Gunner -- Nestle Auction in Bakersfield
(too old to reply)
Gunner Asch
2018-02-05 21:40:21 UTC
I've had to fight to keep a new accountant from trying to sell off the
lab's electronic components supply.
Might be true in a state with an inventory tax, but California doesn't
have one.
It has an Asset Tax.
It doesn't have any kind of tax that would cover "a shit ton of nuts,
bolts and fasteners of all sorts..plus material that they were made of",
you congenitally lying *thief*. You just keep digging up one nugget of
bullshit after another, *THIEF*.
Sure it does.

So please.show that Ive stolen anything. Please show who Ive stolen
things from and when I did as you claim.

Double dog dare you.

This is at least the 5th time Ive requested proof of your claims. So
far..Ive had no proof of any sort provided to my request.

Oh..I should mention..Im going to start providing company names and
contact info that anyone here can use to check up on your claims.

Say..did you see the 2000 + pounds of welding rod and MIG & TIG wire
that Ive been given?


And a few welding machines I was given (several in above links..more


Now you do know that I have a vested interest in "good reputation" and
continuing to claim Im a *thief* can be used to sue the snot out of
you in a court of law..right?

Keep it up..and it will be become VERY profitable to turn the dogs
loose on you. They will find out who you really are, file suit in
court and take everything you own. After you are living in a
cardboard box..without a computer...then OTHER people "might
visit you and then..well...you wont like the end result..course you
wont have much ability to like or dislike at that point...but I

But before that...we will enjoy a complete resume on you..yes..I will
post everything we can discover about you, age, height, weight, eye
color police and medical history, lifestyle, lovers, assets, debits
and even your shoe size. We will even post a list of all the pysch
meds you take daily. It will become Public Record. You will have to go
to ground and not be seen on Usenet ever again.

Sure you want to keep this up? So far you have been a hysterically
funny part of Usenet..but you are well into actionable practices , etc
etc. on a level outside of Usenet. Now its a given you are a fudge
packer..but that is not actionable..ie causing your clients to look
elsewhere when services are bid. In fact..you dont work.

Now if you want to call me a "Far Rightwing etc etc etc"...feel free.
Sullying my professional reputation will earn you poverty followed by
a bad ending.

There was a gent here who tried that about 15 yrs ago..posting that I
was claiming to be a "Profesional/Certified Engineer" and signing me
up for various magazine subscriptions etc..using fraudulant ID etc and
then complained to the state about "my fraud"..and forcing the State
of California to do an investigation on my "business and practices".

(Grin). When it was discovered that I hadnt done any of that...he
was handled badly by the state. Very badly. We dont see him on Usenet
anymore..not for 10 yrs in fact. He may have drunk himself to death by
now..shrug..who knows..who cares...shrug again.

The investigators told me I had really really good grounds to sue the
snot out of him..they had of course discovered who he was and I was
informed to his Identity...sub rosa. Because he too used a "hidden
identity" here on usenet to do the same thing you are trying. When he
took it to Real Life...things changed dramatically. Sadly for him.

I had lawyers coming out of the woodwork asking if I wanted to sue him
for several million dollars. Given he was a drunk and only had pocket
change..there was no point to doing that... I declined. 50% of nothing
was still nothing.

In your case...I wont decline. In fact..Ill have several of my
friends/clients sign statements that your postings gave them pause and
decided that they didnt want my services...and you will become
homeless in very..very short order.

Shrug..so be it. Keep it up..and this will turn into something more
than buffoonery here on Usenet. You have been warned. I wont repeat
the warning.

Call me anything you wish. Question my morality, intelligence etc etc
all you want. Here on Usenet..its paper battles. Make a claim that
WILLl effect my business...or worse yet..try taking it public outside
of Usenet...I will indeed..bury you in law suits and
ultimately...several feet of dirt. You do understand that a simple
Google search will find ALL of your posts in this vein..right? You do
know that this is no longer a completly seperate community in an
obscure portion of the Web...right?

Up to you. Your choice. Use it wisely. Or get a razor blade to slit
your wrists when you discover you bit off more than you planned.
Shrug...how far do you want to go before you discover you trapped
yourself in a world of shit? You are obviously not smart enough to
"not step over the line". I can toe it..but I NEVER cross it.
Something you should have learned decades ago when you decided to
become a Troll.

This is your only warning.

Have a very..very thoughtful day. Ponder your actions well.

Mark "GunnerAsch" Wieber, Owner
Coyote Engineering
Based in Taft, California
OmniTurn CNC lathe specialist
General Machine shop repair and services
Air, Power, Mechanical

Serving Central and Southern California since 1996

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
Jonathan Ball-Hendrie
2018-02-05 22:24:23 UTC
Post by Gunner Asch
I've had to fight to keep a new accountant from trying to sell off the
lab's electronic components supply.
Might be true in a state with an inventory tax, but California doesn't
have one.
It has an Asset Tax.
It doesn't have any kind of tax that would cover "a shit ton of nuts,
bolts and fasteners of all sorts..plus material that they were made of",
you congenitally lying *thief*. You just keep digging up one nugget of
bullshit after another, *THIEF*.
Sure it does.
So please.show that Ive stolen anything. Please show who Ive stolen
things from and when I did as you claim.
Double dog dare you.
This is at least the 5th time Ive requested proof of your claims. So
far..Ive had no proof of any sort provided to my request.
Oh..I should mention..Im going to start providing company names and
contact info that anyone here can use to check up on your claims.
Say..did you see the 2000 + pounds of welding rod and MIG & TIG wire
that Ive been given?
And a few welding machines I was given (several in above links..more
Now you do know that I have a vested interest in "good reputation" and
continuing to claim Im a *thief* can be used to sue the snot out of
you in a court of law..right?
Keep it up..and it will be become VERY profitable to turn the dogs
loose on you. They will find out who you really are, file suit in
court and take everything you own. After you are living in a
cardboard box..without a computer...then OTHER people "might
visit you and then..well...you wont like the end result..course you
wont have much ability to like or dislike at that point...but I
But before that...we will enjoy a complete resume on you..yes..I will
post everything we can discover about you, age, height, weight, eye
color police and medical history, lifestyle, lovers, assets, debits
and even your shoe size. We will even post a list of all the pysch
meds you take daily. It will become Public Record. You will have to go
to ground and not be seen on Usenet ever again.
Sure you want to keep this up? So far you have been a hysterically
funny part of Usenet..but you are well into actionable practices , etc
etc. on a level outside of Usenet. Now its a given you are a fudge
packer..but that is not actionable..ie causing your clients to look
elsewhere when services are bid. In fact..you dont work.
Now if you want to call me a "Far Rightwing etc etc etc"...feel free.
Sullying my professional reputation will earn you poverty followed by
a bad ending.
There was a gent here who tried that about 15 yrs ago..posting that I
was claiming to be a "Profesional/Certified Engineer" and signing me
up for various magazine subscriptions etc..using fraudulant ID etc and
then complained to the state about "my fraud"..and forcing the State
of California to do an investigation on my "business and practices".
(Grin). When it was discovered that I hadnt done any of that...he
was handled badly by the state. Very badly. We dont see him on Usenet
anymore..not for 10 yrs in fact. He may have drunk himself to death by
now..shrug..who knows..who cares...shrug again.
The investigators told me I had really really good grounds to sue the
snot out of him..they had of course discovered who he was and I was
informed to his Identity...sub rosa. Because he too used a "hidden
identity" here on usenet to do the same thing you are trying. When he
took it to Real Life...things changed dramatically. Sadly for him.
I had lawyers coming out of the woodwork asking if I wanted to sue him
for several million dollars. Given he was a drunk and only had pocket
change..there was no point to doing that... I declined. 50% of nothing
was still nothing.
In your case...I wont decline. In fact..Ill have several of my
friends/clients sign statements that your postings gave them pause and
decided that they didnt want my services...and you will become
homeless in very..very short order.
Shrug..so be it. Keep it up..and this will turn into something more
than buffoonery here on Usenet. You have been warned. I wont repeat
the warning.
Call me anything you wish. Question my morality, intelligence etc etc
all you want. Here on Usenet..its paper battles. Make a claim that
WILLl effect my business...or worse yet..try taking it public outside
of Usenet...I will indeed..bury you in law suits and
ultimately...several feet of dirt. You do understand that a simple
Google search will find ALL of your posts in this vein..right? You do
know that this is no longer a completly seperate community in an
obscure portion of the Web...right?
Up to you. Your choice. Use it wisely. Or get a razor blade to slit
your wrists when you discover you bit off more than you planned.
Shrug...how far do you want to go before you discover you trapped
yourself in a world of shit? You are obviously not smart enough to
"not step over the line". I can toe it..but I NEVER cross it.
Something you should have learned decades ago when you decided to
become a Troll.
This is your only warning.
Have a very..very thoughtful day. Ponder your actions well.
Mark "GunnerAsch" Wieber, Owner
Coyote Engineering
Based in Taft, California
OmniTurn CNC lathe specialist
General Machine shop repair and services
Air, Power, Mechanical
Serving Central and Southern California since 1996
The troll who is attacking your business is Jonathan Ball using his
allegedly closed Easynews account and aioe.

Recognize his signature line:

"That's settled."

Easynews will answer a subpoena if you direct one to them.
Gunner Asch
2018-02-06 10:20:30 UTC
Post by Gunner Asch
Now you do know that I have a vested interest in "good reputation" and
Oh, fuck me sideways with a swordfish, but that was just fucking hilarious!
Your reputation is as a congenital liar, a dole scrounger, a dumpster
diver, and a serial cuckold.
Continue as you wish, just never call me a thief.
So congenital liar, dole-scrounger, dumpster-diver and serial cuckold -
*ALL* of which you are, as you readily admit - are acceptable, but
*THIEF* is unacceptable? Is that what you're agreeing? Seriously? So,
you're a congenital liar, dole-scrounger, dumpster-diver and serial
cuckold, and you stipulate to that. That's...interesting.
All of the names you call me are lies and provably so. However..none
of them will harm me visa vis my business.

*Thief* is a lie as well, you still have yet to come up with any
examples of anything Ive stolen, any proofs of this nor any victims

But hey..go ahead. Do as you wish.

However..that being said...pick out whatever cardboard box you would
like to live in before starting up again.

Im not kidding in the slightest bit about this.
Your choice, use it wisely.


This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
Al Feldhauser
2022-12-20 21:46:12 UTC
Post by Gunner Asch
In your case...I wont decline. In fact..Ill have several of my
friends/clients sign statements that your postings gave them pause and
decided that they didnt want my services...and you will become
homeless in very..very short order.

My lawyer now has a copy of that statement with full headers in his office safe.
So much for your "witnesses"...
