Dago DeSantis Says Owning Slaves Was Beneficial
(too old to reply)
Dagos killed Jesus
2023-08-12 01:17:26 UTC
Dagos killed Jesus so what do you expect from a dirty Christ Killer?

Bullshit government funded law degree or not, he's the stupidest, most
racist Dago on earth.

DeSantis flunks American history test with nonsensical slavery rant
While denouncing The New York Times' "1619 Project," Florida's right-wing
governor claimed no one questioned slavery before the American Revolution.
Sept. 23, 2022, 4:36 PM EDT

By Ja'han Jones

A clip of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis whitewashing the history of chattel
slavery, abolition and the American Revolution has gone viral online in
recent days, with many people dunking on DeSantis for his idiocy.

But this is no laughing matter.

Speaking at an event Tuesday, the Republican tried to downplay a lawsuit
over his oppressive "Stop WOKE Act," a law designed to severely restrict
educators’ ability to teach about social ills. DeSantis has railed against
teachers in his state who have sought to educate their students on truths
about racial, gender and sexuality-based inequality. But his rambling,
ahistorical diatribe showed why he’s not to be taken seriously on those

In his remarks, he maligned “The 1619 Project,” a New York Times
multimedia effort focused on the roots of slavery in virtually all aspects
of American life. White Republicans — led by former President Donald Trump
— have denounced the project as “un-American” since its debut in 2019. And
they have decried academic focuses on social inequality, like critical
race theory, just the same.

The Times’ project is a “CRT version of history,” DeSantis claimed. He
added, “They want to teach our kids that the American Revolution was
fought to protect slavery,” which he said, wrongly, was false. (We’ll get
to that in a moment.)

But DeSantis went even further, claiming that America’s revolution against
Britain was solely responsible for the movement to abolish slavery. “No
one had questioned it [slavery] before we decided as Americans that we are
endowed by our creator with unalienable rights and that we are all created
equal,” DeSantis said.

He delivered those demonstrably false remarks with all the confidence of a
seventh-grade student bluffing their way through a class presentation.

Everything you just heard is white supremacist garbage that’s quite easy
to dispel, which makes the fact that DeSantis is spouting it all the more
sinister. The enslaved people being raped, beaten and worked to death
undoubtedly questioned slavery at the time. Narratives from people
enslaved in America before the Revolutionary War, such as the abolitionist
Olaudah Equiano, prove this.

And the offensively stupid claim that America’s war against Britain was
premised on freedom and justice for all has been refuted by historians for

George Horne, for example, wrote a book called “The Counter-Revolution of
1776: Slave Resistance and the Origins of the United States of America,”
which focuses on how American colonizers’ desire to uphold slavery was a
major motivation to fight against Britain, which officially outlawed the
practice. Here’s an excerpt from a “Democracy Now” interview the historian
gave in 2014:

We should understand that July 4th, 1776, in many ways, represents a
counterrevolution. That is to say that what helped to prompt July 4th,
1776, was the perception amongst European settlers on the North American
mainland that London was moving rapidly towards abolition. This perception
was prompted by Somerset’s case, a case decided in London in June 1772
which seemed to suggest that abolition, which not only was going to be
ratified in London itself, was going to cross the Atlantic and basically
sweep through the mainland, thereby jeopardizing numerous fortunes, not
only based upon slavery, but the slave trade.

The 1772 case Horne referred to is the London-based case that found
chattel slavery was not supported by British common law, a finding that
British-run colonies in would-be America viewed as a threat to their
livelihood. To put a finer point on this: Ron DeSantis is an ahistorical
oaf. He deserves any mockery he receives for this particular diatribe, but
let’s not pretend he was merely mistaken here.

As our fearless “ReidOut” host Joy Reid noted, DeSantis, who is a graduate
of Yale and Harvard, has benefited from a ritzy education. His ignorance
is willful. And if he has his way, that ignorance will consume Florida’s
education system.
2023-08-13 11:32:13 UTC
On Sat, 12 Aug 2023 01:17:26 -0000 (UTC), Dagos killed Jesus
Post by Dagos killed Jesus
Dagos killed Jesus so what do you expect from a dirty Christ Killer?
Bullshit government funded law degree or not, he's the stupidest, most
racist Dago on earth.
DeSantis flunks American history test with nonsensical slavery rant
While denouncing The New York Times' "1619 Project," Florida's right-wing
governor claimed no one questioned slavery before the American Revolution.
Sept. 23, 2022, 4:36 PM EDT
By Ja'han Jones
A clip of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis whitewashing the history of chattel
slavery, abolition and the American Revolution has gone viral online in
recent days, with many people dunking on DeSantis for his idiocy.
But this is no laughing matter.
Speaking at an event Tuesday, the Republican tried to downplay a lawsuit
over his oppressive "Stop WOKE Act," a law designed to severely restrict
educators’ ability to teach about social ills. DeSantis has railed against
teachers in his state who have sought to educate their students on truths
about racial, gender and sexuality-based inequality. But his rambling,
ahistorical diatribe showed why he’s not to be taken seriously on those
In his remarks, he maligned “The 1619 Project,” a New York Times
multimedia effort focused on the roots of slavery in virtually all aspects
of American life. White Republicans — led by former President Donald Trump
— have denounced the project as “un-American” since its debut in 2019. And
they have decried academic focuses on social inequality, like critical
race theory, just the same.
The Times’ project is a “CRT version of history,” DeSantis claimed. He
added, “They want to teach our kids that the American Revolution was
fought to protect slavery,” which he said, wrongly, was false. (We’ll get
to that in a moment.)
But DeSantis went even further, claiming that America’s revolution against
Britain was solely responsible for the movement to abolish slavery. “No
one had questioned it [slavery] before we decided as Americans that we are
endowed by our creator with unalienable rights and that we are all created
equal,” DeSantis said.
He delivered those demonstrably false remarks with all the confidence of a
seventh-grade student bluffing their way through a class presentation.
Everything you just heard is white supremacist garbage that’s quite easy
to dispel, which makes the fact that DeSantis is spouting it all the more
sinister. The enslaved people being raped, beaten and worked to death
undoubtedly questioned slavery at the time. Narratives from people
enslaved in America before the Revolutionary War, such as the abolitionist
Olaudah Equiano, prove this.
And the offensively stupid claim that America’s war against Britain was
premised on freedom and justice for all has been refuted by historians for
George Horne, for example, wrote a book called “The Counter-Revolution of
1776: Slave Resistance and the Origins of the United States of America,”
which focuses on how American colonizers’ desire to uphold slavery was a
major motivation to fight against Britain, which officially outlawed the
practice. Here’s an excerpt from a “Democracy Now” interview the historian
We should understand that July 4th, 1776, in many ways, represents a
counterrevolution. That is to say that what helped to prompt July 4th,
1776, was the perception amongst European settlers on the North American
mainland that London was moving rapidly towards abolition. This perception
was prompted by Somerset’s case, a case decided in London in June 1772
which seemed to suggest that abolition, which not only was going to be
ratified in London itself, was going to cross the Atlantic and basically
sweep through the mainland, thereby jeopardizing numerous fortunes, not
only based upon slavery, but the slave trade.
The 1772 case Horne referred to is the London-based case that found
chattel slavery was not supported by British common law, a finding that
British-run colonies in would-be America viewed as a threat to their
livelihood. To put a finer point on this: Ron DeSantis is an ahistorical
oaf. He deserves any mockery he receives for this particular diatribe, but
let’s not pretend he was merely mistaken here.
As our fearless “ReidOut” host Joy Reid noted, DeSantis, who is a graduate
of Yale and Harvard, has benefited from a ritzy education. His ignorance
is willful. And if he has his way, that ignorance will consume Florida’s
education system.
Go WOKE - Go Broke!
Some of the Republican positions I find disgusting and abhorrent.
Most of the Democratic positions I find terrifying.

Whatever it takes - Stop the Democrats.

The most dangerous enemies the United States has:

Biden the Senile Bastard and his Bitch and
supported by the Sluts and Pimps including
Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,
Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib, Jamaal Bowman,
Cori Bush, Adam Schiff, Maxine Waters, Jerry Nadler,
Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and Cory Booker. They
have stepped over the line and are working against
the country and what it stands for.

Stop the Green Raw Deal!

I dare call it treason.

Do not work with them but oppose everything they attempt.

I don't know how Comical Karine can still hold a straight
face with what she has to say.

Did the last sane person leaving California remember to
turn off the lights? Did he do the same for New York?

Abortion should be like any other medical procedure
and be the decision of the patient and the doctor.
It is the business of no one else.

I support a Pro-Choice Constitutional Amendment.

Don't build a wall, build a kill zone.