Face masks may raise risk of stillbirths, testicular dysfunction and cognitive decline due to build-up of carbon dioxide, study warns
(too old to reply)
Jade Helm
2023-04-23 18:25:07 UTC

Face masks may raise the risk of stillbirths, testicular dysfunction and
cognitive decline in children, 'explosive' new research suggests.

A review of dozens of studies on face coverings suggested they can cause
mild carbon dioxide poisoning when worn over long periods.

The German academics who carried out the research believe masks create a
pocket of dead space between the mouth and mask, which traps the toxic gas.

They say the build-up of CO2 in pregnant women's bodies could cause
complications for the unborn fetus. They point out that CO2 also
contributes to oxidative stress, which can affect cognition and cause
testicular issues in men.

Alluding to the surge in stillbirths during the pandemic, the German
researchers said: 'Circumstantial evidence exists that popular mask use
may be related to current observations of a significant rise of 28
percent to 33 percent in stillbirths worldwide.'

'[And] reduced verbal, motor, and overall cognitive performance of two
full standard deviations in scores in children born during the
pandemic,' the researchers wrote in the paper, published in the journal

But the study could not conclusively prove that the masks were directly
responsible for any of these complications.

Dr Stuart Fischer, an emergency care physician in New York, questioned
whether there was a 'toxic buildup' of CO2.

He said: 'I wouldn’t say this happens, because the body adjusts the pH,
the acid/base balance very quickly. Respiratory acidosis due to
facemasks is unlikely although short-term side effects might affect
people with chronic lung disease.'

The German research team gathered data from 43 previously published
studies on exposure to CO2, mask-wearing and pregnancy.

They found that after wearing a mask for more than five minutes, CO2
levels in the inhaled air rose to between 1.4 percent and 3.2 percent.

One mask study conducted in Germany, researchers measured the CO2
concentration of air behind surgical masks worn by 15 healthy men.
Within 30 minutes, the CO2 concentration rose to roughly 2.8-3.2 percent.

In another study in Italy, scientists measured the air under surgical
masks worn in a lab and found a concentration between 0.22 and 0.29
percent within five minutes.

Masks provide breathing resistance and create a dead space that traps
CO2, leading to more inhaled and re-breathed CO2, the reviewers said.

The gas makes up around 0.04 percent of all inhaled air, for comparison,
and the Department of Agriculture said safe levels should be below 0.5
percent for eight-hour exposure.

The researchers then looked at studies that focused on the effect of
similar CO2 levels on animals such as mice and rats.

Mammals such as mice and rats with prolonged exposed to 0.3 percent
carbon dioxide gave birth to offspring which had 'irreversible neuron
damage', the review found.

In total, the researchers looked at studies dating back from the start
of the scientific databases they searched until November 30, 2021.

Masks make 'little to no difference' to Covid infections, massive study

Masks made 'little to no difference' to Covid infection or death rates,
according to one of the most comprehensive meta-analyses of face coverings.

The main caveat of the research is that the studies looking at the
potential toxic effects of carbon dioxide are animal studies - because
these experiments would not be ethical in humans.

The researchers also noted that none of the studies in their review
looked directly at mask use and miscarriages, infertility and
neurodevelopment disorders.

The researchers also noted that the exact effects of toxic levels of CO2
on unborn life is not known in great detail.

Carbon dioxide is known to contribute to oxidative stress, which the
researchers suggested would hinder fetal development.

Dr Kevin Bass, cell and molecular biology PhD student, said on Twitter
that the new paper was 'explosive'.

But he said: 'We do not have any good evidence in pregnant women... of
the long-term effects of mask-wearing and therefore no evidence that
these effects occur in women.'

He added: 'All we have are animal studies and a clear indication that
changes in CO2 concentrations do occur in mask-wearing women.'

Stillbirths and pregnancy complications rose during the Covid pandemic,
and preeclampsia and other pregnancy complications were blamed on the virus.

Factors other than mask-wearing are likely to be at play, such as
hospital closures and delayed care.

It comes after three years of fierce debate about the effectiveness of

The biggest review by the Cochrane Institute, the 'gold standard' of
evidence-based reviews, based in London, found they made little to no
difference to infections but smaller studies suggest there is a lower
risk of catching Covid.

Mask mandates on transportation systems in America were backed by
penalties of up to $3,000 for repeat offenders.

Former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases Dr Anthony Fauci initially advised people not to wear masks,
which he later claimed because he was concerned there would not be
enough for healthcare workers.

He went on to advise that everyone should wear a mask.

You voted for student loan forgiveness. You got demographic replacement
and World War 3.

"Title 8, U.S.C. § 1324(a) defines several distinct offenses related to
aliens. Subsection 1324(a)(1)(i)-(v) prohibits alien smuggling, domestic
transportation of unauthorized aliens, concealing or harboring
unauthorized aliens, encouraging or inducing unauthorized aliens to
enter the United States, and engaging in a conspiracy or aiding and
abetting any of the preceding acts. Subsection 1324(a)(2) prohibits
bringing or attempting to bring unauthorized aliens to the United States
in any manner whatsoever, even at a designated port of entry. Subsection

Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders is right: The division in our
nation is not between Democrats and Republicans, but it is a war to save
our nation’s values. It is a choice between 'normal and crazy.'

tesla sTinker
2023-05-27 23:48:00 UTC
Post by Jade Helm
Face masks may raise the risk of stillbirths, testicular dysfunction and
cognitive decline in children, 'explosive' new research suggests.
A review of dozens of studies on face coverings suggested they can cause
mild carbon dioxide poisoning when worn over long periods.
The German academics who carried out the research believe masks create a
pocket of dead space between the mouth and mask, which traps the toxic gas.
They say the build-up of CO2 in pregnant women's bodies could cause
complications for the unborn fetus. They point out that CO2 also
contributes to oxidative stress, which can affect cognition and cause
testicular issues in men.
Alluding to the surge in stillbirths during the pandemic, the German
researchers said: 'Circumstantial evidence exists that popular mask use
may be related to current observations of a significant rise of 28
percent to 33 percent in stillbirths worldwide.'
'[And] reduced verbal, motor, and overall cognitive performance of two
full standard deviations in scores in children born during the
pandemic,' the researchers wrote in the paper, published in the journal
But the study could not conclusively prove that the masks were directly
responsible for any of these complications.
Dr Stuart Fischer, an emergency care physician in New York, questioned
whether there was a 'toxic buildup' of CO2.
He said: 'I wouldn’t say this happens, because the body adjusts the pH,
the acid/base balance very quickly. Respiratory acidosis due to
facemasks is unlikely although short-term side effects might affect
people with chronic lung disease.'
The German research team gathered data from 43 previously published
studies on exposure to CO2, mask-wearing and pregnancy.
They found that after wearing a mask for more than five minutes, CO2
levels in the inhaled air rose to between 1.4 percent and 3.2 percent.
One mask study conducted in Germany, researchers measured the CO2
concentration of air behind surgical masks worn by 15 healthy men.
Within 30 minutes, the CO2 concentration rose to roughly 2.8-3.2 percent.
In another study in Italy, scientists measured the air under surgical
masks worn in a lab and found a concentration between 0.22 and 0.29
percent within five minutes.
Masks provide breathing resistance and create a dead space that traps
CO2, leading to more inhaled and re-breathed CO2, the reviewers said.
The gas makes up around 0.04 percent of all inhaled air, for comparison,
and the Department of Agriculture said safe levels should be below 0.5
percent for eight-hour exposure.
The researchers then looked at studies that focused on the effect of
similar CO2 levels on animals such as mice and rats.
Mammals such as mice and rats with prolonged exposed to 0.3 percent
carbon dioxide gave birth to offspring which had 'irreversible neuron
damage', the review found.
In total, the researchers looked at studies dating back from the start
of the scientific databases they searched until November 30, 2021.
Masks make 'little to no difference' to Covid infections, massive study
Masks made 'little to no difference' to Covid infection or death rates,
according to one of the most comprehensive meta-analyses of face coverings.
The main caveat of the research is that the studies looking at the
potential toxic effects of carbon dioxide are animal studies - because
these experiments would not be ethical in humans.
The researchers also noted that none of the studies in their review
looked directly at mask use and miscarriages, infertility and
neurodevelopment disorders.
The researchers also noted that the exact effects of toxic levels of CO2
on unborn life is not known in great detail.
Carbon dioxide is known to contribute to oxidative stress, which the
researchers suggested would hinder fetal development.
Dr Kevin Bass, cell and molecular biology PhD student, said on Twitter
that the new paper was 'explosive'.
But he said: 'We do not have any good evidence in pregnant women... of
the long-term effects of mask-wearing and therefore no evidence that
these effects occur in women.'
He added: 'All we have are animal studies and a clear indication that
changes in CO2 concentrations do occur in mask-wearing women.'
Stillbirths and pregnancy complications rose during the Covid pandemic,
and preeclampsia and other pregnancy complications were blamed on the virus.
Factors other than mask-wearing are likely to be at play, such as
hospital closures and delayed care.
It comes after three years of fierce debate about the effectiveness of
The biggest review by the Cochrane Institute, the 'gold standard' of
evidence-based reviews, based in London, found they made little to no
difference to infections but smaller studies suggest there is a lower
risk of catching Covid.
Mask mandates on transportation systems in America were backed by
penalties of up to $3,000 for repeat offenders.
Former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases Dr Anthony Fauci initially advised people not to wear masks,
which he later claimed because he was concerned there would not be
enough for healthcare workers.
He went on to advise that everyone should wear a mask.
surgeon general Jerome Adams told this country the USA, to not wear
masks. fake president Biden who stolen votes, first thing he did, was
fired him Jerome, Because his bribe to Ukraine was involved in
fracking rip offs of Ukraine, and he did not want someone that knew mask
did nothing, when he can kill have the population making people wear
them. Fact is, its not a virus, it is toxic metals that kill
people, make them have respiratory illnesses, so to all cover it up with
a fake virus/ that way, he can proceed with murder 1.

petroleum coke is highly toxic, arsenic, carcinogenic and is 30 times
smaller than a human hair, and is dermal, goes right through your skin.
And all refinerys should be stopped from being permitted to refine it an
sell it.

K. Wills
2023-05-28 14:06:59 UTC
On Sat, 27 May 2023 16:48:00 -0700, tesla sTinker
Post by tesla sTinker
surgeon general Jerome Adams told this country the USA, to not wear
"Even if you do wear a mask, it can't be at the expense of social
distancing. We don't want people to think, 'Hey, I'm going to wear a
face covering, so it's appropriate for me to go around other people.'
The most important thing to do is for people to stay at home."
-- Dr. Jerome Adams
Post by tesla sTinker
fake president Biden who stolen votes,
Odd that after all these years, NO evidence of vote theft has
been produced.
Post by tesla sTinker
first thing he did, was fired him Jerome,
He resigned. This isn't a secret. And it's common for members of
one administration to resigns when a new administration takes over.
Post by tesla sTinker
Because his bribe to Ukraine was involved in
fracking rip offs of Ukraine, and he did not want someone that knew mask
did nothing, when he can kill have the population making people wear
How would helping to reduce exposure kill people? Include VALID
cites. No conspiracy bunk will be accepted.
Post by tesla sTinker
Fact is, its not a virus,
Yes, it is.
Post by tesla sTinker
it is toxic metals that kill
They certainly can, and often do, kill people.
Post by tesla sTinker
make them have respiratory illnesses,
Some. Not all, of course.
Post by tesla sTinker
so to all cover it up with
a fake virus/ that way, he can proceed with murder 1.
Um, the Corona virus came into being during the Trump
administration. So it would have to have been Trump who wanted to
"proceed with murder 1."
Post by tesla sTinker
petroleum coke is highly toxic,
It can be.
Post by tesla sTinker
I realize you have less than an eighth grade education, but
surely you know arsenic isn't petroleum coke.
Post by tesla sTinker
carcinogenic and is 30 times
Why lie about this, knowing you'll be exposed for the liar you
are? I really do want to know.

Petroleum coke, the bottom-of-the-barrel leftover from refining
Canadian tar sands crude and other heavy oils, is cheaper and burns
hotter than coal. But it also contains more planet-warming carbon and
far more heart- and lung-damaging sulfur — a key reason few American
companies use it.


Sulfur will certainly cause damage in large quantities, but it's
not a carcinogen. Again, you PROVE you won't permit the truth to be a
Post by tesla sTinker
smaller than a human hair, and is dermal, goes right through your skin.
And all refinerys should be stopped from being permitted to refine it an
sell it.
Petroleum coke is sometimes a source of fine dust, which can penetrate
the filtering process of the human airway, lodge in the lungs and
cause serious health problems. Studies have shown that petroleum coke
itself has a low level of toxicity and there is no evidence of

Strategic Writer.
Psychotronic World Dominator.
And FEMA camp activities director.
tesla sTinker
2023-05-28 20:04:27 UTC
your a fucking liar. why do you talk to me when you know i know
your a fucking liar.
Post by K. Wills
On Sat, 27 May 2023 16:48:00 -0700, tesla sTinker
Post by tesla sTinker
surgeon general Jerome Adams told this country the USA, to not wear
"Even if you do wear a mask, it can't be at the expense of social
distancing. We don't want people to think, 'Hey, I'm going to wear a
face covering, so it's appropriate for me to go around other people.'
The most important thing to do is for people to stay at home."
-- Dr. Jerome Adams
Post by tesla sTinker
fake president Biden who stolen votes,
Odd that after all these years, NO evidence of vote theft has
been produced.
Post by tesla sTinker
first thing he did, was fired him Jerome,
He resigned. This isn't a secret. And it's common for members of
one administration to resigns when a new administration takes over.
Post by tesla sTinker
Because his bribe to Ukraine was involved in
fracking rip offs of Ukraine, and he did not want someone that knew mask
did nothing, when he can kill have the population making people wear
How would helping to reduce exposure kill people? Include VALID
cites. No conspiracy bunk will be accepted.
Post by tesla sTinker
Fact is, its not a virus,
Yes, it is.
Post by tesla sTinker
it is toxic metals that kill
They certainly can, and often do, kill people.
Post by tesla sTinker
make them have respiratory illnesses,
Some. Not all, of course.
Post by tesla sTinker
so to all cover it up with
a fake virus/ that way, he can proceed with murder 1.
Um, the Corona virus came into being during the Trump
administration. So it would have to have been Trump who wanted to
"proceed with murder 1."
Post by tesla sTinker
petroleum coke is highly toxic,
It can be.
Post by tesla sTinker
I realize you have less than an eighth grade education, but
surely you know arsenic isn't petroleum coke.
Post by tesla sTinker
carcinogenic and is 30 times
Why lie about this, knowing you'll be exposed for the liar you
are? I really do want to know.
Petroleum coke, the bottom-of-the-barrel leftover from refining
Canadian tar sands crude and other heavy oils, is cheaper and burns
hotter than coal. But it also contains more planet-warming carbon and
far more heart- and lung-damaging sulfur — a key reason few American
companies use it.
Sulfur will certainly cause damage in large quantities, but it's
not a carcinogen. Again, you PROVE you won't permit the truth to be a
Post by tesla sTinker
smaller than a human hair, and is dermal, goes right through your skin.
And all refinerys should be stopped from being permitted to refine it an
sell it.
Petroleum coke is sometimes a source of fine dust, which can penetrate
the filtering process of the human airway, lodge in the lungs and
cause serious health problems. Studies have shown that petroleum coke
itself has a low level of toxicity and there is no evidence of
K. Wills
2023-05-30 08:07:06 UTC
On Sun, 28 May 2023 13:04:27 -0700, tesla sTinker
Post by K. Wills
On Sat, 27 May 2023 16:48:00 -0700, tesla sTinker
Post by tesla sTinker
surgeon general Jerome Adams told this country the USA, to not wear
"Even if you do wear a mask, it can't be at the expense of social
distancing. We don't want people to think, 'Hey, I'm going to wear a
face covering, so it's appropriate for me to go around other people.'
The most important thing to do is for people to stay at home."
-- Dr. Jerome Adams
Post by tesla sTinker
fake president Biden who stolen votes,
Odd that after all these years, NO evidence of vote theft has
been produced.
Post by tesla sTinker
first thing he did, was fired him Jerome,
He resigned. This isn't a secret. And it's common for members of
one administration to resigns when a new administration takes over.
Post by tesla sTinker
Because his bribe to Ukraine was involved in
fracking rip offs of Ukraine, and he did not want someone that knew mask
did nothing, when he can kill have the population making people wear
How would helping to reduce exposure kill people? Include VALID
cites. No conspiracy bunk will be accepted.
Post by tesla sTinker
Fact is, its not a virus,
Yes, it is.
Post by tesla sTinker
it is toxic metals that kill
They certainly can, and often do, kill people.
Post by tesla sTinker
make them have respiratory illnesses,
Some. Not all, of course.
Post by tesla sTinker
so to all cover it up with
a fake virus/ that way, he can proceed with murder 1.
Um, the Corona virus came into being during the Trump
administration. So it would have to have been Trump who wanted to
"proceed with murder 1."
Post by tesla sTinker
petroleum coke is highly toxic,
It can be.
Post by tesla sTinker
I realize you have less than an eighth grade education, but
surely you know arsenic isn't petroleum coke.
Post by tesla sTinker
carcinogenic and is 30 times
Why lie about this, knowing you'll be exposed for the liar you
are? I really do want to know.
Petroleum coke, the bottom-of-the-barrel leftover from refining
Canadian tar sands crude and other heavy oils, is cheaper and burns
hotter than coal. But it also contains more planet-warming carbon and
far more heart- and lung-damaging sulfur — a key reason few American
companies use it.
Sulfur will certainly cause damage in large quantities, but it's
not a carcinogen. Again, you PROVE you won't permit the truth to be a
Post by tesla sTinker
smaller than a human hair, and is dermal, goes right through your skin.
And all refinerys should be stopped from being permitted to refine it an
sell it.
Petroleum coke is sometimes a source of fine dust, which can penetrate
the filtering process of the human airway, lodge in the lungs and
cause serious health problems. Studies have shown that petroleum coke
itself has a low level of toxicity and there is no evidence of
Um, tesla? You do know you should include SOMETHING when you
reply, right?
Or are you ensuring my exposing your outright LIES remains
archived? If this is the reason, fine. I do use X-No-Archive, so you
may want to ensure your lies being exposed doesn't disappear forever.
Another option is that your lack of education makes a reply
impossible for you. Only you can know which option is the one.
If you see a REALISTIC option I don't, present it.
Strategic Writer.
Psychotronic World Dominator.
And FEMA camp activities director.