot the information they've been given on
the previous night's news."
Zbigniew Brzezinski 1972
Every British child had to state this hype in classroom to other
children before WWI began,
- To rip the map of every trace of Germany and of The Hun...
...we must exterminate that race, we must not leave a single one...
Heed not, their children's cries They slay all now, the woman too...
Or else some day they will rise which if they're dead, They cannot do.
Rod Speed
2023-08-31 04:28:38 UTC
Post by Petzl
On Thu, 31 Aug 2023 11:01:14 +1000, "Rod Speed"
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Petzl
On Wed, 30 Aug 2023 22:54:27 +1000, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
On Sun, 23 Jul 2023 09:17:19 +0100, Intelligent Party
Post by Intelligent Party
Say Ukraine will only be in military alliance only with Euro
powers, and not with countries across the ocean. And say Ukraine
will be in EU, and in free association with Russia.
It's likely Russians saying to have NATO in Ukraine, the resist and
fight Russia, because this allows Russia to fight Ukraine and
annex it.
You don't win a war through defense alone. Ukraine is not far away
from Russia like Afghanistan, or Vietnam to the United States.
It's like if the U.S. were fighting Mexico, and Russia was going to
stop the U.S. from annexing Baja. Russia will just take more and
more of Ukraine over time. The only other possibility is if Russia
were to implode. That is, to overthrow through civil war, and is
this really going to happen?
The Ukraine started the war. They mistreated Russian people living
in the Ukraine,and they asked Russia for help. Don't believe
propaganda from US and UK governments.
If Ukraine mistreated Russians who lived in The Ukraine, those Russian
Citizens had the option to go back to Russian, didn't they??
If they were Ukraine Citizens of Russian Birth, why did they give up
their Russian Citizenship??
Or were they Russian born whilst that area was all tied up in the U.S.S.R.??
Or something else??
If you want the truth it's all here!
Bullshit it is. That fool has never ever had a fucking clue about anything.
"What is truth"?
What actually happened, fuckwit.
Post by Petzl
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Petzl
Robert F Kennedy Jr.
Ep. 16 RFK Jr. explains Ukraine, bio-labs, and who killed his uncle
23:24 in video
The Crimean population is largely Russian
It was in 2013
Post by Petzl
82% Russian
10% Crimean Tatar
3% Russian and Ukrainian equally
3% Russian and another language equally
2% Ukrainian
Pity about the 2001 census, you pathetic excuse for a lying bullshit artist
2023-08-31 06:01:47 UTC
On Thu, 31 Aug 2023 14:28:38 +1000, "Rod Speed"
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Petzl
On Thu, 31 Aug 2023 11:01:14 +1000, "Rod Speed"
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Petzl
On Wed, 30 Aug 2023 22:54:27 +1000, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
On Sun, 23 Jul 2023 09:17:19 +0100, Intelligent Party
Post by Intelligent Party
Say Ukraine will only be in military alliance only with Euro
powers, and not with countries across the ocean. And say Ukraine
will be in EU, and in free association with Russia.
It's likely Russians saying to have NATO in Ukraine, the resist and
fight Russia, because this allows Russia to fight Ukraine and
annex it.
You don't win a war through defense alone. Ukraine is not far away
from Russia like Afghanistan, or Vietnam to the United States.
It's like if the U.S. were fighting Mexico, and Russia was going to
stop the U.S. from annexing Baja. Russia will just take more and
more of Ukraine over time. The only other possibility is if Russia
were to implode. That is, to overthrow through civil war, and is
this really going to happen?
The Ukraine started the war. They mistreated Russian people living
in the Ukraine,and they asked Russia for help. Don't believe
propaganda from US and UK governments.
If Ukraine mistreated Russians who lived in The Ukraine, those Russian
Citizens had the option to go back to Russian, didn't they??
If they were Ukraine Citizens of Russian Birth, why did they give up
their Russian Citizenship??
Or were they Russian born whilst that area was all tied up in the U.S.S.R.??
Or something else??
If you want the truth it's all here!
Bullshit it is. That fool has never ever had a fucking clue about anything.
"What is truth"?
What actually happened, fuckwit.
References would be nice
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Petzl
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Petzl
Robert F Kennedy Jr.
Ep. 16 RFK Jr. explains Ukraine, bio-labs, and who killed his uncle
23:24 in video
The Crimean population is largely Russian
It was in 2013
According to census it was?
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Petzl
82% Russian
10% Crimean Tatar
3% Russian and Ukrainian equally
3% Russian and another language equally
2% Ukrainian
Pity about the 2001 census, you pathetic excuse for a lying bullshit artist
The Russians invaded Crimea in 2014?
Threatening journalists with arrest seems unthinkable now – but that
was just one of the obstacles they faced at the start of WWI.
"Shortly, the public will be unable to reason or think for themselves.
They'll only be able to parrot the information they've been given on
the previous night's news."
Zbigniew Brzezinski 1972
Every British child had to state this hype in classroom to other
children before WWI began,
- To rip the map of every trace of Germany and of The Hun...
...we must exterminate that race, we must not leave a single one...
Heed not, their children's cries They slay all now, the woman too...
Or else some day they will rise which if they're dead, They cannot do.
Rod Speed
2023-08-31 09:56:13 UTC
Post by Petzl
On Thu, 31 Aug 2023 14:28:38 +1000, "Rod Speed"
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Petzl
On Thu, 31 Aug 2023 11:01:14 +1000, "Rod Speed"
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Petzl
On Wed, 30 Aug 2023 22:54:27 +1000, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
On Sun, 23 Jul 2023 09:17:19 +0100, Intelligent Party
Post by Intelligent Party
Say Ukraine will only be in military alliance only with Euro
powers, and not with countries across the ocean. And say Ukraine
will be in EU, and in free association with Russia.
It's likely Russians saying to have NATO in Ukraine, the resist and
fight Russia, because this allows Russia to fight Ukraine and
annex it.
You don't win a war through defense alone. Ukraine is not far away
from Russia like Afghanistan, or Vietnam to the United States.
It's like if the U.S. were fighting Mexico, and Russia was going to
stop the U.S. from annexing Baja. Russia will just take more and
more of Ukraine over time. The only other possibility is if Russia
were to implode. That is, to overthrow through civil war, and is
this really going to happen?
The Ukraine started the war. They mistreated Russian people living
in the Ukraine,and they asked Russia for help. Don't believe
propaganda from US and UK governments.
If Ukraine mistreated Russians who lived in The Ukraine, those Russian
Citizens had the option to go back to Russian, didn't they??
If they were Ukraine Citizens of Russian Birth, why did they give up
their Russian Citizenship??
Or were they Russian born whilst that area was all tied up in the U.S.S.R.??
Or something else??
If you want the truth it's all here!
Bullshit it is. That fool has never ever had a fucking clue about anything.
"What is truth"?
What actually happened, fuckwit.
References would be nice
Gave you that.
Post by Petzl
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Petzl
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Petzl
Robert F Kennedy Jr.
Ep. 16 RFK Jr. explains Ukraine, bio-labs, and who killed his uncle
23:24 in video
The Crimean population is largely Russian
It was in 2013
According to census it was?
Pity it was a russian 'census'
Post by Petzl
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Petzl
82% Russian
10% Crimean Tatar
3% Russian and Ukrainian equally
3% Russian and another language equally
2% Ukrainian
Pity about the 2001 census, you pathetic excuse for a lying bullshit artist
The Russians invaded Crimea in 2014?
Pity its their lying 'census'

And even if all those russian showed up in that time,
that just proves nothing useful
2023-08-31 22:12:01 UTC
On Thu, 31 Aug 2023 14:28:38 +1000, "Rod Speed"
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Petzl
On Thu, 31 Aug 2023 11:01:14 +1000, "Rod Speed"
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Petzl
On Wed, 30 Aug 2023 22:54:27 +1000, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
On Sun, 23 Jul 2023 09:17:19 +0100, Intelligent Party
Post by Intelligent Party
Say Ukraine will only be in military alliance only with Euro
powers, and not with countries across the ocean. And say Ukraine
will be in EU, and in free association with Russia.
It's likely Russians saying to have NATO in Ukraine, the resist and
fight Russia, because this allows Russia to fight Ukraine and
annex it.
You don't win a war through defense alone. Ukraine is not far away
from Russia like Afghanistan, or Vietnam to the United States.
It's like if the U.S. were fighting Mexico, and Russia was going to
stop the U.S. from annexing Baja. Russia will just take more and
more of Ukraine over time. The only other possibility is if Russia
were to implode. That is, to overthrow through civil war, and is
this really going to happen?
The Ukraine started the war. They mistreated Russian people living
in the Ukraine,and they asked Russia for help. Don't believe
propaganda from US and UK governments.
If Ukraine mistreated Russians who lived in The Ukraine, those Russian
Citizens had the option to go back to Russian, didn't they??
If they were Ukraine Citizens of Russian Birth, why did they give up
their Russian Citizenship??
Or were they Russian born whilst that area was all tied up in the U.S.S.R.??
Or something else??
If you want the truth it's all here!
Bullshit it is. That fool has never ever had a fucking clue about anything.
"What is truth"?
What actually happened, fuckwit.
Post by Petzl
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Petzl
Robert F Kennedy Jr.
Ep. 16 RFK Jr. explains Ukraine, bio-labs, and who killed his uncle
23:24 in video
The Crimean population is largely Russian
It was in 2013
Russians were in majority then also
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Petzl
82% Russian
10% Crimean Tatar
3% Russian and Ukrainian equally
3% Russian and another language equally
2% Ukrainian
Pity about the 2001 census, you pathetic excuse for a lying bullshit artist
12% less Russians in 2001, from 2013.
According to the (2001 census), the ethnic makeup of Crimea's
population consisted of the following self-reported groups:
Russians:1.492 million (67.9%), Ukrainians: 344,515 (15.7%), Crimean
Tatars: 245,000 (12.6%), Belarusians: 35,000 (1.4%), other Tatars:
13,500 (0.5%), Armenians: 10,000 (0.4%), and Jews: 5,500 (0.2%).
Threatening journalists with arrest seems unthinkable now – but that
was just one of the obstacles they faced at the start of WWI.
"Shortly, the public will be unable to reason or think for themselves.
They'll only be able to parrot the information they've been given on
the previous night's news."
Zbigniew Brzezinski 1972
Every British child had to state this hype in classroom to other
children before WWI began,
- To rip the map of every trace of Germany and of The Hun...
...we must exterminate that race, we must not leave a single one...
Heed not, their children's cries They slay all now, the woman too...
Or else some day they will rise which if they're dead, They cannot do.
Rod Speed
2023-09-01 00:54:17 UTC
Post by Petzl
On Thu, 31 Aug 2023 14:28:38 +1000, "Rod Speed"
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Petzl
On Thu, 31 Aug 2023 11:01:14 +1000, "Rod Speed"
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Petzl
On Wed, 30 Aug 2023 22:54:27 +1000, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
On Sun, 23 Jul 2023 09:17:19 +0100, Intelligent Party
Post by Intelligent Party
Say Ukraine will only be in military alliance only with Euro
powers, and not with countries across the ocean. And say Ukraine
will be in EU, and in free association with Russia.
It's likely Russians saying to have NATO in Ukraine, the resist and
fight Russia, because this allows Russia to fight Ukraine and
annex it.
You don't win a war through defense alone. Ukraine is not far away
from Russia like Afghanistan, or Vietnam to the United States.
It's like if the U.S. were fighting Mexico, and Russia was going to
stop the U.S. from annexing Baja. Russia will just take more and
more of Ukraine over time. The only other possibility is if Russia
were to implode. That is, to overthrow through civil war, and is
this really going to happen?
The Ukraine started the war. They mistreated Russian people living
in the Ukraine,and they asked Russia for help. Don't believe
propaganda from US and UK governments.
If Ukraine mistreated Russians who lived in The Ukraine, those Russian
Citizens had the option to go back to Russian, didn't they??
If they were Ukraine Citizens of Russian Birth, why did they give up
their Russian Citizenship??
Or were they Russian born whilst that area was all tied up in the U.S.S.R.??
Or something else??
If you want the truth it's all here!
Bullshit it is. That fool has never ever had a fucking clue about anything.
"What is truth"?
What actually happened, fuckwit.
Post by Petzl
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Petzl
Robert F Kennedy Jr.
Ep. 16 RFK Jr. explains Ukraine, bio-labs, and who killed his uncle
23:24 in video
The Crimean population is largely Russian
It was in 2013
Russians were in majority then also
Post by Rod Speed
Post by Petzl
82% Russian
10% Crimean Tatar
3% Russian and Ukrainian equally
3% Russian and another language equally
2% Ukrainian
Pity about the 2001 census, you pathetic excuse for a lying bullshit artist
12% less Russians in 2001, from 2013.
Another lie. There were only 60% in the 2001
Post by Petzl
According to the (2001 census), the ethnic makeup of Crimea's
Russians:1.492 million (67.9%), Ukrainians: 344,515 (15.7%), Crimean
13,500 (0.5%), Armenians: 10,000 (0.4%), and Jews: 5,500 (0.2%).
Thats not what the wikipedia demographics says, liar.
2023-08-31 03:23:35 UTC
Post by Daniel65
On Sun, 23 Jul 2023 09:17:19 +0100, Intelligent Party
Post by Intelligent Party
Say Ukraine will only be in military alliance only with Euro
powers, and not with countries across the ocean.  And say Ukraine
will be in EU, and in free association with Russia.
It's likely Russians saying to have NATO in Ukraine, the resist and
fight Russia, because this allows Russia to fight Ukraine and
annex it.
You don't win a war through defense alone.  Ukraine is not far away
 from Russia like Afghanistan, or Vietnam to the United States.
It's like if the U.S. were fighting Mexico, and Russia was going to
stop the U.S. from annexing Baja.  Russia will just take more and
more of Ukraine over time.  The only other possibility is if Russia
were to implode.  That is, to overthrow through civil war, and is
this really going to happen?
The Ukraine started the war.  They mistreated Russian people living
in the Ukraine,and they asked Russia for help.  Don't believe
propaganda from US and UK governments.
If Ukraine mistreated Russians who lived in The Ukraine, those Russian
Citizens had the option to go back to Russian, didn't they??
If they were Ukraine Citizens of Russian Birth, why did they give up
their Russian Citizenship??
Or were they Russian born whilst that area was all tied up in the U.S.S.R.??
Or something else??
:-)) Now Daniel, you really should stop your habit of throwing out
baited lines to loony trolls.
2023-08-31 09:36:22 UTC
Post by Daniel65
On Sun, 23 Jul 2023 09:17:19 +0100, Intelligent Party
Post by Intelligent Party
Say Ukraine will only be in military alliance only with Euro
powers, and not with countries across the ocean.  And say Ukraine
will be in EU, and in free association with Russia.
It's likely Russians saying to have NATO in Ukraine, the resist and
fight Russia, because this allows Russia to fight Ukraine and
annex it.
You don't win a war through defense alone.  Ukraine is not far away
 from Russia like Afghanistan, or Vietnam to the United States.
It's like if the U.S. were fighting Mexico, and Russia was going to
stop the U.S. from annexing Baja.  Russia will just take more and
more of Ukraine over time.  The only other possibility is if Russia
were to implode.  That is, to overthrow through civil war, and is
this really going to happen?
The Ukraine started the war.  They mistreated Russian people living
in the Ukraine,and they asked Russia for help.  Don't believe
propaganda from US and UK governments.
If Ukraine mistreated Russians who lived in The Ukraine, those Russian
Citizens had the option to go back to Russian, didn't they??
If they were Ukraine Citizens of Russian Birth, why did they give up
their Russian Citizenship??
Or were they Russian born whilst that area was all tied up in the U.S.S.R.??
Or something else??
:-))  Now Daniel, you really should stop your habit of throwing out
baited lines to loony trolls.
But ...!! But ..!! But..!! ;-P
2023-09-01 00:59:55 UTC
Post by Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
On Sun, 23 Jul 2023 09:17:19 +0100, Intelligent Party
Post by Intelligent Party
Say Ukraine will only be in military alliance only with Euro
powers, and not with countries across the ocean.  And say Ukraine
will be in EU, and in free association with Russia.
It's likely Russians saying to have NATO in Ukraine, the resist and
fight Russia, because this allows Russia to fight Ukraine and
annex it.
You don't win a war through defense alone.  Ukraine is not far away
 from Russia like Afghanistan, or Vietnam to the United States.
It's like if the U.S. were fighting Mexico, and Russia was going to
stop the U.S. from annexing Baja.  Russia will just take more and
more of Ukraine over time.  The only other possibility is if Russia
were to implode.  That is, to overthrow through civil war, and is
this really going to happen?
The Ukraine started the war.  They mistreated Russian people living
in the Ukraine,and they asked Russia for help.  Don't believe
propaganda from US and UK governments.
If Ukraine mistreated Russians who lived in The Ukraine, those
Russian Citizens had the option to go back to Russian, didn't they??
If they were Ukraine Citizens of Russian Birth, why did they give up
their Russian Citizenship??
Or were they Russian born whilst that area was all tied up in the U.S.S.R.??
Or something else??
:-))  Now Daniel, you really should stop your habit of throwing out
baited lines to loony trolls.
But ...!! But ..!! But..!! ;-P
I know. I too am guilty of playing with trolls but you and I both know
that doing so is a total waste of time and we also both know that you
won't get a logical or reasoned response to your questions.
Peter Jason
2023-09-01 04:40:10 UTC
On Fri, 1 Sep 2023 10:59:55 +1000, Fran
Post by Fran
Post by Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
On Sun, 23 Jul 2023 09:17:19 +0100, Intelligent Party
Post by Intelligent Party
Say Ukraine will only be in military alliance only with Euro
powers, and not with countries across the ocean.  And say Ukraine
will be in EU, and in free association with Russia.
It's likely Russians saying to have NATO in Ukraine, the resist and
fight Russia, because this allows Russia to fight Ukraine and
annex it.
You don't win a war through defense alone.  Ukraine is not far away
 from Russia like Afghanistan, or Vietnam to the United States.
It's like if the U.S. were fighting Mexico, and Russia was going to
stop the U.S. from annexing Baja.  Russia will just take more and
more of Ukraine over time.  The only other possibility is if Russia
were to implode.  That is, to overthrow through civil war, and is
this really going to happen?
The Ukraine started the war.  They mistreated Russian people living
in the Ukraine,and they asked Russia for help.  Don't believe
propaganda from US and UK governments.
If Ukraine mistreated Russians who lived in The Ukraine, those
Russian Citizens had the option to go back to Russian, didn't they??
If they were Ukraine Citizens of Russian Birth, why did they give up
their Russian Citizenship??
Or were they Russian born whilst that area was all tied up in the U.S.S.R.??
Or something else??
:-))  Now Daniel, you really should stop your habit of throwing out
baited lines to loony trolls.
But ...!! But ..!! But..!! ;-P
I know. I too am guilty of playing with trolls but you and I both know
that doing so is a total waste of time and we also both know that you
won't get a logical or reasoned response to your questions.
Aww gee; trolls need luvv too!
Commander Kinsey
2023-09-02 07:17:16 UTC
Post by Fran
Post by Daniel65
Post by Fran
Post by Daniel65
On Sun, 23 Jul 2023 09:17:19 +0100, Intelligent Party
Post by Intelligent Party
Say Ukraine will only be in military alliance only with Euro
powers, and not with countries across the ocean. And say Ukraine
will be in EU, and in free association with Russia.
It's likely Russians saying to have NATO in Ukraine, the resist and
fight Russia, because this allows Russia to fight Ukraine and
annex it.
You don't win a war through defense alone. Ukraine is not far away
from Russia like Afghanistan, or Vietnam to the United States.
It's like if the U.S. were fighting Mexico, and Russia was going to
stop the U.S. from annexing Baja. Russia will just take more and
more of Ukraine over time. The only other possibility is if Russia
were to implode. That is, to overthrow through civil war, and is
this really going to happen?
The Ukraine started the war. They mistreated Russian people living
in the Ukraine,and they asked Russia for help. Don't believe
propaganda from US and UK governments.
If Ukraine mistreated Russians who lived in The Ukraine, those
Russian Citizens had the option to go back to Russian, didn't they??
If they were Ukraine Citizens of Russian Birth, why did they give up
their Russian Citizenship??
Or were they Russian born whilst that area was all tied up in the U.S.S.R.??
Or something else??
:-)) Now Daniel, you really should stop your habit of throwing out
baited lines to loony trolls.
But ...!! But ..!! But..!! ;-P
I know. I too am guilty of playing with trolls but you and I both know
that doing so is a total waste of time and we also both know that you
won't get a logical or reasoned response to your questions.
Contrarywise, the people you call trolls give lots of information. You just respond with "that's just stupid" or some other simple dismissive comment, which only goes to show you have nothing to back your claims.
2023-09-03 10:18:22 UTC
On Fri, 01 Sep 2023 01:59:55 +0100, Fran
Post by Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
On Sun, 23 Jul 2023 09:17:19 +0100, Intelligent Party
Post by Intelligent Party
Say Ukraine will only be in military alliance only with Euro
powers, and not with countries across the ocean.  And say Ukraine
will be in EU, and in free association with Russia.
It's likely Russians saying to have NATO in Ukraine, the resist and
fight Russia, because this allows Russia to fight Ukraine and
annex it.
You don't win a war through defense alone.  Ukraine is not far away
 from Russia like Afghanistan, or Vietnam to the United States.
It's like if the U.S. were fighting Mexico, and Russia was going to
stop the U.S. from annexing Baja.  Russia will just take more and
more of Ukraine over time.  The only other possibility is if Russia
were to implode.  That is, to overthrow through civil war, and is
this really going to happen?
The Ukraine started the war.  They mistreated Russian people living
in the Ukraine,and they asked Russia for help.  Don't believe
propaganda from US and UK governments.
If Ukraine mistreated Russians who lived in The Ukraine, those
Russian Citizens had the option to go back to Russian, didn't they??
If they were Ukraine Citizens of Russian Birth, why did they give up
their Russian Citizenship??
Or were they Russian born whilst that area was all tied up in the U.S.S.R.??
Or something else??
:-))  Now Daniel, you really should stop your habit of throwing out
baited lines to loony trolls.
But ...!! But ..!! But..!! ;-P
I know.  I too am guilty of playing with trolls but you and I both know
that doing so is a total waste of time and we also both know that you
won't get a logical or reasoned response to your questions.
Contrarywise, the people you call trolls give lots of information.
You put forward conspiracy theories and/or logical fallacies. Neither
of those are 'information'.

just respond with "that's just stupid" or some other simple dismissive
comment, which only goes to show you have nothing to back your claims.
The only 'accusation' I've made is that you are a troll. I don't need
to back my accusation. Daniel agrees with my assessment of you and your
posts provide proof of my accusation.
Commander Kinsey
2023-09-03 15:05:14 UTC
Post by Fran
On Fri, 01 Sep 2023 01:59:55 +0100, Fran
Post by Fran
Post by Daniel65
Post by Fran
Post by Daniel65
On Sun, 23 Jul 2023 09:17:19 +0100, Intelligent Party
Post by Intelligent Party
Say Ukraine will only be in military alliance only with Euro
powers, and not with countries across the ocean. And say Ukraine
will be in EU, and in free association with Russia.
It's likely Russians saying to have NATO in Ukraine, the resist and
fight Russia, because this allows Russia to fight Ukraine and
annex it.
You don't win a war through defense alone. Ukraine is not far away
from Russia like Afghanistan, or Vietnam to the United States.
It's like if the U.S. were fighting Mexico, and Russia was going to
stop the U.S. from annexing Baja. Russia will just take more and
more of Ukraine over time. The only other possibility is if Russia
were to implode. That is, to overthrow through civil war, and is
this really going to happen?
The Ukraine started the war. They mistreated Russian people living
in the Ukraine,and they asked Russia for help. Don't believe
propaganda from US and UK governments.
If Ukraine mistreated Russians who lived in The Ukraine, those
Russian Citizens had the option to go back to Russian, didn't they??
If they were Ukraine Citizens of Russian Birth, why did they give up
their Russian Citizenship??
Or were they Russian born whilst that area was all tied up in the U.S.S.R.??
Or something else??
:-)) Now Daniel, you really should stop your habit of throwing out
baited lines to loony trolls.
But ...!! But ..!! But..!! ;-P
I know. I too am guilty of playing with trolls but you and I both know
that doing so is a total waste of time and we also both know that you
won't get a logical or reasoned response to your questions.
Contrarywise, the people you call trolls give lots of information.
You put forward conspiracy theories and/or logical fallacies. Neither
of those are 'information'.
just respond with "that's just stupid" or some other simple dismissive
comment, which only goes to show you have nothing to back your claims.
The only 'accusation' I've made is that you are a troll. I don't need
to back my accusation. Daniel agrees with my assessment of you and your
posts provide proof of my accusation.
Is Daniel your boyfriend?
2023-09-04 09:02:16 UTC
On Sun, 03 Sep 2023 11:18:22 +0100, Fran
Post by Fran
Post by Commander Kinsey
You just respond with "that's just stupid" or some other simple
dismissive comment, which only goes to show you have nothing to
back your claims.
The only 'accusation' I've made is that you are a troll. I don't
need to back my accusation. Daniel agrees with my assessment of
you and your posts provide proof of my accusation.
Is Daniel your boyfriend?
"friend" .... I hope so, .... "boy" .... those days ended a looonnngg
time ago!! ;-P
Commander Kinsey
2023-09-04 20:24:21 UTC
Post by Daniel65
On Sun, 03 Sep 2023 11:18:22 +0100, Fran
Post by Fran
Post by Commander Kinsey
You just respond with "that's just stupid" or some other simple
dismissive comment, which only goes to show you have nothing to
back your claims.
The only 'accusation' I've made is that you are a troll. I don't
need to back my accusation. Daniel agrees with my assessment of
you and your posts provide proof of my accusation.
Is Daniel your boyfriend?
"friend" .... I hope so, .... "boy" .... those days ended a looonnngg
time ago!! ;-P
So are you 67 or 45?

And it's still a boyfriend at those ages, wishfull thinking I guess.
2023-09-05 07:09:33 UTC
On Mon, 04 Sep 2023 10:02:16 +0100, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
On Sun, 03 Sep 2023 11:18:22 +0100, Fran
Post by Commander Kinsey
You just respond with "that's just stupid" or some other simple
dismissive comment, which only goes to show you have nothing to
back your claims.
The only 'accusation' I've made is that you are a troll.  I don't
need to back my accusation.  Daniel agrees with my assessment of
you and your posts provide proof of my accusation.
Is Daniel your boyfriend?
"friend" .... I hope so, .... "boy" .... those days ended a looonnngg
time ago!! ;-P
So are you 67 or 45?
Hmm!! Why just those two options, I wonder?? What's wrong with 59, or
72, or 47, I wonder??
Commander Kinsey
2023-09-05 16:23:19 UTC
Post by Daniel65
On Mon, 04 Sep 2023 10:02:16 +0100, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
On Sun, 03 Sep 2023 11:18:22 +0100, Fran
Post by Fran
Post by Commander Kinsey
You just respond with "that's just stupid" or some other simple
dismissive comment, which only goes to show you have nothing to
back your claims.
The only 'accusation' I've made is that you are a troll. I don't
need to back my accusation. Daniel agrees with my assessment of
you and your posts provide proof of my accusation.
Is Daniel your boyfriend?
"friend" .... I hope so, .... "boy" .... those days ended a looonnngg
time ago!! ;-P
So are you 67 or 45?
Hmm!! Why just those two options, I wonder?? What's wrong with 59, or
72, or 47, I wonder??
I was going by your name and email address as filled in on your newsreader.
2023-09-06 05:25:38 UTC
On Tue, 05 Sep 2023 08:09:33 +0100, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
On Mon, 04 Sep 2023 10:02:16 +0100, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
On Sun, 03 Sep 2023 11:18:22 +0100, Fran
Post by Fran
Post by Commander Kinsey
You just respond with "that's just stupid" or some other
simple dismissive comment, which only goes to show you
have nothing to back your claims.
The only 'accusation' I've made is that you are a troll. I
don't need to back my accusation. Daniel agrees with my
assessment of you and your posts provide proof of my
Is Daniel your boyfriend?
"friend" .... I hope so, .... "boy" .... those days ended a
looonnngg time ago!! ;-P
So are you 67 or 45?
Hmm!! Why just those two options, I wonder?? What's wrong with 59,
or 72, or 47, I wonder??
I was going by your name and email address as filled in on your newsreader.
Ah!! O.K., that makes sense. I set up this news account when I was
45'ish and I've had it for about 20 years.

So what??
Commander Kinsey
2023-09-14 09:36:41 UTC
Post by Daniel65
On Tue, 05 Sep 2023 08:09:33 +0100, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
On Mon, 04 Sep 2023 10:02:16 +0100, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
On Sun, 03 Sep 2023 11:18:22 +0100, Fran
Post by Fran
Post by Commander Kinsey
You just respond with "that's just stupid" or some other
simple dismissive comment, which only goes to show you
have nothing to back your claims.
The only 'accusation' I've made is that you are a troll. I
don't need to back my accusation. Daniel agrees with my
assessment of you and your posts provide proof of my
Is Daniel your boyfriend?
"friend" .... I hope so, .... "boy" .... those days ended a
looonnngg time ago!! ;-P
So are you 67 or 45?
Hmm!! Why just those two options, I wonder?? What's wrong with 59,
or 72, or 47, I wonder??
I was going by your name and email address as filled in on your newsreader.
Ah!! O.K., that makes sense. I set up this news account when I was
45'ish and I've had it for about 20 years.
So you change your name each year?
Post by Daniel65
So what??
I was wondering how looonnngg ago it was.
2023-09-14 10:27:56 UTC
On Wed, 06 Sep 2023 06:25:38 +0100, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
On Tue, 05 Sep 2023 08:09:33 +0100, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
Post by Commander Kinsey
So are you 67 or 45?
Hmm!! Why just those two options, I wonder?? What's wrong with 59,
or 72, or 47, I wonder??
I was going by your name and email address as filled in on your newsreader.
Ah!! O.K., that makes sense. I set up this news account when I was
45'ish and I've had it for about 20 years.
So you change your name each year?
No!! In the last 20 or so years, I've had just three nyms!!
Post by Daniel65
So what??
I was wondering how looonnngg ago it was.
How looonnngg ago "WHAT" was??
Commander Kinsey
2023-09-17 08:44:49 UTC
Post by Daniel65
On Wed, 06 Sep 2023 06:25:38 +0100, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
On Tue, 05 Sep 2023 08:09:33 +0100, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
Post by Commander Kinsey
So are you 67 or 45?
Hmm!! Why just those two options, I wonder?? What's wrong with 59,
or 72, or 47, I wonder??
I was going by your name and email address as filled in on your newsreader.
Ah!! O.K., that makes sense. I set up this news account when I was
45'ish and I've had it for about 20 years.
So you change your name each year?
No!! In the last 20 or so years, I've had just three nyms!!
Post by Daniel65
So what??
I was wondering how looonnngg ago it was.
How looonnngg ago "WHAT" was??
If you unsnip the above, you'll find out.

Commander Kinsey
2023-08-31 12:33:41 UTC
Post by Fran
Post by Daniel65
On Sun, 23 Jul 2023 09:17:19 +0100, Intelligent Party
Post by Intelligent Party
Say Ukraine will only be in military alliance only with Euro
powers, and not with countries across the ocean. And say Ukraine
will be in EU, and in free association with Russia.
It's likely Russians saying to have NATO in Ukraine, the resist and
fight Russia, because this allows Russia to fight Ukraine and
annex it.
You don't win a war through defense alone. Ukraine is not far away
from Russia like Afghanistan, or Vietnam to the United States.
It's like if the U.S. were fighting Mexico, and Russia was going to
stop the U.S. from annexing Baja. Russia will just take more and
more of Ukraine over time. The only other possibility is if Russia
were to implode. That is, to overthrow through civil war, and is
this really going to happen?
The Ukraine started the war. They mistreated Russian people living
in the Ukraine,and they asked Russia for help. Don't believe
propaganda from US and UK governments.
If Ukraine mistreated Russians who lived in The Ukraine, those Russian
Citizens had the option to go back to Russian, didn't they??
If they were Ukraine Citizens of Russian Birth, why did they give up
their Russian Citizenship??
Or were they Russian born whilst that area was all tied up in the U.S.S.R.??
Or something else??
:-)) Now Daniel, you really should stop your habit of throwing out
baited lines to loony trolls.
Interesting how anyone with low brain capacity calls anyone presenting a point too difficult for them a troll.
Commander Kinsey
2023-08-31 12:33:05 UTC
Post by Daniel65
On Sun, 23 Jul 2023 09:17:19 +0100, Intelligent Party
Post by Intelligent Party
Say Ukraine will only be in military alliance only with Euro
powers, and not with countries across the ocean. And say Ukraine
will be in EU, and in free association with Russia.
It's likely Russians saying to have NATO in Ukraine, the resist and
fight Russia, because this allows Russia to fight Ukraine and
annex it.
You don't win a war through defense alone. Ukraine is not far away
from Russia like Afghanistan, or Vietnam to the United States.
It's like if the U.S. were fighting Mexico, and Russia was going to
stop the U.S. from annexing Baja. Russia will just take more and
more of Ukraine over time. The only other possibility is if Russia
were to implode. That is, to overthrow through civil war, and is
this really going to happen?
The Ukraine started the war. They mistreated Russian people living
in the Ukraine,and they asked Russia for help. Don't believe
propaganda from US and UK governments.
If Ukraine mistreated Russians who lived in The Ukraine, those Russian
Citizens had the option to go back to Russian, didn't they??
If they were Ukraine Citizens of Russian Birth, why did they give up
their Russian Citizenship??
Or were they Russian born whilst that area was all tied up in the U.S.S.R.??
Or something else??
So you're ok if the UK mistreats any non-UK people because they can go back to their own country if they like?
2023-09-01 01:03:10 UTC
On Wed, 30 Aug 2023 13:54:27 +0100, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
On Sun, 23 Jul 2023 09:17:19 +0100, Intelligent Party
Post by Intelligent Party
Say Ukraine will only be in military alliance only with Euro
powers, and not with countries across the ocean.  And say Ukraine
will be in EU, and in free association with Russia.
It's likely Russians saying to have NATO in Ukraine, the resist and
fight Russia, because this allows Russia to fight Ukraine and
annex it.
You don't win a war through defense alone.  Ukraine is not far away
 from Russia like Afghanistan, or Vietnam to the United States.
It's like if the U.S. were fighting Mexico, and Russia was going to
stop the U.S. from annexing Baja.  Russia will just take more and
more of Ukraine over time.  The only other possibility is if Russia
were to implode.  That is, to overthrow through civil war, and is
this really going to happen?
The Ukraine started the war.  They mistreated Russian people living
in the Ukraine,and they asked Russia for help.  Don't believe
propaganda from US and UK governments.
If Ukraine mistreated Russians who lived in The Ukraine, those Russian
Citizens had the option to go back to Russian, didn't they??
If they were Ukraine Citizens of Russian Birth, why did they give up
their Russian Citizenship??
Or were they Russian born whilst that area was all tied up in the U.S.S.R.??
Or something else??
So you're ok if the UK mistreats any non-UK people because they can go
back to their own country if they like?
As expected Daniel. The troll gives you a whataboutist response.....

Next time you either need to use better bait or choose a better class of
Commander Kinsey
2023-09-02 07:12:57 UTC
Post by Fran
On Wed, 30 Aug 2023 13:54:27 +0100, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
On Sun, 23 Jul 2023 09:17:19 +0100, Intelligent Party
Post by Intelligent Party
Say Ukraine will only be in military alliance only with Euro
powers, and not with countries across the ocean. And say Ukraine
will be in EU, and in free association with Russia.
It's likely Russians saying to have NATO in Ukraine, the resist and
fight Russia, because this allows Russia to fight Ukraine and
annex it.
You don't win a war through defense alone. Ukraine is not far away
from Russia like Afghanistan, or Vietnam to the United States.
It's like if the U.S. were fighting Mexico, and Russia was going to
stop the U.S. from annexing Baja. Russia will just take more and
more of Ukraine over time. The only other possibility is if Russia
were to implode. That is, to overthrow through civil war, and is
this really going to happen?
The Ukraine started the war. They mistreated Russian people living
in the Ukraine,and they asked Russia for help. Don't believe
propaganda from US and UK governments.
If Ukraine mistreated Russians who lived in The Ukraine, those Russian
Citizens had the option to go back to Russian, didn't they??
If they were Ukraine Citizens of Russian Birth, why did they give up
their Russian Citizenship??
Or were they Russian born whilst that area was all tied up in the U.S.S.R.??
Or something else??
So you're ok if the UK mistreats any non-UK people because they can go
back to their own country if they like?
As expected Daniel. The troll gives you a whataboutist response.....
Next time you either need to use better bait or choose a better class of
It's called an "analogy". A common technique used in pointing out the other person is wrong, by using a simpler or more familiar subject for comparison.
2023-09-03 10:12:48 UTC
On Fri, 01 Sep 2023 02:03:10 +0100, Fran
On Wed, 30 Aug 2023 13:54:27 +0100, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
On Sun, 23 Jul 2023 09:17:19 +0100, Intelligent Party
Post by Intelligent Party
Say Ukraine will only be in military alliance only with Euro
powers, and not with countries across the ocean.  And say Ukraine
will be in EU, and in free association with Russia.
It's likely Russians saying to have NATO in Ukraine, the resist and
fight Russia, because this allows Russia to fight Ukraine and
annex it.
You don't win a war through defense alone.  Ukraine is not far away
 from Russia like Afghanistan, or Vietnam to the United States.
It's like if the U.S. were fighting Mexico, and Russia was going to
stop the U.S. from annexing Baja.  Russia will just take more and
more of Ukraine over time.  The only other possibility is if Russia
were to implode.  That is, to overthrow through civil war, and is
this really going to happen?
The Ukraine started the war.  They mistreated Russian people living
in the Ukraine,and they asked Russia for help.  Don't believe
propaganda from US and UK governments.
If Ukraine mistreated Russians who lived in The Ukraine, those Russian
Citizens had the option to go back to Russian, didn't they??
If they were Ukraine Citizens of Russian Birth, why did they give up
their Russian Citizenship??
Or were they Russian born whilst that area was all tied up in the U.S.S.R.??
Or something else??
So you're ok if the UK mistreats any non-UK people because they can go
back to their own country if they like?
As expected Daniel.  The troll gives you a whataboutist response.....
Next time you either need to use better bait or choose a better class of
It's called an "analogy".
No, it's not called an analogy. It's called a logical fallacy.

A common technique used in pointing out the
other person is wrong, by using a simpler or more familiar subject for
Trolls like you use logical fallacies frequently because you can't
answer the questions asked by Daniel.
Commander Kinsey
2023-09-03 15:04:06 UTC
Post by Fran
On Fri, 01 Sep 2023 02:03:10 +0100, Fran
Post by Fran
On Wed, 30 Aug 2023 13:54:27 +0100, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
On Sun, 23 Jul 2023 09:17:19 +0100, Intelligent Party
Post by Intelligent Party
Say Ukraine will only be in military alliance only with Euro
powers, and not with countries across the ocean. And say Ukraine
will be in EU, and in free association with Russia.
It's likely Russians saying to have NATO in Ukraine, the resist and
fight Russia, because this allows Russia to fight Ukraine and
annex it.
You don't win a war through defense alone. Ukraine is not far away
from Russia like Afghanistan, or Vietnam to the United States.
It's like if the U.S. were fighting Mexico, and Russia was going to
stop the U.S. from annexing Baja. Russia will just take more and
more of Ukraine over time. The only other possibility is if Russia
were to implode. That is, to overthrow through civil war, and is
this really going to happen?
The Ukraine started the war. They mistreated Russian people living
in the Ukraine,and they asked Russia for help. Don't believe
propaganda from US and UK governments.
If Ukraine mistreated Russians who lived in The Ukraine, those Russian
Citizens had the option to go back to Russian, didn't they??
If they were Ukraine Citizens of Russian Birth, why did they give up
their Russian Citizenship??
Or were they Russian born whilst that area was all tied up in the U.S.S.R.??
Or something else??
So you're ok if the UK mistreats any non-UK people because they can go
back to their own country if they like?
As expected Daniel. The troll gives you a whataboutist response.....
Next time you either need to use better bait or choose a better class of
It's called an "analogy".
No, it's not called an analogy. It's called a logical fallacy.
A common technique used in pointing out the
other person is wrong, by using a simpler or more familiar subject for
Trolls like you use logical fallacies frequently because you can't
answer the questions asked by Daniel.
Wow, you can't understand it at all can you? The analogy was a straight link, I just changed the country. Here's the simplified version just for you:

Foreigner in a country gets mistreated, ok or not ok?
2023-09-04 01:40:40 UTC
On Sun, 03 Sep 2023 11:12:48 +0100, Fran
On Fri, 01 Sep 2023 02:03:10 +0100, Fran
On Wed, 30 Aug 2023 13:54:27 +0100, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
On Sun, 23 Jul 2023 09:17:19 +0100, Intelligent Party
Post by Intelligent Party
Say Ukraine will only be in military alliance only with Euro
powers, and not with countries across the ocean.  And say Ukraine
will be in EU, and in free association with Russia.
It's likely Russians saying to have NATO in Ukraine, the resist and
fight Russia, because this allows Russia to fight Ukraine and
annex it.
You don't win a war through defense alone.  Ukraine is not far away
 from Russia like Afghanistan, or Vietnam to the United States.
It's like if the U.S. were fighting Mexico, and Russia was going to
stop the U.S. from annexing Baja.  Russia will just take more and
more of Ukraine over time.  The only other possibility is if Russia
were to implode.  That is, to overthrow through civil war, and is
this really going to happen?
The Ukraine started the war.  They mistreated Russian people living
in the Ukraine,and they asked Russia for help.  Don't believe
propaganda from US and UK governments.
If Ukraine mistreated Russians who lived in The Ukraine, those Russian
Citizens had the option to go back to Russian, didn't they??
If they were Ukraine Citizens of Russian Birth, why did they give up
their Russian Citizenship??
Or were they Russian born whilst that area was all tied up in the U.S.S.R.??
Or something else??
So you're ok if the UK mistreats any non-UK people because they can go
back to their own country if they like?
As expected Daniel.  The troll gives you a whataboutist response.....
Next time you either need to use better bait or choose a better class of
It's called an "analogy".
No, it's not called an analogy.  It's called a logical fallacy.
A common technique used in pointing out the
other person is wrong, by using a simpler or more familiar subject for
Trolls like you use logical fallacies frequently because you can't
answer the questions asked by Daniel.
Wow, you can't understand it at all can you?  The analogy was a straight
link, I just changed the country.  Here's the simplified version just
Foreigner in a country gets mistreated, ok or not ok?
LOL. Did you think about that before you wrote that?

Are you now claiming those (allegedly) mistreated Russians in Ukraine
are foreigners?

Foreigners have no rights in any foreign country other than those
afforded to them, by the laws of the country which they are visiting.
Commander Kinsey
2023-09-13 05:45:06 UTC
Post by Fran
On Sun, 03 Sep 2023 11:12:48 +0100, Fran
Post by Fran
On Fri, 01 Sep 2023 02:03:10 +0100, Fran
Post by Fran
On Wed, 30 Aug 2023 13:54:27 +0100, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
On Sun, 23 Jul 2023 09:17:19 +0100, Intelligent Party
Post by Intelligent Party
Say Ukraine will only be in military alliance only with Euro
powers, and not with countries across the ocean. And say Ukraine
will be in EU, and in free association with Russia.
It's likely Russians saying to have NATO in Ukraine, the resist and
fight Russia, because this allows Russia to fight Ukraine and
annex it.
You don't win a war through defense alone. Ukraine is not far away
from Russia like Afghanistan, or Vietnam to the United States.
It's like if the U.S. were fighting Mexico, and Russia was going to
stop the U.S. from annexing Baja. Russia will just take more and
more of Ukraine over time. The only other possibility is if Russia
were to implode. That is, to overthrow through civil war, and is
this really going to happen?
The Ukraine started the war. They mistreated Russian people living
in the Ukraine,and they asked Russia for help. Don't believe
propaganda from US and UK governments.
If Ukraine mistreated Russians who lived in The Ukraine, those Russian
Citizens had the option to go back to Russian, didn't they??
If they were Ukraine Citizens of Russian Birth, why did they give up
their Russian Citizenship??
Or were they Russian born whilst that area was all tied up in the U.S.S.R.??
Or something else??
So you're ok if the UK mistreats any non-UK people because they can go
back to their own country if they like?
As expected Daniel. The troll gives you a whataboutist response.....
Next time you either need to use better bait or choose a better class of
It's called an "analogy".
No, it's not called an analogy. It's called a logical fallacy.
A common technique used in pointing out the
other person is wrong, by using a simpler or more familiar subject for
Trolls like you use logical fallacies frequently because you can't
answer the questions asked by Daniel.
Wow, you can't understand it at all can you? The analogy was a straight
link, I just changed the country. Here's the simplified version just
Foreigner in a country gets mistreated, ok or not ok?
LOL. Did you think about that before you wrote that?
Are you now claiming those (allegedly) mistreated Russians in Ukraine
are foreigners?
Foreigners have no rights in any foreign country other than those
afforded to them, by the laws of the country which they are visiting.
So your answer is yes, it's ok by you to mistreat foreigners. That's why you back the fucked up NATO pawn Ukraine.
2023-09-01 09:32:19 UTC
On Wed, 30 Aug 2023 13:54:27 +0100, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
On Sun, 23 Jul 2023 09:17:19 +0100, Intelligent Party
Post by Intelligent Party
Say Ukraine will only be in military alliance only with Euro
powers, and not with countries across the ocean.  And say Ukraine
will be in EU, and in free association with Russia.
It's likely Russians saying to have NATO in Ukraine, the resist and
fight Russia, because this allows Russia to fight Ukraine and
annex it.
You don't win a war through defense alone.  Ukraine is not far away
 from Russia like Afghanistan, or Vietnam to the United States.
It's like if the U.S. were fighting Mexico, and Russia was going to
stop the U.S. from annexing Baja.  Russia will just take more and
more of Ukraine over time.  The only other possibility is if Russia
were to implode.  That is, to overthrow through civil war, and is
this really going to happen?
The Ukraine started the war.  They mistreated Russian people living
in the Ukraine,and they asked Russia for help.  Don't believe
propaganda from US and UK governments.
If Ukraine mistreated Russians who lived in The Ukraine, those Russian
Citizens had the option to go back to Russian, didn't they??
If they were Ukraine Citizens of Russian Birth, why did they give up
their Russian Citizenship??
Or were they Russian born whilst that area was all tied up in the U.S.S.R.??
Or something else??
So you're ok if the UK mistreats any non-UK people because they can go
back to their own country if they like?
(Sorry, Fran, but .....)

UK?? I thought this thread was about The *Ukraine* not The UK!!

But, in any case, why shouldn't The UK have the ability to deport non-UK
people, if there is sufficient reason.

Australia certainly has that ability ... I even recall Australia
deporting a guy back to his 'Home' country (Hungary?? Turkey??) about
15-20 years ago .... even though he didn't speak a word of that
countries language.
2023-09-02 00:57:50 UTC
Post by Daniel65
On Wed, 30 Aug 2023 13:54:27 +0100, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
On Sun, 23 Jul 2023 09:17:19 +0100, Intelligent Party
Post by Intelligent Party
Say Ukraine will only be in military alliance only with Euro
powers, and not with countries across the ocean.  And say Ukraine
will be in EU, and in free association with Russia.
It's likely Russians saying to have NATO in Ukraine, the resist and
fight Russia, because this allows Russia to fight Ukraine and
annex it.
You don't win a war through defense alone.  Ukraine is not far away
 from Russia like Afghanistan, or Vietnam to the United States.
It's like if the U.S. were fighting Mexico, and Russia was going to
stop the U.S. from annexing Baja.  Russia will just take more and
more of Ukraine over time.  The only other possibility is if Russia
were to implode.  That is, to overthrow through civil war, and is
this really going to happen?
The Ukraine started the war.  They mistreated Russian people living
in the Ukraine,and they asked Russia for help.  Don't believe
propaganda from US and UK governments.
If Ukraine mistreated Russians who lived in The Ukraine, those Russian
Citizens had the option to go back to Russian, didn't they??
If they were Ukraine Citizens of Russian Birth, why did they give up
their Russian Citizenship??
Or were they Russian born whilst that area was all tied up in the U.S.S.R.??
Or something else??
So you're ok if the UK mistreats any non-UK people because they can go
back to their own country if they like?
(Sorry, Fran, but .....)
UK?? I thought this thread was about The *Ukraine* not The UK!!
But, in any case, why shouldn't The UK have the ability to deport non-UK
people, if there is sufficient reason.
Australia certainly has that ability ... I even recall Australia
deporting a guy back to his 'Home' country (Hungary?? Turkey??) about
15-20 years ago .... even though he didn't speak a word of that
countries language.
Yep. He had moved to Oz as a child with his family but never bothered
to take out citizenship. Big mistake on his part.
Peter Jason
2023-09-02 02:02:08 UTC
Post by Fran
Post by Daniel65
But, in any case, why shouldn't The UK have the ability to deport non-UK
people, if there is sufficient reason.
Australia certainly has that ability ... I even recall Australia
deporting a guy back to his 'Home' country (Hungary?? Turkey??) about
15-20 years ago .... even though he didn't speak a word of that
countries language.
Yep. He had moved to Oz as a child with his family but never bothered
to take out citizenship. Big mistake on his part.
Yet the govt caved in at the end. He was found outside the overseas
embassy drug addicted and derelict. He was allowed back, just to
please we poor (lately poorer) taxpayer. They do things differently
in Hungary/Turkey.
Commander Kinsey
2023-09-02 08:09:49 UTC
Post by Fran
Post by Daniel65
On Wed, 30 Aug 2023 13:54:27 +0100, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
On Sun, 23 Jul 2023 09:17:19 +0100, Intelligent Party
Post by Intelligent Party
Say Ukraine will only be in military alliance only with Euro
powers, and not with countries across the ocean. And say Ukraine
will be in EU, and in free association with Russia.
It's likely Russians saying to have NATO in Ukraine, the resist and
fight Russia, because this allows Russia to fight Ukraine and
annex it.
You don't win a war through defense alone. Ukraine is not far away
from Russia like Afghanistan, or Vietnam to the United States.
It's like if the U.S. were fighting Mexico, and Russia was going to
stop the U.S. from annexing Baja. Russia will just take more and
more of Ukraine over time. The only other possibility is if Russia
were to implode. That is, to overthrow through civil war, and is
this really going to happen?
The Ukraine started the war. They mistreated Russian people living
in the Ukraine,and they asked Russia for help. Don't believe
propaganda from US and UK governments.
If Ukraine mistreated Russians who lived in The Ukraine, those Russian
Citizens had the option to go back to Russian, didn't they??
If they were Ukraine Citizens of Russian Birth, why did they give up
their Russian Citizenship??
Or were they Russian born whilst that area was all tied up in the U.S.S.R.??
Or something else??
So you're ok if the UK mistreats any non-UK people because they can go
back to their own country if they like?
(Sorry, Fran, but .....)
UK?? I thought this thread was about The *Ukraine* not The UK!!
But, in any case, why shouldn't The UK have the ability to deport non-UK
people, if there is sufficient reason.
Australia certainly has that ability ... I even recall Australia
deporting a guy back to his 'Home' country (Hungary?? Turkey??) about
15-20 years ago .... even though he didn't speak a word of that
countries language.
Yep. He had moved to Oz as a child with his family but never bothered
to take out citizenship. Big mistake on his part.
Citizenship is just a piece of paper, it shouldn't mean anything.
2023-09-03 10:23:20 UTC
On Sat, 02 Sep 2023 01:57:50 +0100, Fran
Post by Daniel65
On Wed, 30 Aug 2023 13:54:27 +0100, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
On Sun, 23 Jul 2023 09:17:19 +0100, Intelligent Party
Post by Intelligent Party
Say Ukraine will only be in military alliance only with Euro
powers, and not with countries across the ocean.  And say Ukraine
will be in EU, and in free association with Russia.
It's likely Russians saying to have NATO in Ukraine, the resist and
fight Russia, because this allows Russia to fight Ukraine and
annex it.
You don't win a war through defense alone.  Ukraine is not far away
 from Russia like Afghanistan, or Vietnam to the United States.
It's like if the U.S. were fighting Mexico, and Russia was going to
stop the U.S. from annexing Baja.  Russia will just take more and
more of Ukraine over time.  The only other possibility is if Russia
were to implode.  That is, to overthrow through civil war, and is
this really going to happen?
The Ukraine started the war.  They mistreated Russian people living
in the Ukraine,and they asked Russia for help.  Don't believe
propaganda from US and UK governments.
If Ukraine mistreated Russians who lived in The Ukraine, those Russian
Citizens had the option to go back to Russian, didn't they??
If they were Ukraine Citizens of Russian Birth, why did they give up
their Russian Citizenship??
Or were they Russian born whilst that area was all tied up in the U.S.S.R.??
Or something else??
So you're ok if the UK mistreats any non-UK people because they can go
back to their own country if they like?
(Sorry, Fran, but .....)
UK?? I thought this thread was about The *Ukraine* not The UK!!
But, in any case, why shouldn't The UK have the ability to deport non-UK
people, if there is sufficient reason.
Australia certainly has that ability ... I even recall Australia
deporting a guy back to his 'Home' country (Hungary?? Turkey??) about
15-20 years ago .... even though he didn't speak a word of that
countries language.
Yep.  He had moved to Oz as a child with his family but never bothered
to take out citizenship.  Big mistake on his part.
Citizenship is just a piece of paper, it shouldn't mean anything.
And yet you whine when I describe you as being a troll......
Commander Kinsey
2023-09-03 15:05:45 UTC
Post by Fran
On Sat, 02 Sep 2023 01:57:50 +0100, Fran
Post by Fran
Post by Daniel65
On Wed, 30 Aug 2023 13:54:27 +0100, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
On Sun, 23 Jul 2023 09:17:19 +0100, Intelligent Party
Post by Intelligent Party
Say Ukraine will only be in military alliance only with Euro
powers, and not with countries across the ocean. And say Ukraine
will be in EU, and in free association with Russia.
It's likely Russians saying to have NATO in Ukraine, the resist and
fight Russia, because this allows Russia to fight Ukraine and
annex it.
You don't win a war through defense alone. Ukraine is not far away
from Russia like Afghanistan, or Vietnam to the United States.
It's like if the U.S. were fighting Mexico, and Russia was going to
stop the U.S. from annexing Baja. Russia will just take more and
more of Ukraine over time. The only other possibility is if Russia
were to implode. That is, to overthrow through civil war, and is
this really going to happen?
The Ukraine started the war. They mistreated Russian people living
in the Ukraine,and they asked Russia for help. Don't believe
propaganda from US and UK governments.
If Ukraine mistreated Russians who lived in The Ukraine, those Russian
Citizens had the option to go back to Russian, didn't they??
If they were Ukraine Citizens of Russian Birth, why did they give up
their Russian Citizenship??
Or were they Russian born whilst that area was all tied up in the U.S.S.R.??
Or something else??
So you're ok if the UK mistreats any non-UK people because they can go
back to their own country if they like?
(Sorry, Fran, but .....)
UK?? I thought this thread was about The *Ukraine* not The UK!!
But, in any case, why shouldn't The UK have the ability to deport non-UK
people, if there is sufficient reason.
Australia certainly has that ability ... I even recall Australia
deporting a guy back to his 'Home' country (Hungary?? Turkey??) about
15-20 years ago .... even though he didn't speak a word of that
countries language.
Yep. He had moved to Oz as a child with his family but never bothered
to take out citizenship. Big mistake on his part.
Citizenship is just a piece of paper, it shouldn't mean anything.
And yet you whine when I describe you as being a troll......
How is being called a troll anything to do with gaining citizenship?
2023-09-04 01:35:43 UTC
On Sun, 03 Sep 2023 11:23:20 +0100, Fran
Post by Fran
On Sat, 02 Sep 2023 01:57:50 +0100, Fran
Post by Daniel65
On Wed, 30 Aug 2023 13:54:27 +0100, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
On Sun, 23 Jul 2023 09:17:19 +0100, Intelligent Party
Post by Intelligent Party
Say Ukraine will only be in military alliance only with Euro
powers, and not with countries across the ocean.  And say Ukraine
will be in EU, and in free association with Russia.
It's likely Russians saying to have NATO in Ukraine, the resist and
fight Russia, because this allows Russia to fight Ukraine and
annex it.
You don't win a war through defense alone.  Ukraine is not far away
 from Russia like Afghanistan, or Vietnam to the United States.
It's like if the U.S. were fighting Mexico, and Russia was going to
stop the U.S. from annexing Baja.  Russia will just take more and
more of Ukraine over time.  The only other possibility is if Russia
were to implode.  That is, to overthrow through civil war, and is
this really going to happen?
The Ukraine started the war.  They mistreated Russian people living
in the Ukraine,and they asked Russia for help.  Don't believe
propaganda from US and UK governments.
If Ukraine mistreated Russians who lived in The Ukraine, those Russian
Citizens had the option to go back to Russian, didn't they??
If they were Ukraine Citizens of Russian Birth, why did they give up
their Russian Citizenship??
Or were they Russian born whilst that area was all tied up in the U.S.S.R.??
Or something else??
So you're ok if the UK mistreats any non-UK people because they can go
back to their own country if they like?
(Sorry, Fran, but .....)
UK?? I thought this thread was about The *Ukraine* not The UK!!
But, in any case, why shouldn't The UK have the ability to deport non-UK
people, if there is sufficient reason.
Australia certainly has that ability ... I even recall Australia
deporting a guy back to his 'Home' country (Hungary?? Turkey??) about
15-20 years ago .... even though he didn't speak a word of that
countries language.
Yep.  He had moved to Oz as a child with his family but never bothered
to take out citizenship.  Big mistake on his part.
Citizenship is just a piece of paper, it shouldn't mean anything.
And yet you whine when I describe you as being a troll......
How is being called a troll anything to do with gaining citizenship?
No connection at all. It was a reaction to your ignorance of the
existence of laws on citizenship, the sovereign powers of nations to
form and enforce those laws and your trolling response which has no
relevance to a person failing to take up citizenship.
Commander Kinsey
2023-09-05 16:15:28 UTC
Post by Fran
On Sun, 03 Sep 2023 11:23:20 +0100, Fran
Post by Fran
On Sat, 02 Sep 2023 01:57:50 +0100, Fran
Post by Fran
Post by Daniel65
On Wed, 30 Aug 2023 13:54:27 +0100, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
On Sun, 23 Jul 2023 09:17:19 +0100, Intelligent Party
Post by Intelligent Party
Say Ukraine will only be in military alliance only with Euro
powers, and not with countries across the ocean. And say Ukraine
will be in EU, and in free association with Russia.
It's likely Russians saying to have NATO in Ukraine, the resist and
fight Russia, because this allows Russia to fight Ukraine and
annex it.
You don't win a war through defense alone. Ukraine is not far away
from Russia like Afghanistan, or Vietnam to the United States.
It's like if the U.S. were fighting Mexico, and Russia was going to
stop the U.S. from annexing Baja. Russia will just take more and
more of Ukraine over time. The only other possibility is if Russia
were to implode. That is, to overthrow through civil war, and is
this really going to happen?
The Ukraine started the war. They mistreated Russian people living
in the Ukraine,and they asked Russia for help. Don't believe
propaganda from US and UK governments.
If Ukraine mistreated Russians who lived in The Ukraine, those Russian
Citizens had the option to go back to Russian, didn't they??
If they were Ukraine Citizens of Russian Birth, why did they give up
their Russian Citizenship??
Or were they Russian born whilst that area was all tied up in the U.S.S.R.??
Or something else??
So you're ok if the UK mistreats any non-UK people because they can go
back to their own country if they like?
(Sorry, Fran, but .....)
UK?? I thought this thread was about The *Ukraine* not The UK!!
But, in any case, why shouldn't The UK have the ability to deport non-UK
people, if there is sufficient reason.
Australia certainly has that ability ... I even recall Australia
deporting a guy back to his 'Home' country (Hungary?? Turkey??) about
15-20 years ago .... even though he didn't speak a word of that
countries language.
Yep. He had moved to Oz as a child with his family but never bothered
to take out citizenship. Big mistake on his part.
Citizenship is just a piece of paper, it shouldn't mean anything.
And yet you whine when I describe you as being a troll......
How is being called a troll anything to do with gaining citizenship?
No connection at all. It was a reaction to your ignorance of the
existence of laws on citizenship, the sovereign powers of nations to
form and enforce those laws and your trolling response which has no
relevance to a person failing to take up citizenship.
Why do you love governments so much?
2023-09-05 22:23:11 UTC
On Mon, 04 Sep 2023 02:35:43 +0100, Fran
On Sun, 03 Sep 2023 11:23:20 +0100, Fran
Post by Fran
On Sat, 02 Sep 2023 01:57:50 +0100, Fran
Post by Daniel65
On Wed, 30 Aug 2023 13:54:27 +0100, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
On Sun, 23 Jul 2023 09:17:19 +0100, Intelligent Party
Post by Intelligent Party
Say Ukraine will only be in military alliance only with Euro
powers, and not with countries across the ocean.  And say Ukraine
will be in EU, and in free association with Russia.
It's likely Russians saying to have NATO in Ukraine, the resist and
fight Russia, because this allows Russia to fight Ukraine and
annex it.
You don't win a war through defense alone.  Ukraine is not far away
 from Russia like Afghanistan, or Vietnam to the United States.
It's like if the U.S. were fighting Mexico, and Russia was going to
stop the U.S. from annexing Baja.  Russia will just take more and
more of Ukraine over time.  The only other possibility is if Russia
were to implode.  That is, to overthrow through civil war, and is
this really going to happen?
The Ukraine started the war.  They mistreated Russian people living
in the Ukraine,and they asked Russia for help.  Don't believe
propaganda from US and UK governments.
If Ukraine mistreated Russians who lived in The Ukraine, those Russian
Citizens had the option to go back to Russian, didn't they??
If they were Ukraine Citizens of Russian Birth, why did they give up
their Russian Citizenship??
Or were they Russian born whilst that area was all tied up in the
Or something else??
So you're ok if the UK mistreats any non-UK people because they can go
back to their own country if they like?
(Sorry, Fran, but .....)
UK?? I thought this thread was about The *Ukraine* not The UK!!
But, in any case, why shouldn't The UK have the ability to deport non-UK
people, if there is sufficient reason.
Australia certainly has that ability ... I even recall Australia
deporting a guy back to his 'Home' country (Hungary?? Turkey??) about
15-20 years ago .... even though he didn't speak a word of that
countries language.
Yep.  He had moved to Oz as a child with his family but never bothered
to take out citizenship.  Big mistake on his part.
Citizenship is just a piece of paper, it shouldn't mean anything.
And yet you whine when I describe you as being a troll......
How is being called a troll anything to do with gaining citizenship?
No connection at all.  It was a reaction to your ignorance of the
existence of laws on citizenship, the sovereign powers of nations to
form and enforce those laws and your trolling response which has no
relevance to a person failing to take up citizenship.
Why do you love governments so much?
Yawn. More conclusion jumping from you. Get back to me when you grow up.
Commander Kinsey
2023-09-14 09:35:31 UTC
Post by Fran
On Mon, 04 Sep 2023 02:35:43 +0100, Fran
Post by Fran
On Sun, 03 Sep 2023 11:23:20 +0100, Fran
Post by Fran
Post by Commander Kinsey
Citizenship is just a piece of paper, it shouldn't mean anything.
And yet you whine when I describe you as being a troll......
How is being called a troll anything to do with gaining citizenship?
No connection at all. It was a reaction to your ignorance of the
existence of laws on citizenship, the sovereign powers of nations to
form and enforce those laws and your trolling response which has no
relevance to a person failing to take up citizenship.
Why do you love governments so much?
Yawn. More conclusion jumping from you. Get back to me when you grow up.
"existence of laws on citizenship, the sovereign powers of nations to form and enforce those laws" sounds like loving governments to me.
Commander Kinsey
2023-09-02 08:11:47 UTC
Post by Daniel65
On Wed, 30 Aug 2023 13:54:27 +0100, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
On Sun, 23 Jul 2023 09:17:19 +0100, Intelligent Party
Post by Intelligent Party
Say Ukraine will only be in military alliance only with Euro
powers, and not with countries across the ocean. And say Ukraine
will be in EU, and in free association with Russia.
It's likely Russians saying to have NATO in Ukraine, the resist and
fight Russia, because this allows Russia to fight Ukraine and
annex it.
You don't win a war through defense alone. Ukraine is not far away
from Russia like Afghanistan, or Vietnam to the United States.
It's like if the U.S. were fighting Mexico, and Russia was going to
stop the U.S. from annexing Baja. Russia will just take more and
more of Ukraine over time. The only other possibility is if Russia
were to implode. That is, to overthrow through civil war, and is
this really going to happen?
The Ukraine started the war. They mistreated Russian people living
in the Ukraine,and they asked Russia for help. Don't believe
propaganda from US and UK governments.
If Ukraine mistreated Russians who lived in The Ukraine, those Russian
Citizens had the option to go back to Russian, didn't they??
If they were Ukraine Citizens of Russian Birth, why did they give up
their Russian Citizenship??
Or were they Russian born whilst that area was all tied up in the U.S.S.R.??
Or something else??
So you're ok if the UK mistreats any non-UK people because they can go
back to their own country if they like?
(Sorry, Fran, but .....)
UK?? I thought this thread was about The *Ukraine* not The UK!!
Clearly it was an analogy.
Post by Daniel65
But, in any case, why shouldn't The UK have the ability to deport non-UK
people, if there is sufficient reason.
Well yes, I agree. But I assumed you weren't racist. We don't tend to beat up the Mozzies who invaded us, but you're ok with te Ukraine mistreating the Russians?

Mind you, Ukrainians are Russians anyway, just like Scots are British.
Post by Daniel65
Australia certainly has that ability ... I even recall Australia
deporting a guy back to his 'Home' country (Hungary?? Turkey??) about
15-20 years ago .... even though he didn't speak a word of that
countries language.
Australia used to have some sense, but they've gone all politically correct now.
2023-09-02 13:21:32 UTC
On Fri, 01 Sep 2023 10:32:19 +0100, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
Post by Commander Kinsey
So you're ok if the UK mistreats any non-UK people because they
can go back to their own country if they like?
(Sorry, Fran, but .....)
UK?? I thought this thread was about The *Ukraine* not The UK!!
Clearly it was an analogy.
Clearly it wasn't "Clearly"!
Post by Daniel65
But, in any case, why shouldn't The UK have the ability to deport
non-UK people, if there is sufficient reason.
Well yes, I agree. But I assumed you weren't racist.
Where have I indicated that I *AM* racist??
We don't tend
to beat up the Mozzies who invaded us, but you're ok with te Ukraine
mistreating the Russians?
Sorry!! When did The Ukraine invade Russia to *START* this fight?? The
way I understand it, Russia invaded the eastern portions of The Ukraine.
Mind you, Ukrainians are Russians anyway, just like Scots are
No, The Ukrainians were U.S.S.R,'ians, not Russians just like Scots are
Post by Daniel65
Australia certainly has that ability ... I even recall Australia
deporting a guy back to his 'Home' country (Hungary?? Turkey??)
about 15-20 years ago .... even though he didn't speak a word of
that countries language.
Australia used to have some sense, but they've gone all politically correct now.
I never knew that Australia had any sense!! Sure *Australians* did AND
DO have some sense, but not Australia!!

Australians ... P.C.!! Not all of us!
*Ördög* the real newsgroup Devil
2023-09-02 22:32:18 UTC
Post by Daniel65
Australians ...

OK Daniel, you have had your fun...but now please, pretty please stop
feeding that troll which does not any business intruding into this
newsgroup posting rubbish.
"A reminder for your mortification"
2023-09-03 10:32:53 UTC
Post by Daniel65
On Fri, 01 Sep 2023 10:32:19 +0100, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
Post by Commander Kinsey
So you're ok if the UK mistreats any non-UK people because they
can go back to their own country if they like?
(Sorry, Fran, but .....)
UK?? I thought this thread was about The *Ukraine* not The UK!!
Clearly it was an analogy.
Clearly it wasn't "Clearly"!
Post by Daniel65
But, in any case, why shouldn't The UK have the ability to deport
non-UK people, if there is sufficient reason.
Well yes, I agree.  But I assumed you weren't racist.
Where have I indicated that I *AM* racist??
We don't tend
to beat up the Mozzies who invaded us, but you're ok with te Ukraine
mistreating the Russians?
Sorry!! When did The Ukraine invade Russia to *START* this fight?? The
way I understand it, Russia invaded the eastern portions of The Ukraine.
Mind you, Ukrainians are Russians anyway, just like Scots are
No, The Ukrainians were U.S.S.R,'ians, not Russians just like Scots are
Post by Daniel65
Australia certainly has that ability ... I even recall Australia
deporting a guy back to his 'Home' country (Hungary?? Turkey??)
about 15-20 years ago .... even though he didn't speak a word of
that countries language.
Australia used to have some sense, but they've gone all politically correct now.
I never knew that Australia had any sense!!
LOL. Indeed. One of my favourite gripes is commentators who remark:
'Canberra says...' When 'Canberra' said no such thing.

Sure *Australians* did AND
Post by Daniel65
DO have some sense, but not Australia!!
Post by Daniel65
Australians ... P.C.!! Not all of us!
Commander Kinsey
2023-09-03 15:10:07 UTC
Post by Fran
Post by Daniel65
On Fri, 01 Sep 2023 10:32:19 +0100, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
Post by Commander Kinsey
So you're ok if the UK mistreats any non-UK people because they
can go back to their own country if they like?
(Sorry, Fran, but .....)
UK?? I thought this thread was about The *Ukraine* not The UK!!
Clearly it was an analogy.
Clearly it wasn't "Clearly"!
Post by Daniel65
But, in any case, why shouldn't The UK have the ability to deport
non-UK people, if there is sufficient reason.
Well yes, I agree. But I assumed you weren't racist.
Where have I indicated that I *AM* racist??
We don't tend
to beat up the Mozzies who invaded us, but you're ok with te Ukraine
mistreating the Russians?
Sorry!! When did The Ukraine invade Russia to *START* this fight?? The
way I understand it, Russia invaded the eastern portions of The Ukraine.
Mind you, Ukrainians are Russians anyway, just like Scots are British.
No, The Ukrainians were U.S.S.R,'ians, not Russians just like Scots are
Post by Daniel65
Australia certainly has that ability ... I even recall Australia
deporting a guy back to his 'Home' country (Hungary?? Turkey??)
about 15-20 years ago .... even though he didn't speak a word of
that countries language.
Australia used to have some sense, but they've gone all politically correct now.
I never knew that Australia had any sense!!
'Canberra says...' When 'Canberra' said no such thing.
You have OCD, go see a doctor about your fucked up head.

Most people have enough brain cells to realise what is meant. For example "it was the truck's fault" when discussing a car/truck collision. Most of us realise it's the truck driver. But you can't, because you're thick as fuck.
2023-09-04 01:16:08 UTC
On Sun, 03 Sep 2023 11:32:53 +0100, Fran
Post by Daniel65
On Fri, 01 Sep 2023 10:32:19 +0100, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
Post by Commander Kinsey
So you're ok if the UK mistreats any non-UK people because they
can go back to their own country if they like?
(Sorry, Fran, but .....)
UK?? I thought this thread was about The *Ukraine* not The UK!!
Clearly it was an analogy.
Clearly it wasn't "Clearly"!
Post by Daniel65
But, in any case, why shouldn't The UK have the ability to deport
non-UK people, if there is sufficient reason.
Well yes, I agree.  But I assumed you weren't racist.
Where have I indicated that I *AM* racist??
We don't tend
to beat up the Mozzies who invaded us, but you're ok with te Ukraine
mistreating the Russians?
Sorry!! When did The Ukraine invade Russia to *START* this fight?? The
way I understand it, Russia invaded the eastern portions of The Ukraine.
Mind you, Ukrainians are Russians anyway, just like Scots are British.
No, The Ukrainians were U.S.S.R,'ians, not Russians just like Scots are
Post by Daniel65
Australia certainly has that ability ... I even recall Australia
deporting a guy back to his 'Home' country (Hungary?? Turkey??)
about 15-20 years ago .... even though he didn't speak a word of
that countries language.
Australia used to have some sense, but they've gone all politically correct now.
I never knew that Australia had any sense!!
'Canberra says...'  When 'Canberra' said no such thing.
You have OCD, go see a doctor about your fucked up head.
Yawn. You do have a sad habit of conclusion jumping and limp insult
attempts. Typical troll.
Most people have enough brain cells to realise what is meant.
Well Duh! If I didn't know what it meant then I wouldn't notice how
poorly it was expressed! Do try to think before responding troll.

example "it was the truck's fault" when discussing a car/truck
collision.  Most of us realise it's the truck driver.  But you can't,
because you're thick as fuck.
Attempted but very boring and dull attempt at insult noted.
Commander Kinsey
2023-09-05 07:15:50 UTC
Post by Fran
On Sun, 03 Sep 2023 11:32:53 +0100, Fran
Post by Fran
Post by Daniel65
On Fri, 01 Sep 2023 10:32:19 +0100, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
Post by Commander Kinsey
So you're ok if the UK mistreats any non-UK people because they
can go back to their own country if they like?
(Sorry, Fran, but .....)
UK?? I thought this thread was about The *Ukraine* not The UK!!
Clearly it was an analogy.
Clearly it wasn't "Clearly"!
Post by Daniel65
But, in any case, why shouldn't The UK have the ability to deport
non-UK people, if there is sufficient reason.
Well yes, I agree. But I assumed you weren't racist.
Where have I indicated that I *AM* racist??
We don't tend
to beat up the Mozzies who invaded us, but you're ok with te Ukraine
mistreating the Russians?
Sorry!! When did The Ukraine invade Russia to *START* this fight?? The
way I understand it, Russia invaded the eastern portions of The Ukraine.
Mind you, Ukrainians are Russians anyway, just like Scots are British.
No, The Ukrainians were U.S.S.R,'ians, not Russians just like Scots are
Post by Daniel65
Australia certainly has that ability ... I even recall Australia
deporting a guy back to his 'Home' country (Hungary?? Turkey??)
about 15-20 years ago .... even though he didn't speak a word of
that countries language.
Australia used to have some sense, but they've gone all politically correct now.
I never knew that Australia had any sense!!
'Canberra says...' When 'Canberra' said no such thing.
You have OCD, go see a doctor about your fucked up head.
Yawn. You do have a sad habit of conclusion jumping and limp insult
attempts. Typical troll.
I wasn't insulting you, I was stating a fact. No normal person would care about such trivialities as the Canberra thing.
Post by Fran
Most people have enough brain cells to realise what is meant.
Well Duh! If I didn't know what it meant then I wouldn't notice how
poorly it was expressed! Do try to think before responding troll.
If you know what it meant then it was expressed well enough. The point was to make you understand, and they succeeded.
Post by Fran
For example "it was the truck's fault" when discussing a car/truck
collision. Most of us realise it's the truck driver. But you can't,
because you're thick as fuck.
Attempted but very boring and dull attempt at insult noted.
No, it was an observation. If you're not thick, tell me the real reason you care about the above sentence.
2023-09-05 22:33:14 UTC
On Mon, 04 Sep 2023 02:16:08 +0100, Fran
On Sun, 03 Sep 2023 11:32:53 +0100, Fran
Post by Daniel65
On Fri, 01 Sep 2023 10:32:19 +0100, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
Post by Commander Kinsey
So you're ok if the UK mistreats any non-UK people because they
can go back to their own country if they like?
(Sorry, Fran, but .....)
UK?? I thought this thread was about The *Ukraine* not The UK!!
Clearly it was an analogy.
Clearly it wasn't "Clearly"!
Post by Daniel65
But, in any case, why shouldn't The UK have the ability to deport
non-UK people, if there is sufficient reason.
Well yes, I agree.  But I assumed you weren't racist.
Where have I indicated that I *AM* racist??
We don't tend
to beat up the Mozzies who invaded us, but you're ok with te Ukraine
mistreating the Russians?
Sorry!! When did The Ukraine invade Russia to *START* this fight?? The
way I understand it, Russia invaded the eastern portions of The Ukraine.
Mind you, Ukrainians are Russians anyway, just like Scots are British.
No, The Ukrainians were U.S.S.R,'ians, not Russians just like Scots are
Post by Daniel65
Australia certainly has that ability ... I even recall Australia
deporting a guy back to his 'Home' country (Hungary?? Turkey??)
about 15-20 years ago .... even though he didn't speak a word of
that countries language.
Australia used to have some sense, but they've gone all politically correct now.
I never knew that Australia had any sense!!
'Canberra says...'  When 'Canberra' said no such thing.
You have OCD, go see a doctor about your fucked up head.
Yawn.  You do have a sad habit of conclusion jumping and limp insult
attempts.  Typical troll.
I wasn't insulting you, I was stating a fact.  No normal person would
care about such trivialities as the Canberra thing.
Earth to dumb troll!!!!!! You are posting into aus.pol. You're stupid
if you can't join the dots connecting a usenet political group with
having knowledge of, interest in, and commitment to politics. I know
you're a troll but now I know you're also a retard.
Most people have enough brain cells to realise what is meant.
Well Duh!  If I didn't know what it meant then I wouldn't notice how
poorly it was expressed!  Do try to think before responding troll.
If you know what it meant then it was expressed well enough.  The point
was to make you understand, and they succeeded.
It was expressed well enough for people with limited abilities when it
comes to the English language or for those who lack more than the most
basic level of education.
For example "it was the truck's fault" when discussing a car/truck
collision.  Most of us realise it's the truck driver.  But you can't,
because you're thick as fuck.
Attempted but very boring and dull attempt at insult noted.
No, it was an observation.  If you're not thick, tell me the real reason
you care about the above sentence.
I have. You're just too thick, ignorant and ill educated to understand
what I wrote. That is why you post howlers like you did about Russia.
Commander Kinsey
2023-09-03 15:08:42 UTC
Post by Daniel65
On Fri, 01 Sep 2023 10:32:19 +0100, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
Post by Commander Kinsey
So you're ok if the UK mistreats any non-UK people because they
can go back to their own country if they like?
(Sorry, Fran, but .....)
UK?? I thought this thread was about The *Ukraine* not The UK!!
Clearly it was an analogy.
Clearly it wasn't "Clearly"!
It was to those with a brain.
Post by Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
But, in any case, why shouldn't The UK have the ability to deport
non-UK people, if there is sufficient reason.
Well yes, I agree. But I assumed you weren't racist.
Where have I indicated that I *AM* racist??
Just there: "why shouldn't The UK have the ability to deport non-UK people".
Post by Daniel65
We don't tend
to beat up the Mozzies who invaded us, but you're ok with te Ukraine
mistreating the Russians?
Sorry!! When did The Ukraine invade Russia to *START* this fight?? The
way I understand it, Russia invaded the eastern portions of The Ukraine.
Because the Ukraine refused to stop mistreating the Russians.
Post by Daniel65
Mind you, Ukrainians are Russians anyway, just like Scots are
No, The Ukrainians were U.S.S.R,'ians, not Russians just like Scots are
USSR is Russia.
Post by Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
Australia certainly has that ability ... I even recall Australia
deporting a guy back to his 'Home' country (Hungary?? Turkey??)
about 15-20 years ago .... even though he didn't speak a word of
that countries language.
Australia used to have some sense, but they've gone all politically correct now.
I never knew that Australia had any sense!! Sure *Australians* did AND
DO have some sense, but not Australia!!
Australia is comprised of Australians, so both must be true.
Post by Daniel65
Australians ... P.C.!! Not all of us!
They used to not be PC.
2023-09-04 01:20:48 UTC
On Sat, 02 Sep 2023 14:21:32 +0100, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
No, The Ukrainians were U.S.S.R,'ians, not Russians just like Scots are
USSR is Russia.
Just one major howler from the troll.....
Commander Kinsey
2023-09-05 16:14:57 UTC
Post by Fran
On Sat, 02 Sep 2023 14:21:32 +0100, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
No, The Ukrainians were U.S.S.R,'ians, not Russians just like Scots are
USSR is Russia.
Just one major howler from the troll.....
No, your denial of the past.
2023-09-05 22:36:13 UTC
On Mon, 04 Sep 2023 02:20:48 +0100, Fran
Post by Fran
On Sat, 02 Sep 2023 14:21:32 +0100, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
No, The Ukrainians were U.S.S.R,'ians, not Russians just like Scots are
USSR is Russia.
Just one major howler from the troll.....
No, your denial of the past.
No, your pig ignorance of geopolitics and your inability to use a search
*Ördög* the real newsgroup Devil
2023-09-05 22:47:31 UTC

/Autosnip all inputs of mentally deranged home grown and septic trash
malicious wankers residing in my kill file/
Post by Fran
Post by Petzl
Post by Daniel65
No, The Ukrainians were U.S.S.R,'ians, not Russians just like Scots
are British.
Just one major howler from the troll.....
No, your pig ignorance of geopolitics and your inability to use a search
Fran, don't you think that it is high time to bozobin that troll???
"A reminder for your mortification"
2023-09-06 05:29:53 UTC
Post by *Ördög* the real newsgroup Devil
/Autosnip all inputs of mentally deranged home grown and septic trash
malicious wankers residing in my kill file/
Post by Fran
Post by Petzl
Post by Daniel65
No, The Ukrainians were U.S.S.R,'ians, not Russians just like Scots
are British.
Just one major howler from the troll.....
No, your pig ignorance of geopolitics and your inability to use a
search engine.
Fran, don't you think that it is high time to bozobin that troll???
Yeah. You're right. He's a fuckwit. I should have binned it as soon
as I read his howler about the USSR is Russia. Such ignorance does have
a certain fascination though. I wonder why it is that in this day and
age with all the resources at our fingertips, some fuckwit can make such
a pig ignorant statement but, even worse, when called on it, will go on
to repeat it.
2023-09-06 05:37:40 UTC
Post by *Ördög* the real newsgroup Devil
/Autosnip all inputs of mentally deranged home grown and septic trash
malicious wankers residing in my kill file/
Post by Fran
Post by Petzl
Post by Daniel65
No, The Ukrainians were U.S.S.R,'ians, not Russians just like
Scots are British.
Just one major howler from the troll.....
No, your pig ignorance of geopolitics and your inability to use a
search engine.
Fran, don't you think that it is high time to bozobin that troll???
Ohhh! Come on! We deserve a little fun, don't we?? ;-P
2023-09-04 09:24:16 UTC
On Sat, 02 Sep 2023 14:21:32 +0100, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
On Fri, 01 Sep 2023 10:32:19 +0100, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
But, in any case, why shouldn't The UK have the ability to
deport non-UK people, if there is sufficient reason.
Well yes, I agree. But I assumed you weren't racist.
Where have I indicated that I *AM* racist??
Just there: "why shouldn't The UK have the ability to deport non-UK people".
YOU were the one that brought up The UK, specificly.

Each and EVERY Country has the right to evict those non-citizens IT
doesn't want around.
Post by Daniel65
We don't tend to beat up the Mozzies who invaded us, but you're
ok with te Ukraine mistreating the Russians?
Sorry!! When did The Ukraine invade Russia to *START* this fight??
The way I understand it, Russia invaded the eastern portions of The
Because the Ukraine refused to stop mistreating the Russians.
If the Russians in The Ukraine didn't like the way they were being
Post by Daniel65
Mind you, Ukrainians are Russians anyway, just like Scots are British.
No, The Ukrainians were U.S.S.R,'ians, not Russians just like Scots
are British.
USSR is Russia.
U.S.S.R. stands/stood for Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Sure, Russia was PART of U.S.S.R., the major part, even, but *NOT* all
of U.S.S.R.
Post by Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
Australia certainly has that ability ... I even recall
Australia deporting a guy back to his 'Home' country (Hungary??
Turkey??) about 15-20 years ago .... even though he didn't
speak a word of that countries language.
Australia used to have some sense, but they've gone all
politically correct now.
I never knew that Australia had any sense!! Sure *Australians* did
AND DO have some sense, but not Australia!!
Australia is comprised of Australians, so both must be true.
No, one is inanimate, the other, hopefully, sensible!!
2023-09-04 22:16:36 UTC
Post by Daniel65
Post by Commander Kinsey
Post by Daniel65
No, The Ukrainians were U.S.S.R,'ians, not Russians just like Scots
are British.
USSR is Russia.
U.S.S.R. stands/stood for Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Sure, Russia was PART of U.S.S.R., the major part, even, but *NOT* all
of U.S.S.R.
:-)) I particularly liked that howler from the troll.
Post by Daniel65
Post by Commander Kinsey
Post by Daniel65
Post by Commander Kinsey
Post by Daniel65
Australia certainly has that ability ... I even recall
Australia deporting a guy back to his 'Home' country (Hungary??
Turkey??) about 15-20 years ago .... even though he didn't
speak a word of that countries language.
Australia used to have some sense, but they've gone all
politically correct now.
I never knew that Australia had any sense!! Sure *Australians* did
AND DO have some sense, but not Australia!!
Australia is comprised of Australians, so both must be true.
No, one is inanimate, the other, hopefully, sensible!!
I bet that comment goes over the troll's head ;-)
Commander Kinsey
2023-09-13 06:38:15 UTC
Post by Fran
Post by Daniel65
Post by Commander Kinsey
Post by Daniel65
No, The Ukrainians were U.S.S.R,'ians, not Russians just like Scots
are British.
USSR is Russia.
U.S.S.R. stands/stood for Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Sure, Russia was PART of U.S.S.R., the major part, even, but *NOT* all
of U.S.S.R.
:-)) I particularly liked that howler from the troll.
Post by Daniel65
Post by Commander Kinsey
Post by Daniel65
Post by Commander Kinsey
Post by Daniel65
Australia certainly has that ability ... I even recall
Australia deporting a guy back to his 'Home' country (Hungary??
Turkey??) about 15-20 years ago .... even though he didn't
speak a word of that countries language.
Australia used to have some sense, but they've gone all
politically correct now.
I never knew that Australia had any sense!! Sure *Australians* did
AND DO have some sense, but not Australia!!
Australia is comprised of Australians, so both must be true.
No, one is inanimate, the other, hopefully, sensible!!
I bet that comment goes over the troll's head ;-)
So nothing to say, just saying "what he said" to everything your boyfriend Daniel says.
Commander Kinsey
2023-09-13 06:37:48 UTC
Post by Daniel65
On Sat, 02 Sep 2023 14:21:32 +0100, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
On Fri, 01 Sep 2023 10:32:19 +0100, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
But, in any case, why shouldn't The UK have the ability to
deport non-UK people, if there is sufficient reason.
Well yes, I agree. But I assumed you weren't racist.
Where have I indicated that I *AM* racist??
Just there: "why shouldn't The UK have the ability to deport non-UK people".
YOU were the one that brought up The UK, specificly.
Each and EVERY Country has the right to evict those non-citizens IT
doesn't want around.
This makes you racist. That's why you back the Nazi Ukraine.
Post by Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
We don't tend to beat up the Mozzies who invaded us, but you're
ok with te Ukraine mistreating the Russians?
Sorry!! When did The Ukraine invade Russia to *START* this fight??
The way I understand it, Russia invaded the eastern portions of The
Because the Ukraine refused to stop mistreating the Russians.
If the Russians in The Ukraine didn't like the way they were being
"Go back to your own country" - try saying that in your own street to a negro.
Post by Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
Mind you, Ukrainians are Russians anyway, just like Scots are British.
No, The Ukrainians were U.S.S.R,'ians, not Russians just like Scots
are British.
USSR is Russia.
U.S.S.R. stands/stood for Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Sure, Russia was PART of U.S.S.R., the major part, even, but *NOT* all
of U.S.S.R.
Major is good enough. Since the USSR was destroyed by America and it's little shoe shiners in NATO, it's up to Russia to rebuild it to it's former glory.
Post by Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
Australia certainly has that ability ... I even recall
Australia deporting a guy back to his 'Home' country (Hungary??
Turkey??) about 15-20 years ago .... even though he didn't
speak a word of that countries language.
Australia used to have some sense, but they've gone all
politically correct now.
I never knew that Australia had any sense!! Sure *Australians* did
AND DO have some sense, but not Australia!!
Australia is comprised of Australians, so both must be true.
No, one is inanimate, the other, hopefully, sensible!!
Get your OCD sorted you look an arse.
2023-09-13 07:12:24 UTC
Commander Kinsey wrote on 13/09/2023 4:37 pm:

Post by Commander Kinsey
Get your OCD sorted you look an arse.
No, Commander, I can't see you!
The Doctor
2023-09-13 13:52:23 UTC
Post by Daniel65
Post by Commander Kinsey
Get your OCD sorted you look an arse.
No, Commander, I can't see you!
Member - Liberal International This is ***@nk.ca Ici ***@nk.ca
Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism https://www.empire.kred/ROOTNK?t=94a1f39b
Manitoba on 3 Oct 2023 vote Liberal! Beware https://mindspring.com
2023-09-13 09:44:39 UTC
On Mon, 04 Sep 2023 10:24:16 +0100, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
On Sat, 02 Sep 2023 14:21:32 +0100, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
On Fri, 01 Sep 2023 10:32:19 +0100, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
But, in any case, why shouldn't The UK have the ability to
deport non-UK people, if there is sufficient reason.
Well yes, I agree.  But I assumed you weren't racist.
Where have I indicated that I *AM* racist??
Just there: "why shouldn't The UK have the ability to deport non-UK people".
YOU were the one that brought up The UK, specificly.
Each and EVERY Country has the right to evict those non-citizens IT
doesn't want around.
This makes you racist.  That's why you back the Nazi Ukraine.
Ah, the old troll standby - the *racist* tag. Such a pity you don't
understand the meaning of the word. Keep your mind focused on the term
Post by Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
We don't tend to beat up the Mozzies who invaded us, but you're
ok with te Ukraine mistreating the Russians?
Sorry!! When did The Ukraine invade Russia to *START* this fight??
The way I understand it, Russia invaded the eastern portions of The
Because the Ukraine refused to stop mistreating the Russians.
If the Russians in The Ukraine didn't like the way they were being
"Go back to your own country" - try saying that in your own street to a negro.
You don't read so good. You might have noticed he said, and quite
distinctly so, *Russians*. From that you could assume people who
migrated to Ukraine but still maintain Russian citizenship.
Post by Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
Mind you, Ukrainians are Russians anyway, just like Scots are British.
No, The Ukrainians were U.S.S.R,'ians, not Russians just like Scots
are British.
USSR is Russia.
U.S.S.R. stands/stood for Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Sure, Russia was PART of U.S.S.R., the major part, even, but *NOT* all
of U.S.S.R.
Major is good enough.  Since the USSR was destroyed by America and it's
little shoe shiners in NATO, it's up to Russia to rebuild it to it's
former glory.
Post by Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
Australia certainly has that ability ... I even recall
Australia deporting a guy back to his 'Home' country (Hungary??
Turkey??) about 15-20 years ago .... even though he didn't
speak a word of that countries language.
Australia used to have some sense, but they've gone all
politically correct now.
I never knew that Australia had any sense!! Sure *Australians* did
AND DO have some sense, but not Australia!!
Australia is comprised of Australians, so both must be true.
No, one is inanimate, the other, hopefully, sensible!!
Get your OCD sorted you look an arse.

Nothing astonishes Noddy so much as common sense and plain dealing.
(with apologies to Ralph Waldo Emerson)
2023-09-03 10:25:37 UTC
On Fri, 01 Sep 2023 10:32:19 +0100, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
On Wed, 30 Aug 2023 13:54:27 +0100, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
On Sun, 23 Jul 2023 09:17:19 +0100, Intelligent Party
Post by Intelligent Party
Say Ukraine will only be in military alliance only with Euro
powers, and not with countries across the ocean.  And say Ukraine
will be in EU, and in free association with Russia.
It's likely Russians saying to have NATO in Ukraine, the resist and
fight Russia, because this allows Russia to fight Ukraine and
annex it.
You don't win a war through defense alone.  Ukraine is not far away
 from Russia like Afghanistan, or Vietnam to the United States.
It's like if the U.S. were fighting Mexico, and Russia was going to
stop the U.S. from annexing Baja.  Russia will just take more and
more of Ukraine over time.  The only other possibility is if Russia
were to implode.  That is, to overthrow through civil war, and is
this really going to happen?
The Ukraine started the war.  They mistreated Russian people living
in the Ukraine,and they asked Russia for help.  Don't believe
propaganda from US and UK governments.
If Ukraine mistreated Russians who lived in The Ukraine, those Russian
Citizens had the option to go back to Russian, didn't they??
If they were Ukraine Citizens of Russian Birth, why did they give up
their Russian Citizenship??
Or were they Russian born whilst that area was all tied up in the U.S.S.R.??
Or something else??
So you're ok if the UK mistreats any non-UK people because they can go
back to their own country if they like?
(Sorry, Fran, but .....)
UK?? I thought this thread was about The *Ukraine* not The UK!!
Clearly it was an analogy.
No, it was a logical fallacy.
Post by Daniel65
But, in any case, why shouldn't The UK have the ability to deport non-UK
people, if there is sufficient reason.
Well yes, I agree.  But I assumed you weren't racist.  We don't tend to
beat up the Mozzies who invaded us, but you're ok with te Ukraine
mistreating the Russians?
Logical fallacy. Daniel made no such claim.
Mind you, Ukrainians are Russians anyway, just like Scots are British.
Post by Daniel65
Australia certainly has that ability ... I even recall Australia
deporting a guy back to his 'Home' country (Hungary?? Turkey??) about
15-20 years ago .... even though he didn't speak a word of that
countries language.
Australia used to have some sense, but they've gone all politically correct now.
Commander Kinsey
2023-09-03 15:06:58 UTC
Post by Fran
On Fri, 01 Sep 2023 10:32:19 +0100, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
On Wed, 30 Aug 2023 13:54:27 +0100, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
On Sun, 23 Jul 2023 09:17:19 +0100, Intelligent Party
Post by Intelligent Party
Say Ukraine will only be in military alliance only with Euro
powers, and not with countries across the ocean. And say Ukraine
will be in EU, and in free association with Russia.
It's likely Russians saying to have NATO in Ukraine, the resist and
fight Russia, because this allows Russia to fight Ukraine and
annex it.
You don't win a war through defense alone. Ukraine is not far away
from Russia like Afghanistan, or Vietnam to the United States.
It's like if the U.S. were fighting Mexico, and Russia was going to
stop the U.S. from annexing Baja. Russia will just take more and
more of Ukraine over time. The only other possibility is if Russia
were to implode. That is, to overthrow through civil war, and is
this really going to happen?
The Ukraine started the war. They mistreated Russian people living
in the Ukraine,and they asked Russia for help. Don't believe
propaganda from US and UK governments.
If Ukraine mistreated Russians who lived in The Ukraine, those Russian
Citizens had the option to go back to Russian, didn't they??
If they were Ukraine Citizens of Russian Birth, why did they give up
their Russian Citizenship??
Or were they Russian born whilst that area was all tied up in the U.S.S.R.??
Or something else??
So you're ok if the UK mistreats any non-UK people because they can go
back to their own country if they like?
(Sorry, Fran, but .....)
UK?? I thought this thread was about The *Ukraine* not The UK!!
Clearly it was an analogy.
No, it was a logical fallacy.
You've just discovered that phrase and love using it. You think you're smart using it don't you? The only other person I know who uses that phrase is a Jew with OCD.
Post by Fran
Post by Daniel65
But, in any case, why shouldn't The UK have the ability to deport non-UK
people, if there is sufficient reason.
Well yes, I agree. But I assumed you weren't racist. We don't tend to
beat up the Mozzies who invaded us, but you're ok with te Ukraine
mistreating the Russians?
Logical fallacy. Daniel made no such claim.
And there you go again.

And why do you keep backing up Daniel as though he can't speak for himself?
Post by Fran
Mind you, Ukrainians are Russians anyway, just like Scots are British.
Post by Daniel65
Australia certainly has that ability ... I even recall Australia
deporting a guy back to his 'Home' country (Hungary?? Turkey??) about
15-20 years ago .... even though he didn't speak a word of that
countries language.
Australia used to have some sense, but they've gone all politically correct now.
2023-09-04 01:04:17 UTC
On Sun, 03 Sep 2023 11:25:37 +0100, Fran
Post by Fran
On Fri, 01 Sep 2023 10:32:19 +0100, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
On Wed, 30 Aug 2023 13:54:27 +0100, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
On Sun, 23 Jul 2023 09:17:19 +0100, Intelligent Party
Post by Intelligent Party
Say Ukraine will only be in military alliance only with Euro
powers, and not with countries across the ocean.  And say Ukraine
will be in EU, and in free association with Russia.
It's likely Russians saying to have NATO in Ukraine, the resist and
fight Russia, because this allows Russia to fight Ukraine and
annex it.
You don't win a war through defense alone.  Ukraine is not far away
 from Russia like Afghanistan, or Vietnam to the United States.
It's like if the U.S. were fighting Mexico, and Russia was going to
stop the U.S. from annexing Baja.  Russia will just take more and
more of Ukraine over time.  The only other possibility is if Russia
were to implode.  That is, to overthrow through civil war, and is
this really going to happen?
The Ukraine started the war.  They mistreated Russian people living
in the Ukraine,and they asked Russia for help.  Don't believe
propaganda from US and UK governments.
If Ukraine mistreated Russians who lived in The Ukraine, those Russian
Citizens had the option to go back to Russian, didn't they??
If they were Ukraine Citizens of Russian Birth, why did they give up
their Russian Citizenship??
Or were they Russian born whilst that area was all tied up in the U.S.S.R.??
Or something else??
So you're ok if the UK mistreats any non-UK people because they can go
back to their own country if they like?
(Sorry, Fran, but .....)
UK?? I thought this thread was about The *Ukraine* not The UK!!
Clearly it was an analogy.
No, it was a logical fallacy.
You've just discovered that phrase and love using it.
Fantasising and conclusion jumping is also a common trolling tactic you use.

You think you're
smart using it don't you?  The only other person I know who uses that
phrase is a Jew with OCD.
Anti-semitism is an ugly trolling tactic.
Post by Fran
Post by Daniel65
But, in any case, why shouldn't The UK have the ability to deport non-UK
people, if there is sufficient reason.
Well yes, I agree.  But I assumed you weren't racist.  We don't tend to
beat up the Mozzies who invaded us, but you're ok with te Ukraine
mistreating the Russians?
Logical fallacy.  Daniel made no such claim.
And there you go again.
Yep. I can read for comprehension. You should try it some time.
And why do you keep backing up Daniel as though he can't speak for himself?
He does speak for himself. You have trouble understanding what he writes.
Commander Kinsey
2023-09-04 20:23:12 UTC
Post by Fran
On Sun, 03 Sep 2023 11:25:37 +0100, Fran
Post by Fran
On Fri, 01 Sep 2023 10:32:19 +0100, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
Post by Commander Kinsey
So you're ok if the UK mistreats any non-UK people because they can go
back to their own country if they like?
(Sorry, Fran, but .....)
UK?? I thought this thread was about The *Ukraine* not The UK!!
Clearly it was an analogy.
No, it was a logical fallacy.
You've just discovered that phrase and love using it.
Fantasising and conclusion jumping
More buzzwords.
Post by Fran
is also a common trolling tactic you use.
I'm not trolling, I'm disagreeing with the opinion of the majority, and you can't handle it, so you assign the label troll.
Post by Fran
You think you're
smart using it don't you? The only other person I know who uses that
phrase is a Jew with OCD.
Should be a world-wide belief. They think god exists for fuck's sake.

And that was a terrible swerve away from the topic.
Post by Fran
Post by Fran
Post by Daniel65
But, in any case, why shouldn't The UK have the ability to deport non-UK
people, if there is sufficient reason.
Well yes, I agree. But I assumed you weren't racist. We don't tend to
beat up the Mozzies who invaded us, but you're ok with te Ukraine
mistreating the Russians?
Logical fallacy. Daniel made no such claim.
And there you go again.
Yep. I can read for comprehension. You should try it some time.
But can you spot when you're being repetetive?
Post by Fran
And why do you keep backing up Daniel as though he can't speak for himself?
He does speak for himself.
So why do you back him up?
Post by Fran
You have trouble understanding what he writes.
You confuse understanding and believing.
2023-09-04 22:29:08 UTC
On Mon, 04 Sep 2023 02:04:17 +0100, Fran
Post by Fran
On Sun, 03 Sep 2023 11:25:37 +0100, Fran
Post by Fran
On Fri, 01 Sep 2023 10:32:19 +0100, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
Post by Commander Kinsey
So you're ok if the UK mistreats any non-UK people because they can go
back to their own country if they like?
(Sorry, Fran, but .....)
UK?? I thought this thread was about The *Ukraine* not The UK!!
Clearly it was an analogy.
No, it was a logical fallacy.
You've just discovered that phrase and love using it.
Fantasising and conclusion jumping
More buzzwords.
Post by Fran
is also a common trolling tactic you use.
I'm not trolling, I'm disagreeing with the opinion of the majority, and
you can't handle it, so you assign the label troll.
Post by Fran
You think you're
smart using it don't you?  The only other person I know who uses that
phrase is a Jew with OCD.
Should be a world-wide belief.  They think god exists for fuck's sake.
Billions of people right round the world believe in the existence of
some form of God. Your singling out Jews for doing so says more about
you than it does about Jews.
And that was a terrible swerve away from the topic. >
Post by Fran
Post by Fran
Post by Daniel65
But, in any case, why shouldn't The UK have the ability to deport non-UK
people, if there is sufficient reason.
Well yes, I agree.  But I assumed you weren't racist.  We don't tend to
beat up the Mozzies who invaded us, but you're ok with te Ukraine
mistreating the Russians?
Logical fallacy.  Daniel made no such claim.
And there you go again.
Yep.  I can read for comprehension.  You should try it some time.
But can you spot when you're being repetetive?
Yes and I do that as thickos like you need repetition.
Post by Fran
And why do you keep backing up Daniel as though he can't speak for himself?
He does speak for himself.
So why do you back him up?
Thickos trolls like you need repetition.
Post by Fran
You have trouble understanding what he writes.
You confuse understanding and believing.
You neither understand nor believe but you are a troll and an ignorant
one and also boring.
Commander Kinsey
2023-09-14 00:42:58 UTC
Post by Fran
On Mon, 04 Sep 2023 02:04:17 +0100, Fran
Post by Fran
On Sun, 03 Sep 2023 11:25:37 +0100, Fran
Post by Fran
On Fri, 01 Sep 2023 10:32:19 +0100, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
Post by Commander Kinsey
So you're ok if the UK mistreats any non-UK people because they can go
back to their own country if they like?
(Sorry, Fran, but .....)
UK?? I thought this thread was about The *Ukraine* not The UK!!
Clearly it was an analogy.
No, it was a logical fallacy.
You've just discovered that phrase and love using it.
Fantasising and conclusion jumping
More buzzwords.
Post by Fran
is also a common trolling tactic you use.
I'm not trolling, I'm disagreeing with the opinion of the majority, and
you can't handle it, so you assign the label troll.
Post by Fran
You think you're
smart using it don't you? The only other person I know who uses that
phrase is a Jew with OCD.
Should be a world-wide belief. They think god exists for fuck's sake.
Billions of people right round the world believe in the existence of
some form of God. Your singling out Jews for doing so says more about
you than it does about Jews.
I think all believers are stupid, but Jews (and Muslims) take it more seriously, so are even stupider. And they both use their religion to start wars.
Post by Fran
And that was a terrible swerve away from the topic. >
Post by Fran
Post by Fran
Post by Daniel65
But, in any case, why shouldn't The UK have the ability to deport non-UK
people, if there is sufficient reason.
Well yes, I agree. But I assumed you weren't racist. We don't tend to
beat up the Mozzies who invaded us, but you're ok with te Ukraine
mistreating the Russians?
Logical fallacy. Daniel made no such claim.
And there you go again.
Yep. I can read for comprehension. You should try it some time.
But can you spot when you're being repetetive?
Yes and I do that as thickos like you need repetition.
Repetition never helps, you need to reword it.
Post by Fran
Post by Fran
And why do you keep backing up Daniel as though he can't speak for himself?
He does speak for himself.
So why do you back him up?
Thickos trolls like you need repetition.
Fuck off Rod. I see you've moved off the gmail addresses now.
Post by Fran
Post by Fran
You have trouble understanding what he writes.
You confuse understanding and believing.
You neither understand nor believe but you are a troll and an ignorant
one and also boring.
How can I be expected to understand something I don't believe? If I try to read the bible it's like reading Greek.
2023-09-14 04:53:54 UTC
Post by Fran
Should be a world-wide belief.  They think god exists for fuck's sake.
Billions of people right round the world believe in the existence of
some form of God.  Your singling out Jews for doing so says more about
you than it does about Jews.
I've said it before and I'll say it again ..... Christianity is a Jewish
Sect!! ;-P
2023-09-05 07:17:27 UTC
On Mon, 04 Sep 2023 02:04:17 +0100, Fran
Post by Fran
Post by Commander Kinsey
And why do you keep backing up Daniel as though he can't speak for himself?
He does speak for himself.
So why do you back him up?
I guessing .... because what I post is correct .... at least in Fran's
opinion. But, sometimes, we two do disagree!!
Post by Fran
You have trouble understanding what he writes.
You confuse understanding and believing.
Commander Kinsey
2023-09-05 16:23:47 UTC
Post by Daniel65
On Mon, 04 Sep 2023 02:04:17 +0100, Fran
Post by Fran
Post by Commander Kinsey
And why do you keep backing up Daniel as though he can't speak for himself?
He does speak for himself.
So why do you back him up?
I guessing .... because what I post is correct .... at least in Fran's
opinion. But, sometimes, we two do disagree!!
That would be like placing antimatter on a desk.
2023-09-06 05:42:58 UTC
On Tue, 05 Sep 2023 08:17:27 +0100, Daniel65
Post by Daniel65
On Mon, 04 Sep 2023 02:04:17 +0100, Fran
Post by Fran
Post by Commander Kinsey
And why do you keep backing up Daniel as though he can't speak for himself?
He does speak for himself.
So why do you back him up?
I guessing .... because what I post is correct .... at least in Fran's
opinion. But, sometimes, we two do disagree!!
That would be like placing antimatter on a desk.
Oh!! Yeah!! Right! Like we've all seen what happens then, haven't we??

You're not real bright, are you, Commander??
2023-09-05 22:44:17 UTC
Post by Daniel65
On Mon, 04 Sep 2023 02:04:17 +0100, Fran
Post by Fran
Post by Commander Kinsey
And why do you keep backing up Daniel as though he can't speak for himself?
He does speak for himself.
So why do you back him up?
I guessing .... because what I post is correct .... at least in Fran's
opinion. But, sometimes, we two do disagree!!
Yep. You and I do sometimes disagree. At least you bother to check
your facts (most of the time) and if I challenge you, you put some
effort into a response.

Our poor troll is learn resistant, can't think (logically or otherwise)
and just posts mindless garbage. I suspect this one doesn't suffer from
the slide into dementia like our other resident retard but is just
ignorant and lazy.
Peter Jason
2023-09-05 23:04:51 UTC
On Wed, 6 Sep 2023 08:44:17 +1000, Fran
Post by Fran
Post by Daniel65
On Mon, 04 Sep 2023 02:04:17 +0100, Fran
Post by Fran
Post by Commander Kinsey
And why do you keep backing up Daniel as though he can't speak for himself?
He does speak for himself.
So why do you back him up?
I guessing .... because what I post is correct .... at least in Fran's
opinion. But, sometimes, we two do disagree!!
Yep. You and I do sometimes disagree. At least you bother to check
your facts (most of the time) and if I challenge you, you put some
effort into a response.
Our poor troll is learn resistant, can't think (logically or otherwise)
and just posts mindless garbage. I suspect this one doesn't suffer from
the slide into dementia like our other resident retard but is just
ignorant and lazy.
Mummy always said those with an open mind get a lot of rubbish chucked
2023-09-06 05:45:27 UTC
Post by Peter Jason
On Wed, 6 Sep 2023 08:44:17 +1000, Fran
Post by Fran
Post by Daniel65
On Mon, 04 Sep 2023 02:04:17 +0100, Fran
Post by Fran
Post by Commander Kinsey
And why do you keep backing up Daniel as though he can't speak for himself?
He does speak for himself.
So why do you back him up?
I guessing .... because what I post is correct .... at least in Fran's
opinion. But, sometimes, we two do disagree!!
Yep. You and I do sometimes disagree. At least you bother to check
your facts (most of the time) and if I challenge you, you put some
effort into a response.
Our poor troll is learn resistant, can't think (logically or otherwise)
and just posts mindless garbage. I suspect this one doesn't suffer from
the slide into dementia like our other resident retard but is just
ignorant and lazy.
Mummy always said those with an open mind get a lot of rubbish chucked
Hmm!! I loke that saying of your mummy!! ;-P