Trump demands to know jurors' identities in rape case; judge tells Trump to Fuck Off
(too old to reply)
Lou Bricano
2023-04-25 15:01:22 UTC
Judge cites Trump’s past verbal attacks in using anonymous jury for rape
defamation case

By Dan Mangan
Published Thu, Mar 23 202312:40 PM EDT | Updated Thu, Mar 23 20231:15 PM EDT

Citing former President Donald Trump’s history of verbally attacking people in
the legal system, a federal judge ruled Thursday that a jury will be anonymous
at his upcoming civil trial for allegedly defaming a writer after she accused
him of raping her.

“Mr. Trump repeatedly has attacked courts, judges, various law enforcement
officials and other public officials, and even individual jurors in other
matters,” Manhattan U.S. District Judge Lewis Kaplan wrote in his order.

Kaplan noted that Trump’s recent calls for public protests over his belief that
he will soon be indicted in an unrelated criminal probe in New York “has been
perceived by some as an incitement to violence.” Trump in that probe is being
eyed for a hush money payment to porn star Stormy Daniels in 2016.


There is no "right" to know the identities of jurors. Trump has all but shouted
through a bullhorn that he will attempt to destroy the jurors. Trump *will*
fuck off on this. He's not going to know the jurors' identities, and there is
no valid reason for him to know them.
Lou Bricano
2023-04-25 18:46:00 UTC
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Re: Trump demands to know jurors' identities in rape case;
judge tells Trump to Fuck Off
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2023 10:06:01 -0500
Post by Lou Bricano
Judge cites Trump’s past verbal attacks in using anonymous jury for
rape defamation case
By Dan Mangan
Published Thu, Mar 23 202312:40 PM EDT | Updated Thu, Mar 23 20231:15
Citing former President Donald Trump’s history of verbally
attacking people in the legal system, a federal judge ruled Thursday
that a jury will be anonymous at his upcoming civil trial for
allegedly defaming a writer after she accused him of raping her.
“Mr. Trump repeatedly has attacked courts, judges, various law
enforcement officials and other public officials, and even individual
jurors in other matters,” Manhattan U.S. District Judge Lewis
Kaplan wrote in his order.
Kaplan noted that Trump’s recent calls for public protests over his
belief that he will soon be indicted in an unrelated criminal probe
in New York “has been perceived by some as an incitement to
violence.” Trump in that probe is being eyed for a hush money
payment to porn star Stormy Daniels in 2016.
There is no "right" to know the identities of jurors.  Trump has all
but shouted through a bullhorn that he will attempt to destroy the
jurors. Trump *will* fuck off on this.  He's not going to know the
jurors' identities, and there is no valid reason for him to know
This just sounds wrong. To be judged by an anonymous jury seems
counter to the spirit of our legal system.
You think jurors want their identities
disclosed to every Mafia Don and drug kingpin
on trial?
The sixth amendment says you have a right to know the specific charges against
you, a right to a speedy trial (so why is Trump constantly delaying trial?), and
a right to confront witnesses against you. It does not say you have a right to
know the identities of jurors in your trial. Particularly with Trump, who
routinely threatens his opponents with violence and crippling lawsuits, it is
*absolutely* necessary that he not know the identities of the jurors. For that
matter, I'm not even sure he should be allowed to know the identities of all
witnesses. His lawyers can aggressively question and challenge the testimony of
witnesses without knowing their identities; the judge will know who they are,
and that's good enough. Trump has absolutely no valid reason to know the
identities of jurors. The judge made the right decision.
