Bob Costas apparently doesn't think the kooks have taken over the Democrat Party
(too old to reply)
Dastardly Dan
2023-04-23 03:04:11 UTC
When are the Democrat leaders going to stand up to the likes of AOC,
the Squad, Jayapal, etc., etc. Those people are every bit as crazy as
anybody in the GOP.
Of course they will not because they are wimps afraid of social media.
Musk has the lefties by the balls right now. GOP get off your asses and
take advantage of it.
2023-04-23 03:29:45 UTC
When are the Democrat leaders going to stand up to the likes of AOC,
the Squad, Jayapal, etc., etc. Those people are every bit as crazy as
anybody in the GOP.
Tucker Carlson felated me for $15.

He does it without even thinking about it now.
2023-04-23 19:08:38 UTC
When are the Democrat leaders going to stand up to the likes of AOC,
the Squad, Jayapal, etc., etc. Those people are every bit as crazy as
anybody in the GOP
Looks like the usually reasonable and informed (at least when he's
talking sports) Costas had a brain fart, those three and the few others
in "etc. etc." aren't representative of the Democratic majority the way
the crazies in the GOP are representative of their majority these days.

And they have been stood up to by Pelosi and Jeffries...

Governor Swill
2023-04-24 01:18:57 UTC
Post by Dastardly Dan
When are the Democrat leaders going to stand up to the likes of AOC,
the Squad, Jayapal, etc., etc. Those people are every bit as crazy as
anybody in the GOP.
Of course they will not because they are wimps afraid of social media.
Musk has the lefties by the balls right now. GOP get off your asses and
take advantage of it.
"This is not a question of being conservative or being Republican. This is lunacy, they’ve
descended into madness," Costas said. "People, whose only objective is their next
appearance on Fox News, hold congressional seats and have sway within the party. They all
live in fear of Trump. It’s a cult. It’s not a principle, it’s not a philosophy, it’s no
longer a party so much as it is a cult.

“Some of them are just bat-bleep crazy, the Marjorie Taylor Greenes of the world, but
others are just so spineless and cowardly. And so, in fear of what turning on Trump and
even acknowledging this madness would cause, that they bite their tongues, or they say
things that they should know better or they don’t really believe in…and Fox News could
have been a corrective to that if Fox News said, ‘We lean right, but this isn’t true. This
is wrong.’ They not only made Trump their hero, but they vilified anyone who criticized

*standing ovation*

Fox was indeed in a position to unite America. All they had to do was tell the truth
about the Big lie.

The Republican Party has died and been succeeded by right wing maniacs who embrace
conspiracy theory, Nazism and White Supremacy. Mainstream Republicans have lost control
of their Party and it's as much Rupert Murdoch's fault as anybody.

Too bad the two Parties can't dump their extremists and get back to governing the country.

Trump hat: "Barak Obama had a big part of 9/11."
Klepper: "Which part?"
Trump hat: "Not being around, always on vacation, never in the office."
Klepper: "Why do you think Barak Obama wasn't in the Oval Office on 9/11?"
Trump hat: "That, I don't know, but I'd like to get to the bottom of that."

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