E J Carroll is a stinking mackerel cunt lying whore
(too old to reply)
Randal Scripter
2023-05-10 03:14:51 UTC
And everybody knows it.
TrumpRape 2024
2023-05-10 03:40:11 UTC
Post by Randal Scripter
And everybody knows it.
Damn good that Trump taught her a lesson and raped her, eh?
Siri Cruise
2023-05-10 18:55:57 UTC
Post by Randal Scripter
And everybody knows it.
I see you're working hard on getting women to vote magoo.
Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
The Church of the Holey Apple .signature 2.L / \
of Discordian Mysteries. This post insults Islam. Mohammed
2023-05-10 19:40:48 UTC
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by Randal Scripter
And everybody knows it.
I see you're working hard on getting women to vote magoo.
Women have some choices to make.

Vote for the party who wants to enable them kill their babies, or vote for
the same party who wants to kill them as a gender.

Then there are the Republicans who support women standing up for
themselves, but are also asking them to be more responsible, while
defending their right to be called a female or woman.

Pick your poison, sweety.
Governor Swill
2023-05-11 01:11:39 UTC
Post by Vance
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by Randal Scripter
And everybody knows it.
I see you're working hard on getting women to vote magoo.
Women have some choices to make.
Vote for the party who wants to enable them kill their babies, or vote for
the same party who wants to kill them as a gender.
Then there are the Republicans who support women standing up for
themselves, but are also asking them to be more responsible, while
defending their right to be called a female or woman.
Pick your poison, sweety.
They have. Abortion legislation is failing all over red America, most famously in Kansas
and South Carolina. The 2022 elections failed to deliver the dramatic 'red wave' that was
expected in the wake of Dobbs.

"Poison is running through our democracy and parts of the extreme press. Truth, buried by lies.
and lies living on as truth. Lies told for profit and power. Lies and conspiracy and malice
repeated over and over and over again, designed to generate a cycle of hate and even violence.
A cycle that emboldens, history to be buried, books to be banned, children and families to be
attacked by the State, the rule of law and our rights and freedoms to be stripped away.
Where elected representatives of the people are expelled from Statehouses for standing for the people.
I've made clear that we know in our bones, and you know it too, our democracy remains at risk.
But I've also made it clear, as I've seen throughout my life, it's within our power, each and every one of us
to preserve our democracy. We can, we must, we will." -- President Biden at the 2023 Whitehouse Correspondent's Dinner

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine! Putin is a condom!

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